Something needs to change (… I can’t keep doing this)

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Hey everyone, I’m Abbey Sharp! Welcome to Abbey’s Kitchen. In today's video we are going to get personal and vulnerable, but also there is some very important science and key lessons to be learned so watch all the way if hustle mentality has got you down.

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1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
5) Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and ring the little bell so you never miss out!


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If you liked this video, please leave me a comment below with your thoughts and let me know who you want me to review next!

With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸

Leroy Johnson

  • @therapywithdestanie6598 says:

    Hope that all good things come to you and even though you may not feel like it your doing amazing. As a mom and everything else in between. Wishing you all good things. Sending love and prayers from Texas.

  • @cjsfunbun says:

    I’m so happy you’re going to make changes for the better of you ! You got this. ❤🎉 we love you but we love you prioritizing yourself.

  • @alliemay6076 says:

    I find this such an interesting topic. I work in healthcare. Many workers in my field are working multiple jobs. A lot of that is because they’re immigrants and they have family back home that they’re supporting, or they are trying to bring them here to Canada. But I also see people that are young and working their asses off for expensive cars, the latest IPhone, vacations and trips, eating out and getting Starbucks all the time. They’re young and they look tired and burnt out. I don’t even work full time, I have a humble house with a small mortgage and a husband who also pays half the bills, and generally we are happy and have minimal stress. People forget that life can just be what YOU want it be, without the need to impress others or have things you can’t afford. If I have to work overtime to buy something, I don’t think I can afford it. My physical and mental health is worth more.

    • @AbbeysKitchen says:

      Love this perspective, you get to choose what’s worth it to you

    • @prettyslowplaces says:

      Same situation- came down here to say a similar version. I stopped working full time in healthcare for the
      same reason. Husband and I are just choosing quiet, slow, less things kind of life.

    • @21972012145525 says:

      Ok but why does Starbucks cost so much is the question? Because the workers make less than you do in healthcare. Corporate profits and greed needs to stop

    • @21972012145525 says:

      I find it weird people blame Starbucks for their second job, but not the CEO of Starbucks wanting to buy their 30th yatch

    • @meganredress4238 says:

      This sounds like the wisdom of a woman with some life experience. Give those young girls time, they will stop keeping up with the Jones eventually.

  • @autiecreates says:

    Abbey, thank you for your vulnerability here. Your emotions and experiences are so relatable, and it was validating to see the research you shared. Fully support you slowing down on production (good chance to re-watch your other videos!), and best wishes for all these positive changes in your life. 💜

  • @poonslayer69666 says:

    Glad you’re putting yourself and your family first. You never need to ask the internet for permission to take a break. We’ll be here when you get back.

    • @AbbeysKitchen says:

      My audience is the best❤❤❤

    • @kelliazzam1594 says:

      I completely agree that you, Miss Abby, are just as deserving as your audience of resting and recharging your battery. We love you!

    • @kelliazzam1594 says:

      I completely agree, Miss Abbey, that you are just as deserving as your audience is of resting and recharging your battery. We all love you!

  • @Ourse82Grizzli says:

    I used to have a similar issue to yours (waking up really early and work… More out of anxiety induced insomnia than anything). What I found helpful to get rid of the guilt of this “wasted time in bed since I can’t sleep anyway”, was to take resting as a task. It may sound counter intuitive, but if you are task driven or oriented towards productivity and that ruins your sleep, taking resting as a task to be done can trick your brain and stop the hamster wheel spinning with “I should be working right now” or “I should be doing x, y, or z”. If I wake up at 3 am and can’t sleep because I am thinking of things I have to do, I start thinking: “I am busy right now, doing this very important task of repairing my body.” I try to visualize cells being repaired by sleep and more often than not, it helps me drift back to sleep until my kids wake up.

    • @AbbeysKitchen says:

      Thanks for sharing this!!

    • @_oaktree_ says:

      I used to really struggle with insomnia, and still sometimes wake up earlier than I want and need to. One thing I’ve used as a mantra is “resting is almost as good as sleeping”. The point being: it’s important to rest the body (and mind!) even if you’re not literally asleep. So staying in bed is fine, even if you are awake. But it’s also important not to just get on your phone while in bed and go on social media or read the news, because that is not mentally restful. Even looking at chill stuff on instagram (like kitten videos) is very activating to the nervous system, from what I’ve heard, just because of the nature of social media app design. Read a book (on a paper-style e-reader or actual print, ideally) is far better.

  • @Ourse82Grizzli says:

    In 2020, I started intentionally wearing my work uniform while I was working at home, even if it was not mandated by my work. It was an indication to my toddler that I was working, because I was wearing work clothes… Then when I took it off and got in my pj or whatever comfy clothes, it was a message for me: “You’re done working. Don’t look at your emails or phone.” and it allowed me better quality time with my family.

  • @jenmessier2195 says:

    Love you so much Abbey this hits home… 48 with a 9 year old., struggling with and ED, verbal abuse in my marriage and the realization that menopause is prob on my door in the next few years! I am struggling with debating serious changes in my life…. like a complete upheaval

  • @tammihinkley8428 says:

    I am a patent educator, and in one of our meetings last week with I literally brought up how much I hate the pressure we put on parents that you only have them for 18 years. While this is true in some ways, if you love and nurture your kiddos, you get to have them as a part of your life until you leave this life. I am going on vacation with my 26 year old daughter and her husband next week. She calls me most days, and my son and I also have a close relationship. Yes, cherish your baby’s and kids while they live at home. But don’t pressure yourself that you have such a limited time to teach then everything and make all the memories in just 18 years.

  • @jules9185 says:

    Enjoy your break Abbey. We will all be here whenever you feel ready. X

  • @braveandbookish9626 says:

    The fact that you felt like you had to make an entire dissertation stating your case to take a vacation… makes me want to throw up. Girl. Go dark. Do what you have to. You owe us no explanation.

  • @Annique says:

    I hit a pretty lengthy autistic burnout last year, at age 33, damn near that 32. Ground myself down physically and mentally but delayed seeking help because I’m terrible at that, until the inevitable happened and I crashed. The day I hold it against someone that they take a break to spare their sanity, you can go ahead and doubt MY sanity. Do what you have to do and take care of yourself Abbey, youtube will still be here, we’ll still be here.

  • @CallunaNightWolf says:

    I understand. I’m almost 50 with 5 kids. After I was laid off because of COVID I did not go back to the same grind. I work less hours at a less stressful job for a little less pay. It has been a sacrifice financially but what I have gained In other ways far outweighs it❤

  • @margarettsopanarias4816 says:

    Abbey! We love you! Your words often reverberate in my mind as I have learned so much from your channel. I’m 44 with two teens. Take some pressure off about losing your kids. I’m having the best time with my kids right now. I’m 44 and still a Pia to my own mom so you have more time than you think 😂 You’re beautiful inside and out and trust that you will navigate change if that’s what’s in the pipeline for you. Sending you love 💕

  • @thesupremediva says:

    I feel you so much on this as a working mom. It just never stops. I have immense guilt over the amount of time I spend working and on my phone. And over how insanely exhausted I am at the end of a work day, meaning I have so little left to give to my kid. It’s a never-ending, vicious cycle. All these reminders are so helpful and I’ll join you in stepping back and setting better boundaries. We deserve rest. We are NOT our productivity level. We are inherently worthy and don’t have to justify our existence.

  • @laurenschuster2963 says:

    I’m 30, don’t plan on having children but so needed to hear this. I definitely feel myself on the road to burnout and the guilt of not spending enough time with my husband, friends, family, cat. This has motivated me to prioritize my mental health. Thank you for sharing and I hope you enjoy your time off!

  • @Queenofcats36 says:

    Its so hard to stop feeling like we should be doing something. I started getting dressed every morning to make sure I differentiated between nothing and other things

  • @mistyhelena says:

    Have a wonderful break Abbey! I’m currently on a 3 – month break from working due to burnout. It was tricky at first to let myself just do nothing. I’ve been spending a lot of time just in the yard (like just having a cup of tea outside) and watching youtube. After a while I stopped feeling guilty and really allowed myself to rest. Now I’m feeling much better and have the light back in my eyes. I wish you so much rest and recovery 💚

  • @laurie896 says:

    Man, I needed this. I feel like it’s especially hard for moms who work. The pressure to do it all is unreal

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