Advice for New Vegans! (B12, Protein and more)

In this video I address some common concerns many new vegans have that I wish someone explained to me when I first went vegan. . With help from websites like , more people than ever are able to confidently go vegan.
I want to help as many people as possible through their transition because a vegan diet and lifestyle is not only amazing for the human body, but saves countless lives and is the best opportunity we have to save our environment. Please let me know what you think and if you have ANY other questions, please comment below!

Helpful links:

Vegan Doctors, Documentaries and Athletes:




I’m now working with Vedge Nutrition!
Use my code Derek10 for 10% off your order:



Derek Simnett
PO Box 413 Parksville
Parksville, BC


I am Derek Simnett, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and avid nature lover. I love calisthenics and making good food!
Check out my 2 year transformation:


Leroy Johnson

  • B Carp says:

    I hate when people ask “why are you a vegan?” and as soon as you start to explain, they become either disinterested or feel that they need to defend themselves and the way that they live.

  • Amanda Ponder says:

    Been vegan for 4 months now and loving it! Better skin, more energy, better mood, feel good about not contributing as much to environmental damage and not harming animals! 💚🌿

    • Comphy Sync says:

      Good girl 🌿

    • xTrialKx says:

      2 months now for me, I feel better every day

    • K says:

      I don’t got a better skin

    • Tadj & Dejah says:

      I’m 2 weeks and I’m loving it. I doubted myself a lot because I’m not a big vegetable person. But there is so many choices and so many ways you can incorporate veggies and I’m absolutely in love. Now I’m just trynna get to being completely healthy vegan sweets get me every time lol.

    • Lilly of the desert says:

      Amanda Ponder only imagine if this made
      You feel good , how good would you feel if you got in a close relationship with
      You’re creator!??!!!! That would feel even more awesome to praise the creator of all things instead of worshiping the things created, may jesus knock on you’re door Amen 🙏🏻

  • JJ Mac says:

    I did…..went vegan literally overnight…..was diagnosed type 2 diabetes….went vegan and reversed my diabetes in 3 months…!! To start with it was for my health, but it was impossible to ignore the reality of what really happens to animals!! Love your vids…good work Derek

  • Renae Gardner says:

    Pescatarian for 7 years … plant base for 3 weeks now 🌱I am loving it , family members have been calling me crazy but who cares 😀

  • Kanoh B says:

    I went cold turkey and it’s been 13day n I feel awesome meals are easier and quicker to prepare n I’m still experimenting with things and veganizing my traditional African food. I feel healthy inside and I’m loving it

  • Michael cee says:

    had a cancer diagnosis 22 years ago and went vegan overnight. still vegan still alive and healthy. i’m 74 and the cancer is gone i guess. never went back to m. d.

    • ryndon skougard says:

      Awesome Michael I am 51 diagnosed with stage 4 cancer Mets in bones and lymph nodes given only 6 months to live according to my oncologist so I decided to do chemo 6 treatments and now on active surveillance and a plant based diet haven’t looked back and I feel incredibly blessed to have my loving and caring devotion of my wife and family.

    • emmanuel mckoy says:

      @Michael cee could you share a little more about your former cancer a little. i’m doing a essay of sorts on why to go vegan and wanted to get a little insight on someone who actually went vegan and “cured themselves”

    • Michael cee says:

      @ryndon skougard great!!!

  • 小明Ming says:

    Thanks for sharing. I was one of those people who went vegan overnight after watching Earthlings. Over a year now and still learning to make my vegan meals more diverse and tasty, as we all are. Cooking vegan food opens a whole new world for me.

  • BLACK EAGLE says:

    The happiness in your eyes tells everything about being a vegan.

  • Allison L says:

    You literally hit every point/issue I’m dealing with right now (it has been 4ish months). This video is SO ENCOURAGING, and makes me feel much better about myself and the situations I might run into. Thank you so much!!

  • Debzter says:

    Meat free 2 weeks , headaches are gone, back pain is gone and I feel great!!! Game changers helped me see the light!!!

  • Parker DW says:

    9 weeks in. Feel amazing. My digestion has never been this stable and my energy levels are really high. I did slip up a couple times and had eggs at brunch, but Im not too hard on myself for it. We’re not perfect, but doing my absolute best to be animal product free.

  • Pam Palmer says:

    Thank you, this helped me so much! New vegan as of 1/2020. In my late 50s. Everyone can make this change!

  • Pedro Coimbra says:

    I honestly thought that, when I decided that I would start being vegan, the most difficult would be dealing with the food. I’m 20 days in and the most discouraging thing is dealing with other people.

    • MyNameHere says:

      Pedro Coimbra yep

    • Sean says:

      How’s it going?

    • Pedro Coimbra says:

      @Sean I’m still vegan hahaha. Now I’m totally used to it. The only thing that bothers me, is that I used to like pizza a lot. Still trying to find a descent cheese recipe. Hahahahaa

    • Sean says:

      @Pedro Coimbra Great to hear man, where abouts do you live, maybe I can give suggestions. If you live somewhere without access to descent choices I dont mind giving you a few recipes from a really good vegan cookbook i have

    • Pedro Coimbra says:

      @Sean I would love to. I live in a beach in Brazil. Don’t really have access to vegan cheese

  • Elizabeth Hotaling says:

    from meat eaters I often hear, “we have to have some joy in our life and eating delicious food is part of that”. I love this because we now have a common connection! I reply with passion, “YES! You’re right! I agree 100%! Since turning vegan, I have never enjoyed food so much!” I may add: I’ve been having fun exploring and cooking new foods and the flavor is so vibrant and fresh and delicious!

    • Adrian C says:

      I have to have some fucking health and nutrients in my life, I couldn’t give two shits about delicious food and what anemic soyboys think about people who eat meat.

    • ToBMaNTH316th says:

      @Adrian C that the reason you comment on vids about veganism, because you don’t care? Cool cool cool. Cool.

    • Janie Swanson says:

      Meat eaters use a logical and honest approach. People pretending to be vegan have to lie to use their approach.
      Vegan (noun) – a person who does not eat or use animal products.
      You use animal products every time you comment.

    • ToBMaNTH316th says:

      @Janie Swanson actually, using a logical and honest approach to eating and it’s effect on health is what would bring you to the conclusion that it would be better to eat a whole foods plant based diet instead of the standard western diet. If the lifestyle is fully vegan or indirectly killing animals via internet doesn’t make a difference on my health. And even there it is not all or nothing, but harming less animals and using less ressources is always better. No matter your nitpicking about the use of the word vegan.

    • Janie Swanson says:

      @ToBMaNTH316th It’s not my use of the word “vegan.”
      It is the official definition lobbied by the Vegan Society. The inventors of the word.
      So take it up with them.

  • OxNeverQuits says:

    “Even if it is one less day a year that they are eating meat, I think that is a win.” I love how positive you are. Thank you for the inspiration.

  • Andrea Avila says:

    When you said: ” Look at my body now”. My jaw dropped. Your body is the best argument for plant based nutrition ever!

  • orlando gonzalez says:

    Day 5 for me, and my wife. cold turkey I had a buddy talk to me about being vegan then told me to check out “game changers” and “forks over knives” and that was it for us I’m also a big tall guy and want to be healthy! Thanks for the motivation in this video 🤙🏼🌱

  • albérico danilo says:

    today is my fourth day being 100% vegan, i was in a transition of like 2/3 months and now i know that i will never put cruelty in my mouth anymore ❤️

  • Elizabeth Lyman says:

    Here I go!
    Yesterday, something hit me that I just needed to go vegan. Nothing really prompted the thought, it was just a random thought and here I go! First day FULL vegan is tomorrow! My toddler will be doing it with me as well. Hubby- Not so much on board. 🥴 but morally and nutritionally, this is what’s best! ❤️

  • Victoria Walker says:

    So thankful for finding your channel. I am 8 days in still trying to get accustomed to the new journey…thanks for the tips and encouragement!

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