Does Aluminum Cause Alzheimer’s Disease?

Although aluminum isn’t necessarily benign, what convinced me that it does not play a role in Alzheimer's disease? The most vocal critics of the aluminum-and-Alzheimer's hypothesis were secretly-paid industry hacks.

The videos I mentioned are Are Aluminum Pots, Bottles, and Foil Safe? ( ) and Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer ( ).

For more on Alzheimer’s disease, check out:
• The Role of Endotoxins in Alzheimer’s and Dementia ( )
• Pesticides (DDT) and Alzheimer’s Disease ( )
• Reducing Glycotoxin Intake to Prevent Alzheimer’s ( )

I have several videos on the benefits of food for the aging brain. See:
• Treating Alzheimer's with Turmeric ( )
• Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease with Plants ( )
• How to Prevent Alzheimer’s with Diet ( )
• Brain Healthy Foods to Fight Aging ( )
• Benefits of Grapes for Brain Health ( )

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @PokefreakMaster333 says:

    Makes sense tbh, thanks for sharing so we can continue learning!

  • @jennifersanteler1063 says:

    How about aluminum foil?

    • @87solarsky says:

      Acidic foods will dissolve aluminum from aluminum foil and contaminate the food stuffs wrapped into the foil.

    • @sdovhfunlahsvisegbakshfjbs4621 says:

      Physically, there would also be problems with aluminum foil, especially when used to bake/cook/grill at high temperatures, when in contact with certain acids (including those in food), and when scraped with spoons/forks etc..
      But I would not say that plastic/silicone/PTFE (PFAS, BPA, …) stuff is any better. I only rely on glass and stainless steel from trusted sources. Wood as well, like spoons, spatulas, cutting boards, but only when able to sanitize properly, especially when cutting chicken – yet another topic of concern.
      Anyway, life is deadly. No one I know has lived past it.

    • @lasvegasbeet says:

      @@sdovhfunlahsvisegbakshfjbs4621 none of us here eat meat

    • @lasvegasbeet says:

      OP don’t use aluminum foil.

    • @somebodyyouusedtokow says:

      In cooking is fine it has a protective layer but risk comes when you pierce it and then heat it for example when young people smoke herbs through it 😅

  • @annaj.4740 says:

    Thanks a lot 🌹

  • @IAMLove33 says:

    🌞 blessings ❤️‍🔥

  • @bp6877 says:

    The cruelty done to animals in the name of medical research is difficult to reconcile; it pains me whenever I hear or learn of it. Awful, just awful.

  • @Joda30088 says:

    So Dr. G what about the aluminum in a lot of vaccines that go straight to the bloodstream and potentially cross the blood brain barrier, could that cause alzheimer’s?

    • @lasvegasbeet says:

      which vax has aluminum

    • @dianeladico1769 says:

      @@lasvegasbeet Here you go:
      Anthrax, DT, DTaP (Daptacel), DTaP (Infanrix), DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix), DTaP-IPV (Kinrix), DTaP-IPV (Quadracel), DTaP –IPV/Hib (Pentacel), DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB (VAXELIS), HepA (Havrix), HepA (Vaqta), HepB (Engerix-B), HepB (PREHEVBRIO), HepB (Recombivax), HepA/HepB (Twinrix), HIB (PedvaxHIB), HPV (Gardasil 9), Japanese encephalitis (Ixiaro), MenB (Bexsero, Trumenba), Pneumococcal (Prevnar 13, Prevnar 20, VAXNEUVANCE), Td (Tenivac), Td (Mass Biologics), Td (no trade name), Tdap (Adacel), Tdap (Boostrix), Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TICOVAC)
      But considering the small volume that’s injected and the low concentration of Al in the vaccine and the low frequency of getting vaccinated it’s really like spitting in the ocean.

    • @planetguantanamo says:

      @@lasvegasbeet ALL OF THEM! plus the chemtrails you are constantly bombarded with. WTFU!

  • @Bhil3 says:

    Very interesting!

  • @Technoriety says:

    Some rice cooker devices have aluminum inner lids. There’s a water cycle inside these machines, where steam evaporates from the rice, then runs along the aluminum lid before dripping down into the rice again. While not an acidic environment, I think it’s better to avoid rice cookers with aluminum lids.

  • @wanda18221 says:

    Dr John McDougall, may he RIP, did a talk on aluminum in which he says that the worst way to take in aluminum is through breathing it in. For example spray deodorants with aluminum are bad because there is a greater risk of breathing it in which can lead to brain deterioration.

  • @lasvegasbeet says:

    Oy, got to see if my InstantPot is stainless steel 😂.

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @Julottt says:

    Cant say the same for mercury!
    Watch the documentary “evidence of harm” for details.

  • @revolutionarydefeatism says:

    Antiperspirants, I have no alternatives!

  • @amya9597 says:

    Are there alternatives to aluminum baking sheets?

    • @waitaminute2015 says:

      @@amya9597 glass

    • @sdovhfunlahsvisegbakshfjbs4621 says:

      Generally, there are also stainless steel and enamel coated steel variants. Mostly a matter of available dimensions.
      I would check for things that are in direct contact with food, especially when on the acidic side.
      Parchment paper is often overlooked, products from questionable sources can contain all sorts of impurities. I would be more worried about those rather than plain aluminium that is not in direct contact with food. However, things can leech through parchment paper both ways. PTFE “paper” is not that permeable but questionable for other reasons, obviously.
      Another way to resolve these problems is to use stainless steel or heat-resistant glass containers (Pyrex etc.) which would be fine on any rack.

    • @amya9597 says:

      Thank you for the information!

  • @nazokashii says:

    Fascinating! Thank you for sharing <3

  • @1JohnnyCruiser says:

    How about copper?

  • @KJSvitko says:

    Processed food manufacturers need to hear from consumers that less ADDED chemicals, sugar, oil and salt is wanted in their food products.
    Why is there so much ADDED sugar in everything, even bread. That’s just crazy
    Email, text, tweet or phone your favorite producer of poison and let them know consumers want less salt, oils and sugars in their products.
    Let their customer service department know that all the extra added salt, oil and sugar is not necessary or desired and is causing health issues.
    Reduce or eliminate highly processed food from your diet if you can.

    • @dianeladico1769 says:

      Or just don’t buy it.

    • @KJSvitko says:

      @@dianeladico1769 It is every where. You can’t avoid it.

    • @993rizk says:

      They’re aware of it but the sentiment seems to be “if we (a specific food manufacturer) stop, the rest won’t and we’ll take a hit in profits”. Regulation is much needed in this sector.

    • @dianeladico1769 says:

      @@KJSvitko How much added sugar, salt, oil and ‘chemicals’ are in whole plant-based food? I seem to be able to avoid it just fine.

    • @dianeladico1769 says:

      @@993rizk Regulation is certainly an option but I’d suggest education is a more reasonable course. Teach people what is in processed food and the dangers and let them decide. The free market will take it from there. Those who still choose to partake are free to do so and once the food giants see there is a market for minimally processed food they’ll join in and ones who currently produce better products will thrive.
      Until then, be WFPB instead of waiting for regulators to overcome billion dollar food lobbies.

  • @ut2protocol says:

    Water high in silica can pass blood brain barrier and remove aluminum. Check these studies!

  • @nj2mddude205 says:

    Some cooking pots and pans have aluminum cores. I wonder if the core aluminum can leech into food from the cookware itself.

  • @peterbedford2610 says:

    Omega 3 is shown to be a great defense against all forms of dementia

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