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I recommend eating nuts at least 3 times/week to maximize your chance of a living longer life.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @SumikoOssmanan says:

    Ieri sera ho provato una nuova posizione. Si chiamava “Il vuoto”. Si è scoperto che è più importante pulire dopo che divertirsi davvero💞

  • @GeorgeSammarcoco says:

    Il mio tentativo di cena romantica si è concluso con l’ordinazione di cibo da asporto perché ho accidentalmente fatto scattare l’allarme antifumo mentre cercavo di stupire con le mie abilità culinarie. La prossima volta, take away a lume di candela🔥

  • @kovy689 says:

    What’s up with all of the bot accounts?

  • @annalisa14 says:

    Doctor heart surgeon does not like whole grains

  • @Dimitry_Suzaka says:

    What about oil and added sugar?

  • @big5astra says:

    Ehhhh, not quite, doc. Too simplistic a view.

  • @mmvm562 says:

    TY I found out very late in life that this foods you recomend are best for me. Feeling as if I was rebirth towards happiness . 3 years plant based with a lot of research and really.awesone ….of course every body is different …

  • @dantedevilx says:

    I’d eat peanut butter all the time but I’m not good at digesting fats. Nut butters are so delicious 😢

  • @lorah3005 says:

    👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!
    *Ask your city government to sign the Plant Based Treaty!* 🖖

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