This Diet Is INSANE! (Cheerleading Coach Diet Review)

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4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸

Leroy Johnson

  • @moonlight-ok3cc says:

    Isn’t it illegal to tell that kind of thing to children?

    • @Bullen_3 says:

      If not it SHOULD be! This is so harmful and just horrific. These girls ARE NOT being viewed as human beings, they’re seen as tools to win a stupid game,so can buffer their precious ego!

  • @nemeceka says:

    The difference allowed between 5’ and 5’9” is 15 pounds. How the &$(@ are you supposed to only be 15 pounds heavier than someone NINE INCHES shorter than you?

  • @MichiganFresh says:

    That coach should be turned in pronto

  • @JazCue90 says:

    Absolutely criminal!! These poor impressionable kids need better adults in their lives.

  • @lulufan100 says:

    Is it called allstars because the person who created it is trying to send those kids to heaven

  • @looseweave6521 says:

    This is horrifying… so sad this adult is in a position to influence these young people. I’m 5 feet even and 98lbs, I would barely make the cutoff and I eat very healthy. I go to the gym 6 days a week. But I’m 31 years old. How can you expect someone who is still growing and developing to fit into those weight requirements? While also being extremely active? They need more food and nutrition than the normal person. That is a recipe for injury for an athlete. This person is encouraging an unhealthy relationship with food. This is absolutely horrible

  • @DesiraeK says:

    Wow. I’m 5’5″ and when I had a active eating disorder, I weighed 115 and looked ill. I can’t imagine being several inches taller and being the same weight.

    • @dakotahrose192 says:

      I’m 5’3″ and the only time I weighed less than 120lb in my adult life is when I was traveling overseas and got a 2 week stomach bug, followed by a 2 week bacterial infection, living on white rice and on the toilet for hours a day 🙃 I hope whoever made this list is facing major repercussions because this is dangerous.

    • @oneyhoney says:

      I am 5’8 when I was 119 I could barely function 105-115 is CRAZY. How tf are they gonna compete 💀💀 you can barley stand up istg

    • @aileenbastos2750 says:

      I was 5’6″ and 103 lbs in high school 25 years ago. It wasn’t good.

    • @hannahheartsedward says:

      Yes!!! My lowest weight during a restrictive eating disorder is on this list. I was NOT OKAY! It was over a decade ago and I was in college. TI was very lucky that I didn’t damage anything other than my blood sugar. I test in the normal range, but if I go too long without eating I get shaky and light headed. When I say “too long” it might be just a couple hours. I think it’s my body’s way of making sure I don’t make friends with Ana ever again.

    • @laurabarnett3703 says:

      The weekly cheer weigh ins still haunt me 35 years later.

  • @Maniacalhippie says:

    I’m 5’9” and my bones weigh more than 105 lbs.

  • @shannonrolfes5171 says:

    That was me when I was full blown ED. If I recall that took starvation to accomplish.

  • @summerdais325 says:

    That is awful. That coach should be fired and maybe even charged with a crime. Certainly a girl could pass out. They could become weak. They could also develop female athlete. Triad at that level of a body fat, they’re likely to lose their menstrual cycles. Wow! This reminds me of the type of weight they were recommending to us back in the ’80s. At 5’7 I felt pressure to weigh more than 110 lb. When I was modeling that weight was even lower.

  • @sailormoon1095 says:

    Thankyou for speaking out about the abuse children endure at the hands of “knowledgeable” elders

  • @sahpem4425 says:

    I was 5’1” in high school with disordered eating and did dance and was 106.
    And they literally gave their students a how to!

  • @espem88 says:

    Asking them to skip lunch at school is criminal.

    • @absolutely_catastrophic_ says:

      literally was about to comment this same thing, whoever came up with that needs incarcerated💀

  • @reneenevermore2771 says:

    If a coach gave this to my kid, I would report this over their head IMMEDIATELY and pull them out if it wasn’t fixed because this is so dangerous. I understand needing to be healthy and high protein for sports but this is literally an eating disorder they’re demanding these kids have. Sick.

  • @Lynne15832 says:

    I’m 5’9” and was this tall at 11 years old. At 11 I was 135 lbs. that is insane.

  • @julieh4747 says:

    My 14 year old is 5’9″ and weighs 147 pounds. She runs cross country, plays basketball, and runs track. She is pure muscle, the kind you can see because she is slim. I can’t imagine how she would do anything if she was so restricted on diet and weight. She would be tired all the time and unable to maintain a pace when running. Potatoes and pasta are her two favorite foods. Her coach asks them not to drink pop, but encourages carb loading, especially the night before a game. These restrictions make no sense to me.

  • @karynstouffer3562 says:

    This is outright abuse for the “coach” to suggest, and would be child endangerment for them to enforce.
    I’m 5’2″. I was told that I should weigh 120-125 by several doctors when I was younger. One time, I went for a checkup, and the doctor said that I looked too thin. He said I needed to eat little more. Then he looked at my chart. I weighed 128.
    I believe his next words were, “You should ignore the BMI tables. You’re obviously an outlier.”

    • @msjkramey says:

      BMI isn’t meant for individuals. It’s meant to describe entire populations

    • @karynstouffer3562 says:

      @@msjkramey I know that, but a lot of doctors still use it as a limitation chart. There are loads of reasons why people don’t fit the chart, in general, but they treat it as a hard rule system.

    • @msjkramey says:

      @@karynstouffer3562 that’s an overgeneralization

  • @rachelmckitterick says:

    As an ex-cheerleader, I can confirm the rules are accurate (we were also ‘forbidden’ to discuss them/acknowledge them outside of the team)

    The rules I experienced were similar. Some different some the same. But yeah, it’s crazy.

  • @katrags3603 says:

    Whoever is the superior of this coach is asking for a HUGE lawsuit, the program to be shut down, and possible jail time if things go wrong.

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