How to Prevent Skin Cancer with Diet

A randomized controlled trial found that a low-fat diet can result in a ten-fold lower skin cancer rate.

If you missed the previous video, see The Best Supplement to Prevent Skin Cancer ( ).

Does Sunscreen Cause or Prevent Skin Cancer? ( ). Check out the video to find out.

I also have an older video on the subject of diet and skin cancer: Preventing Skin Cancer from the Inside Out ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @misterx3188 says:

    I read somewhere that compounds in lentils specifically protect against skin cancer. Is that true?

  • @misterx3188 says:

    1:50 – That’s animal fat, right? Would be easy to get >15% of calories by consuming nuts.

    • @JustOneAsbesto says:

      No. All fats, including nuts. This is pre-agriculture. Farming hasn’t been invented yet. Go wander around outside, and good luck finding a random walnut tree with ripe nuts.

      That’s how you get food for most of human history. Wander around, scrounge together whatever edibles you are able to find. That’s your dinner, and your entire day.

    • @misterx3188 says:

      @@JustOneAsbesto Lots of wild hazelnuts and walnuts where I live…

    • @JustOneAsbesto says:

      @@misterx3188 And they ripe all year? That’s crazy dude.

      Yeah your specific life right now is not most of prehistorical human existence.

      Other people have different lives. What a concept.

    • @misterx3188 says:

      @@JustOneAsbesto They ripen in early fall, but they can be dried and stored very easily, even without any technology. Nut trees are available almost everywhere in the world.

    • @JustOneAsbesto says:

      @@misterx3188 Yes (for most of that, I think nut trees are scarcer globally than you seem to think), but again, pre-agriculture humans are not collecting enough wild nuts for that fat to be 10% of their calories. Maybe around harvest time, but not over all.

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    If you missed the previous video, see The Best Supplement to Prevent Skin Cancer:

  • @hctim96 says:

    Interesting how most of the previous comments are not about skin cancer but content.
    “do you usually plan your video release”,”How do you rate the effectiveness”
    “How do you plan to improve your content”
    “How do you decide which aspects to emphasize ”
    Talk about off topic!!! not appreciated…

    • @xperience-evolution says:

      Those are bots. Happens on every Channel.
      They usually have halb naked women as profile pictures and as you can see many of them actually have the same pic.

    • @trevorregay9283 says:

      @@xperience-evolution now, if they could just have full naked woman in their profile we might be getting somewhere….

    • @J_L45 says:

      Bots. 🤖
      Report them. 😊

    • @JustOneAsbesto says:

      Yeah, that type of bot is a new scourge on youtube. I don’t think they actually violate any of youtube’s policies, but I report them for “sexual content” anyway because of the profile picture. Also reporting comments for spam/advertising was removed which is what they actually are.

      Those accounts only exist to get you to click the link on their profile page, and then your device is infected with malware.

      Youtube really needs to step their game up with policing it. But they don’t seem to care AT ALL.

  • @Austinite333 says:

    Interesting to me as I as a senior have recently had a basil cell growth near my eye surgically removed. Not the worst thing I have encountered but still…

  • @anthonyromano8565 says:

    Been eating relatively low fat for 30 or so years. I am told I have good skin. Spend a lot of time outside too. Use sun screen

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @sojournern says:

    So I’m wondering if the low fat means low animal fat or fats in general.

  • @jonnyoneplate says:

    Walnuts seem to keep me from getting sunburn. I eat a lot of walnuts frequently

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