What 12 Years of Intermittent Fasting Did To My Body

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Leroy Johnson

  • @rafaelvale3783 says:

    I only have time to workout , from 6 to 7 am … I have a rich protein breakfast 7.15. Is it a problem I skip the breakfast and eat my first meal at 1pm, (6 hours after my workout) or could I have catabolism? I wanna fast, but based on my busy agenda, it will be the only way to do it

  • @graiden says:

    Does the book include the details about protocols and plan on how to do fasting correctly? Or it only cover the study’s?

    What is the best and updated content on how to do fasting?

  • @Random3.142 says:

    Lean from 84 kg to 78 kg because endurance exercise, less body fat, but also perhaps because of less/no creatine, which essentially stores water in your muscles accounting for a few kgs difference alone?

  • @stoneybe says:

    I rarely comment on youtube, but I’ll make an exception here.

    Siim, I’ve watched quite a few of your videos now and they’ve been incredibly helpful in optimizing my own longevity protocol. You’ve become my No. 1 source for this kind of content. Your style of summarizing the most relevant information is ideal for people who value their time.

    Thank you very much for putting all of this together!

  • @dover962 says:

    Thanks for your perspective, but don’t these doctors know this information / studies???

  • @1000BabyRage says:

    At one point, I used to watch Dr. Brad Stanfield’s videos because they actually had some tidbits of interesting and/or useful information. Now, he’s looking to grow his YouTube channel while also climbing the ladder as a healthcare insider so it’s mostly just feeding on controversy and always tips towards the (rather biased) mainstream medicine zeitgeist. I can’t blame him, he’s got kids and a lifestyle to support and more on the way apparently. None of those come cheap.

  • @marcell.paumkirchner says:

    I’ve done OMAD. Same calories as 5-6 meals a day. 2-3 weight training +2-3 zone 2 cardio. For more than a month. I’ve never been flatter.

  • @smooth_pursuit says:

    How accurate do you think the biometric scales are for lean body mass etc?

  • @AlexandreLollini says:

    Over one year I lost 15 kg, of which 1kg was muscle mass loss. This is of course because I did not do enough steps nor enough weight lifting. But the other benefits of Intermittent Fasting for mental health, focus, overall well being, quality of sleep, etc make it so that I will continue. I have also reduced carbs, since for me carbs should be proportional to intense sport. As long as I do not do enough intense sports, I should keep carbs low (or else weight increases, mostly fat). weight is no more my focus, now I would like to increase weight lifting and add muscle mass.

  • @stephenfarr1155 says:

    Dr Patrick was endorsing The Experimental Mrna Clot shots.

  • @arcadepiano says:

    fasting caused, let me guess…hunger?
    i never fasted and i don’t think i have worst health.

  • @HocDolliday says:

    I think Dr Attia said his muscle loss came from extended fasting, not intermittent fasting.

  • @agnezaliene203 says:

    I do not know how you can do fasting. It is exhausting and absolutely torture for my body and brain. I better eat less some days. But still have some food. ❤

  • @nikolaykaradzhiev1889 says:

    An incredibly important but almost always overlooked variable with fasting is *digestion/digestive efficiency:*
    Fasting, ie, big meals won’t work for people with poor eating habits such as inhaling food without chewing or combining useless fluff with protein like bread/rice, useless salads or drinking soda with meals etc that only serve to impair proper protein digestion. Say OMAD for such people would be a disaster. Digestion is not magic and steps must be taken to ensure it actually happens, especially with big meals.

  • @musicmonsterman8395 says:

    Did you know Valter Longo says fasting any longer than 12 hours is dangerous for the heart and the formulation of gallstones? He is the only one I’ve ever heard say this but I really respect his opinion so it has always concerned me to go 16 hours, even though I feel best fasting 16-18 hours per day

    • @rightasrain7949 says:

      I have thought about this. If you go longer than 12 hours fasting and eat a small (under, say 50 calories) amount of nuts, or some kind of fat, wouldn’t you still stimulate the gallbladder yet stay in a fasted state?

  • @Hail2MasterChief says:

    It worked for me. I used Siims TIF protocol. Took a break but now gonna use it again. Its a tool for your tool box.

  • @SDee. says:

    Wondering about the effects on women post menopause….

  • @Gary65437 says:

    Seems like all the confusion is brought on by the young healthy males that want to body build and have a healthy long life and eat 4 or 5 times a day to make sure they gain the most muscle.
    From what I see a long healthy life has nothing to do with eating more protein to increase or keeping muscle mass as the Okinawans have shown by being on a calorie restricted diet their entire life and had no concern about building muscles and still live to 100 with a fully intact brain and cook their own meals (73% sweet potato daily) and garden.

  • @Hail2MasterChief says:

    I found that Siim’s TIF worked well for me. As he points out, its a tool for your toolkit, not something to blindly follow for the rest of your life unless you have a reason.

  • @jackbuaer3828 says:

    You’re young. Have studies been done on older people? The benefits and detriments may be different for people in different age ranges.

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