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Friday Favorite: The Best Diet for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease Treatment

Switching to a plant-based diet has been shown to achieve far better outcomes than those reported on conventional treatments in both active and quiescent stages in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

If you missed the previous video, see Preventing Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Diet ( ). Here are some older videos on IBD that may be of interest to you:
• Titanium Dioxide and Inflammatory Bowel Disease ( )
• Preventing Crohn’s Disease with Diet ( )
• Preventing Ulcerative Colitis with Diet ( )
• Bowel Wars: Hydrogen Sulfide vs. Butyrate ( )
• Treating Ulcerative Colitis with Diet ( )
• Striking with the Root: Turmeric Curcumin and Ulcerative Colitis ( )

My previous Crohn’s videos include Preventing Crohn’s Disease with Diet ( ) and Does Nutritional Yeast Trigger Crohn’s Disease? ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @MuhammadTalhaCS says:

    Kindly make a video on a rare dermatological disease – Cutis Veritis Gyrate which occurs among 1 in 100K people. Thanks!

  • @juliafischer2034 says:

    Unfortunately, a wfpb diet didn’t help me achieve remission. I already ate quite healthy when I was diagnosed a few years ago. ( I still eat this way) . At the moment I can’t get rid of the extreme bloating whenever I eat or the diarrhea. I stopped taking immunosuppressants about a year ago. They didn’t help either. Does anybody here have any tips? Is there anything that worked for you? Eating anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric didn’t help me. If anyone here has been able to achieve remission without drugs, I’d be grateful for some tips. Thanks!

    • @tamcon72 says:

      Have you been tested for food allergies or FODMAPs?

    • @ChristiePriem says:

      I achieved remission (and have no signs of Crohn’s on follow-up colonoscopy) with a mostly WFPB diet. Removing emulsifiers and avoiding my trigger foods was very important in my recovery.

    • @baggaz167 says:

      @@ChristiePriem I too read that emulsifiers, mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, maltodextrin and one other thing I’m forgetting would help with my Crohn’s. To be fair, I’ve had a lot of improvement since avoiding them as much as possible, but not totally in remission.

    • @Sahara101010 says:

      Same here for me. But I did achieve remission for the first time in ten years (was vegan and whole foods based the entire time) thanks to Qing Dai, or “indigo” after I read an Israeli study on it. Lots of promising research. I highly recommend it. It was literally a magic pill for me (2 years now)

    • @ChristiePriem says:

      Also I still don’t eat many raw fruits and veggies, I eat them in smoothies and cooked. I had to slow my lifestyle and rest more to stay healthy.

  • @LeapOfFaaaith says:

    New study just dropped showing incredible results from a carnivore diet and Crohn’s disease. Check it out. 100% improved

    • @Parker_Miller_M.S. says:

      Hearing Norwitz talk about the study, the study design seems to suffer from selection bias and it was only a case series (so no control group). The results must be replicated in more people who are unfamiliar with carnivore and is best compared for standard diet (control), and WFPB.

    • @katzensindweich3505 says:

      Peer reviewed and what journal?

    • @baggaz167 says:

      The reason carnivore diets are good for Crohn’s Disease is because it’s Crohn’s an autoimmune disease ie. if your immune system is strong, it will fight itself more. If your immune system is weak, it won’t attack itself. Carnivore diets lack so many essential nutrients, like vitamin C, that your immune system suffers. That’s literally what these drugs do; infliximab is an immunosuppressing drug designed to make your immune system too weak to attack itself.

      Mikhaila Peterson – rheumatoid arthritis – autoimmune disease – eats nothing but meat – immune system gets weaker – she feels better.

      If you can fight your gut inflammation using anti-inflammatory foods – like plant-based foods – you don’t have to weaken your immune system to feel better. That’s literally the entire explanation here: plants are largely anti-inflammatory and meats are inflammatory (look it up).

    • @LeapOfFaaaith says:

      @@Parker_Miller_M.S. 100% agree, it was done to form a hypothesis which can now be tested. Everybody ‘s is an experiment of one so everybody can test it for themselves at no cost

  • @toasterpoppin8717 says:

    Thank you for the information. I have mild Crohn’s. This probably goes without saying but the biggest things that help in my diet are avoiding high amounts of sugar, high amounts of grease in fast food, and high amounts of processed carbohydrates. If I just eat regular meat, vegetables, and basic drinks I’m usually good to go. But yes, the modern lifestyle of being sedentary and eating highly processed foods, absolutely contribute to the development and worsening of this disease.

  • @SaraSantana-k7c says:

    *Quien esté leyendo este comentario le deseo todo lo mejor en su vida. Que la luz llene su vida. Que Dios lo guíe a la prosperidad! A pesar de la crisis económica Imaginen pagar una deuda de $28,000. Que Dios bendiga a la señora Verónica Rose Montoya, le estaré eternamente agradecida🇺🇸🇺🇸*

    • @LavezziRodriguez-z2q says:

      Soy bendecida, solo Dios sabe cuánto lo alabo, i10.000 dólares cada semana! Ahora tengo una buena casa y puedo permitirme cualquier cosa y también mantener a mi familia.

    • @Merrynelson-o6m says:

      ¡Tienes razón! Gano mucho dinero sin depender del gobierno.
      Invertir en acciones y monedas digitales es beneficioso en este momento.

    • @AntonioCarlos-w8u says:

      Realmente me encantaría saber
      ¿quién es la señora
      Verónica Rose Montoya?

    • @MarkBilodeau-e8j says:

      Ella es una administradora de inversiones popular en California e incluso tiene una página de Google que ayuda a las personas a hacer crecer varios activos como criptomonedas, bienes raíces, acciones, ETF, etc. Una mujer muy
      bendecida e inteligente.

    • @Paolina-q6v says:

      Es el mercado digital. Ese ha sido el secreto de esta transferencia de riqueza. Mucha gente en los EE. UU. y en el extranjero está obteniendo mucho de él. Dios ha sido bueno con mi familia. Gracias, Jesús.

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @lawless420. says:

    Do a video with
    Bryan Johnson!!

  • @Sahara101010 says:

    Please do a video on the promising new research in treating UC with indigo or “Qing dai”. I’ve been vegan and whole foods based for 10 years but only in remission for the last two years thanks to trying it after I read up an Israeli study on this promising new treatment.

  • @phliip7362 says:

    We gonna make it out the bathroom with this one!!💩🚽

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