Banana vs Mango Smoothies for Polyphenol Absorption

How can you mediate the phytonutrient-destroying enzyme in avocados, bananas, and mushrooms?

The mushroom video I mentioned is Is It Safe to Eat Raw Mushrooms? ( ), and here is the breakfast recipe: Cran-Chocolate Pomegranate BROL Bowl ( ).

If you’re interested, check out my Bananas in Smoothies ( ) live presentation with Q&A from last November.

For more on smoothies, check out the topic page ( ).

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @Rachael_Christine says:

    I want to see more Gregor in the kitchen videos!!!

  • @JoshBender1 says:

    I blend fresh banana, pineapple and mango together and freeze into “sticks” for easy use in breakfast smoothies. When combined together they don’t go noticeably brown in the freezer, although it’s worth pointing out the freezer tray is covered to minimise air contact. This might help others 😊

  • @xperience-evolution says:

    Switched the Banana with my Berries for Mango with berries or just berries.
    Still mixing a Banana into my super lentils-fruit bowl every day

  • @pdblouin says:

    Frozen mango is good but not as cheap and not as sweet as bananas. But it’s a reasonable substitute. If I had the time/energy, I’d experiment with cooking + freezing bananas.

  • @patrick-louisvincent4360 says:

    It’s reassuring because that’s what I do. In my banana and berry smoothie, I add the juice of a lemon and an orange. Then I eat the smoothie without waiting.

  • @eng.miroslavmanahilov1944 says:

    So… When is the best time to eat a banana?

  • @rob._. says:

    why is the avocado in the one study so high in PPO and in the other one at 37? also the pear is so different

  • @jontim7667 says:

    😅 Thanx but what if I microwave my banana and out but without the lemon juice would the heat alone be enough?

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @brendablom2451 says:

    I now usually make a green smoothy with tofu, kale or other greens, flax seed, few chopped dates, banana and almond milk to blend. Since I no longer put berries in it, does the banana reduce any of the other ingredients? Then I eat berries a different time of the day.

  • @JonnyVeganSeed says:

    Would microwaving a banana before the smoothie work in killing the enzymes?

  • @rubytuby6369 says:

    So what if you just ate the banana a little later or earlier?

  • @RoughNeckDelta says:

    I don’t even know why bananas are the most popular fruit in America. I’ve never eaten one banana and felt like I need to eat a second one.

  • @rentech says:

    Wait… I missed the lesson on PPOs!

  • @nazokashii says:

    So fascinating and useful! Thank you for sharing <3

  • @RVP1955 says:

    Your talking about a banana and berry smoothie. My smoothies are 80% vegetables and flax seeds with a banana, apple, and berries. Tell me the results then. Is there any other benefits of blue berries beside the polyphenol?

  • @rhoharane says:

    Could you boil/blanch the banana for 2 minutes with a little bit of lemon juice before adding it to the cold smoothie then? Could even store the bananas in the fridge after that so you don’t have to boil them every time you have to make a fresh smoothie.

  • @Hyperion1040 says:

    Can i deacitivate the enzyme if i freeze banana betore eating? 😅

  • @rubytuby6369 says:

    OK, I threw my banana in with the oatmeal while it’s cooking, Then after I put in my blueberries when it’s cooled down a little. That should work right because the bananas heated up.

  • @dianeladico1769 says:

    A quick search indicates a banana needs to be heated to ~190F to deactivate the enzyme. Sources claim holding at this temp for 5+ minutes should do it.

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