The Risks and Benefits of Mild Trendelenburg Position to Reduce Body Fat

Other than a “space headache,” what might be the downsides of sleeping at a slight head-down tilt (mild Trendelenburg) to accelerate fat loss?

If you missed the previous video, check out Lying at a Slight Head-Down Tilt (Trendelenburg Position) to Burn Fat ( ).

What about brown fat? See Brown Fat: Losing Weight Through Thermogenesis and Boosting Brown Fat Through Diet ( ).

My book How Not to Diet ( ) is all about optimal weight loss. Check it out at your local library. It’s available in print, e-book, and audio. (All proceeds I receive from the book are donated directly to charity.)

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @Alexander-ok7fm says:

    Thank you!

  • @eelkeaptroot1393 says:

    If anything increased bone mineral density should result in weight gain

  • @jackiedel623 says:

    My mother who had varicose veins slept this way to alleviate and help blood flow. Caused no problem for her

  • @JaxObsessed says:

    Why not raise the legs and the head? The point is to up the blood in the torso, right?

    • @xperience-evolution says:

      That is a really good question.
      I prefer to have my head flat on the bed (no pillow). But maybe just lift the legs a little bit.

    • @flowpom says:

      just imagine getting your spine and tendon compresser/elongated like this 8h/d…

  • @tamcon72 says:

    Loved the animations, and also the fascinating history of space training. So, I guess a slight tilt when prone is OK. Thanks for posting, NF staff!

  • @Albopepper says:


  • @flyshacker says:

    ALL THAT just to lose weight? They can’t just eat less calorie-dense foods? I guess the head slant is better than getting your stomach clamped, but geesh!!!

    • @dianeladico1769 says:

      IME most people who want to lose weight would rather do just about anything except eat less calorie-dense foods.

    • @johnhoward270 says:

      @@dianeladico1769 That’s astounding, but I have to agree.

    • @zenawarrior7442 says:

      He’s not saying it’s the only or best method, only an option. Of course exercise, eating less, monitoring stress hormones are the most popular way.

    • @kawnah3519 says:

      I guess you are not familiar with his work?
      It’s shown that even when overweight people eat less, the metabolism slows alongside it and they have to eat less and less, plus their appetite increases more and more.
      Switching to a plant based diet means eating more but it’s less calories.
      Multiple lifestyle changes are needed to lose weight, it’s not as simple as “eat less.”

    • @zenawarrior7442 says:

      @@kawnah3519 I said alot more than eat less. Please read. What’s with all the arguerers here wow…

  • @sillyhead5 says:

    Okay so I’m just not going to try this, not worth the hassle of doing everything required to reduce the risk and even then it’s not completely eliminated if you slip up. Happy for everyone who gives it a shot though.

  • @lorah3005 says:

    👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!
    *Ask your city government to sign the Plant Based Treaty!* 🖖

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