How Long Does INTERMITTENT FASTING Take To Work? [2019]

How long does intermittent fasting take to work?! There are so many amazing stories of how intermittent fasting has been used to balance hormones, tap into fat burning mechanisms, reduce bloating and increase mental clarity. But how long does it actually take to see results with Intermittent Fasting? What can you expect with Intermittent Fasting? I'll be sharing the details of Intermittent Fasting and the factors that will determine how long it takes for you to see results with today's video.













Disclaimer: This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a nutritionist-client relationship between Autumn Bates and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician, Nutritionist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Autumn Elle Nutrition Inc. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

Leroy Johnson

  • Taking Down Fat With Cdub says:

    I lost over 120 in less than a year. I saw changing in the first week. it is life changing

    • Hellomynamesolly says:

      Taking Down Fat With Cdub nice one bro

    • Shelf Cloud says:

      Congratulations! And I agree, I’ve lost 45 lbs in 3 months doing intermittent fasting combined with working out every day for an hour or so.

    • darpur says:

      Lucky you! I’ve been doing it for 60 days and I haven’t seen any change lmao

    • SilviaEntreLivros says:

      @darpur maybe you are overeating in your intake hours 🙂 eat healthy also 😊

    • Gary&Heather Bush says:

      darpur ….same here. Keeping my calories right, low carb, low sugar, nursing my baby, gallon of water a day, 16/8 IF, only lost 3 pounds in 10 weeks. Any update for you? Anything that worked?

  • Kelly Gay says:

    I basically denied myself of food to stay within Weight limit I wanted to keep- but started feeling super tired all the time. I LOVE Autumns IF program- I eat until satiated and I did not gain weight and my energy level tremendously went up. Autumns IF program works so well for me. ✌️❤️🐝

  • Izzah Suryanto says:

    I just discovered you and gosh I really like your channel, you make everything clear and easy to understand. Thank you very much ♡

  • Jellybean says:

    I wish I would experience weight loss and less bloating but I have DEFINITELY experienced much better sleep and I’m far less moody. I’m still experiencing anxiety but the sleep and mood benefits are very noticeable and were immediate for me.

  • Mike Finn says:

    Hello: Just found you — your really very helpful thank you being on this forum.
    I am new to all this — been 2 week 16/8 and don’t think i’ve seen results. A little discouraged. Also thinking 12/12 might work better for my lifestyle. Can anyone provide some feedback concerning 12/12. Traveling international for 2 weeks in 3 world country -feeling like won’t be able to maintain… You thought Autumn

  • Mike Cola says:

    Hi Autumn, great video on IF…I made a list of some the benefits below
    Proven Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
    – Promotes fat loss
    – Improves insulin sensitivity
    – Promotes longevity
    – improves hunger
    – improves brain function
    – improves immune system
    – reverses diabetes
    – improves fatty liver
    – reduces inflammation
    – improves cellular repair
    – normalizes blood pressure 
    – Improves lipid parameters
    – rest for digestive organs

  • Michael Carrasco says:

    Thanks you. I’m 4 weeks in and lost 5 lbs. I’m trying to loose weight I gained while I was sick. Goal is 60 lbs. I’ll be patient

  • Akshata Mukund says:

    I have been intermittent fasting (16 hour fasting) for two weeks. I am already down over 3 kgs and I feel minus 10 kgs.

    • Aleksandra Stankovic says:

      How many calories are you eating per day?

    • Akshata Mukund says:

      @Aleksandra Stankovic my nutritionist has not given me a calorie count. I am not eating wheat, sugar, dairy and meat. My food is high fiber and protein.

    • Aleksandra Stankovic says:

      Okay, thank you.

    • Akshata Mukund says:

      @Cry I am down 16 kgs- that’s a hair over 35 pounds. I started on 23 Jan. I must say that I have a few lapses and that I feel like my Nutritionist is doing a very good job of switching the diet around- making sure that the food is always interesting. Plus I am still not working out. I take the dogs for a walk twice a day – that’s it.

    • Feriha khan says:

      @Akshata Mukund can you please say that what should we eat and what we shouldn’t eat and what to eat when we break our fast

  • Lisa Green says:

    Question for anyone who has been doing IF for a long time: During my feeding window (I am doing 16/8 or 18/6 every day depending upon how I am feeling), should I be tracking my macros and calories for best results?

    Thanks in advance for responding! 🙂

  • Jay Rock Solid Art says:

    Autumn, I’ve been intermittent fasting for 131 days now. At least 18 hrs a day plus working out. I’m a ectomorph that has the most problems with my stomach. What can I do or can there be a special way to eat to target that area mostly? I know there’s no such thing as spot reducing but I’m sure u know what I mean

  • Caroline Morris says:

    Hi Autumn, I am loving your videos. You are so passionate and that’s what I love! My husband and I are about to start our fasting journey and I was wondering what is best time of day to weigh yourself? Also should you weigh yourself every day? 😀

  • thaily sandoval says:

    i’ve been intermittent fasting and doing daily exercise since january 2020 and i’ve lost 15 pounds 🙂

  • Ms. Meep says:

    @Autumn thank you for sharing this!! I was beginning to worry since I’m on my first week and have not seen any weight loss. When I heard you list off the physiological changes I had every single one of those though and made me feel inspired to keep going 🙂

  • Kamarul Nizzam Noh says:

    It has been 57 days since I started my IF and I lost 17 pounds! I feel great and fitter than before.

  • Star Hill says:

    Used to IF for a long time and lost a ton of weight but stopped. Interested in going back to it at 14:10 to lose a little bit of fat. I don’t care about losing weight. I just care about letting my muscle tone become more visible.

  • Mihai Luca says:

    For me it took two days and a half to adjust. I drink a coffee (with a bit of milk though, I like it that way) at around noon and I have a single meal a day at around 7-8 PM. Since I’ve been doing this I have a constant high energy level from when I wake up, up until I go to bed. I’d add that for me another great benefit is that I don’t have to worry about eating until the next evening, that’s golden!

  • Bill C Thompson - Live Healthy, Finish Strong says:

    Thanks for this! My life has been transformed by this sort of information. I am turning 65 and for the past 2 years I have combined LOW CARB (Keto) with Intermittent Fasting, lost 82 lbs., came off ALL MEDICATIONS (2 for hypertension, one for high cholesterol and gave up my CPAP for sleep apnea). I am
    Loving life! I started my own YouTube channel “Bill C Thompson – Live Healthy, Finish Strong

  • Bob Langford says:

    When I started my weight loss program, I was doing intermittent fasting without even knowing what it is. 😂 One of my goals was to cut out “late night snacking,” which is a bad habit I have always had. Little did I know that when I cut out late night snacking, I was then fasting for about 14 hours everyday.

  • Rose A says:

    I started fasting in late January it is now early August and so far I’ve lost 19 pounds but I wasn’t consistent with it for 5 months. In the past month I’ve been fasting daily at least 18 hours and I’ve lost 8 pounds. The key is consistency and to use it as a tool meaning eat healthy and exercise as well. It won’t work on its own.

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