Walking 30 Minutes Per Day For Weight Loss [Does It WORK?]

Walking 30 Minutes Per Day For Weight Loss [Does It WORK?]


If you’re looking to achieve a weight loss goal with walking but you only have 30 minutes available per day to walk, is that even worth it? Will walking for weight loss for 30 minutes per day actually work? Today, I’m breaking down the deets of a daily 30 minute walk and whether or not it will help you achieve your weight loss goals!






Disclaimer: This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a nutritionist-client relationship between Autumn Bates and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician, Nutritionist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Autumn Elle Nutrition Inc. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

Leroy Johnson

  • Anna Tuohy says:

    I have been walking every night for 30 mins for weeks now and let me tell you everything you said is on point!!! I have been sleeping amazing and losing inches!!!! Also helps with anxiety!!!

  • Michael Martin says:

    after doing some research on the hormones activated in HITT vs LISS (like walking) , I’m still undecided if walking is really better than running 5 miles per day. I think a lot of people don’t think about OTHER systems in the body and also the “after-burn effect” in relation to the hormonal differences

    • Autumn Bates says:

      There’s certainly a place for all types of exercises. In fact, the cross training is extremely important for health and weight loss benefits. I have a video where I break this down if you haven’t seen it yet here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-OTIfbGecY&t=402s

    • Andrew RayUGA says:

      Running is definitely better than walking. The issue is that most people can’t run 5 miles per day consistently. Walking is better for inactive people to get on track for consistent weight loss. Running is by far the better exercise. I personally believe a combination of walking and running, is the ultimate fat burning workout.

  • Rihab Elhaj says:

    Autumn, I love how you explain things so simply, yet so thoroughly. You make good habits so appealing 🙏🏽. Please tell me – is there anyway to lose weight in your body, but maintain your facial fat so the face doesn’t look hollowed out and aged?

  • Family Dinner Delights says:

    I have been walking two miles every night for a really long time.. I haven’t lost any weight from it, I mainly do it because I like it and it feels good. I have found that food is the number one tool for weight loss. Great video 🙂

    • Salut Productivity says:

      Actually it depends on your body , some people food effect them more and some the exercise . So if you have a higher metabolism then control food is enough for weight loss but if you have a low metabolism the better way is to exercise more .

    • Niean Narrido says:

      Combine walking and diet

  • Shree R says:

    I chose walking and jogging for about half hour to 45 min every morning and within about two weeks I could see the results (I aimed at losing two inches, already reduced one inch!) and it’s amazing!

    • KellyW0914 says:

      Yes, I’ve been walking at least 30mins a day for the last 2 weeks and I’m down a pant size already!

  • Sarah T says:

    For the whole of quarantine Ive been taking 30-40 min walks a day more for my mental state than for exercise…Ive dropped so many dress sizes and inches its insane! Im now trying to figure out how to gain back some weight (muscle mostly) in a healthy way. As a person who used to do HIIT and power yoga all the time, Im surprised how much weight I lost without doing crazy intense exercises. Im totally sold.

  • Stacey Kersting says:

    I started walking 30 years ago. Got hooked! I still walk at least 45 min per day. Loved the way exercise made me feel, so I usually add 15 min Sunrise Tai Chi, 15 min strengthening, and sometimes add 30 min dance video to that. I stick with the beginner exercises so I stay motivated and don’t get sore. I’m 68. Just keep moving. UPDATE: One year later…I now do 4-6 10 min exercise videos a day and walk my dogs round the block 2x. That’s 2- 20 min walks. While my dogs are sniffing round, I walk in place or do ‘mule kicks or knee lifts. I’m also learning belly dancing.

  • BoxingCat says:

    I walked 1089 miles last year (3-5 miles every day after working hours) and I feel great. It is better than running, and yes you are getting very fit just be walking every day with moderate pace, of course if you eat correct food. If you eat junk food then nothing will help you.

  • None says:

    I walked an hour every night during lockdown and I lost more weight than I ever would have at the gym, no joke. And it cleared my head. Don’t need all these fad diets and workouts.

  • James M. says:

    My grandmother started walking 20 minutes a day two years ago and we don’t know where the hell she is.

  • Zaynab says:

    I’ve been walking 45mins a day for a month and a half and I’ve lost 5kg so far ☺️

  • Daniel Matias says:

    I’ve been walking 10 km a day for the last 3 months. I started doing intermittent fasting and eating better in general too and working out every 3 days. I lost almost 20 kilos already and I feel better then I’ve felt in years. Thank you for these videos, they really help

  • Aunt Purl says:

    Quit sugar and started walking every morning for a month. Started taking stairs, walking when on the phone, parking far away, etc. That made me feel good, so then I added a little strength training. Then I added interval running. Sleeping better and feeling amazing! Weight and mood seem pretty stable. Super inspired by you!

  • tke 241 says:

    Over the last year and a half I’ve walked 2 miles every morning at 5:30am. I take the dogs and have at it. During that time, I ate Keto, and worked up to OMAD where I’ve been for about 10 months. I have lost around 115lbs and honestly felt that most of my weight loss was from diet rather than walking. Understanding what walking does to my hormones makes me think that maybe I underestimated how much walking has helped towards the weight loss. The walking makes me feel good. I hate getting up but the walking wakes me up and energizes me for the whole day. Better than coffee, although I don’t shy away from that either.

    • Linda Robinson says:

      Thanks so encouraging I’m struggling to get back on on track literally just started walking again yesterday😳
      Still trying to figure out what to eat in a day on IF r should I do OMAD 🤔🤔
      Thanks for sharing😜

    • Linda Robinson says:

      tke 241 Thank you so much for caring and sharing. This struggle is so real. I will definitely check out the videos and press my restart button. Thank you Thank you Thank you🥰😘

  • chickenguru says:

    I personally think a 30-40 minute brisk walk everyday is great for a few reasons. Instead of a hard work out 2-3 times a week with risk of over doing it and or hurting yourself and making you take days off and your mind may only be thinking heathy those days a walk everyday keeps your mind on health everyday and likely eating better cause of this. Also a walk a day may not burn the most calories but when done every day they sure add up and in the end more likely to keep it up.

  • Richard Lawson says:

    As a trainer I did an experiment…I recruited ten people to go for a two mile run with me…after three months only.two remained on the program…next I recruited ten people to walk two miles a day with me..after six months seven people remained in the program…I understand…running is brutal and hard on the body…walking is sheer pleasure!!

  • JL says:

    I love your videos. I had already been fasting and walking but only recently realized I don’t need to power walk always. Just walking everyday is what works for me.

  • BC 12 says:

    Walking definitely helps with weight loss. And 30 minutes can be cut to 20 minutes with the same or more effectiveness if it’s an interval walk on a treadmill. Adjusting the walking speed up and down every 60 seconds. There are lots interval treadmill videos on Youtube to follow.

  • Poop says:

    I have struggled with losing weight my whole life, but walking one hour a day while eating healthy has finally made me lose weight lol im so happy to see my old clothes fit me again

  • scott22v says:

    I’ve been bouncing back and forth between 42 to 44 waist size in my jeans for the last 10 years or so. I’ve limited my pop consumption to 1 or 2 on the weekends. The company I work for allots 30 minutes paid for health and fitness during our shift. I started walking for those 30 minutes about 2 months ago. My pants started getting baggy on me. Last Friday I bought a size 38!! I haven’t been able to wear anything sized in the 30’s since I was in my 30’s. (I’m 52 now). And I probably could have fit into 36’s, but I ordered my jeans online so I wasn’t going to push it. One day at a time.

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