Groatzempic: Using Intact Grains to Boost GLP-1
The majority of cells producing our natural GLP-1 are found in our large intestine, at the end of our gut, and eating slow-digesting carbs like beans and intact grain kernels (groats) can bump up their activity, helping us feel satisfied and eat less.
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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What other whole intact grains can impart this benefit- last video I saw finger millet so ordered that! All intact grains? Which are best choices if we have limited access? Thank you!
What about flakes rather than flours or groats? Would oat flakes fall somewhere in between?
Where can you get rye groats and other types of groats in bulk?
I use Amazon
I always go to the store
Try Azure Standard: organic and bulk, most grains.
Buy organic flour, milk, yeast, salt and make your own bread in a cast iron pan
So does that mean all the oats you were recommending for years are useless?
Try steel cut oats. They are oat groats that have been cut.
“How Not To Diet” was published in 2019, so he has been suggesting to favour intact grains for at least that long.
@@GaiasFleas Oats are healthy regardless, whole oat groats are just even healthier
Guys, barley groats are sooo good in soup! Remember to soak them and boil for 45mins 🔥
In Canada, the company “Organic Matters” is a good place to order intact grains and legumes etc.
I was thinking about bitter food and the other things you’ve been talking about… it occurs to me that whole oranges might be beneficial. The pith is usually removed from the whole fruit to eliminate the bitter taste. Maybe it shouldn’t be. I’m thinking that old recipe for fresh cranberry sauce that involved simply throwing a bag of raw cranberries, a whole orange and sugar into a food processor. Sub or eliminate the sugar and you might have something interesting.
Whole grains it is then. Less processed, who would have thought?😅
The deer thought of it. They hop up on top of my field’s grain bags, make a hole with their hooves, and eat the whole grain kernels straight. 🙂
@@liamtaylor4955 “Want to be as thin and athletic as a deer? Eat whole grains like they do. The deer diet. Get out in nature, breathe the air and watch what they eat”😄
@@ronmexico5908 But please, don’t split farmers’ grain bags open and expose their grain to the weather. 🙂
Would love a list of whole intact grains with this excellent benefit please!🤞🏼
Organic brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat,and amaranth are gluten free.The macrobiotic diet recommends whole intact grains or grain like foods. Wheat, rye, barley and oats contain gluten. Even gluten free oats have gliadin which is similar to oats.
Thank you!
Organic brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat,amaranth are better for most gluten sensitive people than wheat, rye ,barley or oats.Even so called gluten free oats contain gliadin which acts like gluten. The macrobiotic diet recommends whole intact cereal grains .