Leroy Johnson

  • @penneyburgess5431 says:

    I was looking at kefir yesterday and wondered about it.

  • @TransformInProgress says:

    THANKS!👍 Much appreciated ❤❤❤

  • @dianahavis8868 says:

    I love kefir!❤

  • @jaafarawadallah514 says:

    I love kefir its amazing I drink it everyday

  • @keithzastrow says:

    I drink half a cup EVERY day. 1% plain.

  • @charmainehopkins2838 says:

    I drink it everyday! Thanks for this ❤

  • @neyrav2788 says:

    Kefir makes me very inflamed, why is it?

  • @isar6416 says:

    Omg Sage is so adorable!!!

  • @cmoxie says:

    If I use 2% milk for my homemade kefir am I still getting K2?

  • @More_Than_Conquerors says:

    Sage has got her Kiefer mustache so cute. 😊

  • @Persimmons2000 says:

    A came to comment on baby Sage 🥰 Those cheeks and that adorable hairdo to go with that sweet little face 😍

  • @gabbyskitchen6640 says:

    Is it good for bloating?

  • @lilypadkayaker says:

    👍🏻I would bloat like a ballon after eating yogurt. Now I eat half a liter of kefir everyday, no bloating, plus my bowel movement is much more regulated.

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