This Fiber Hack will CHANGE Your Gut Health!!
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸
Kiwi tips: wash, scrub with fingers to remove dirt and excess hairs, dry with rough towel to take care of remaining missed coarse hairs, cut top and tail now enjoy. The texture takes a bit of getting used to but its worth it.
Indeed really important to wash the fruit of you’re eating it with skin.
Allowing myself to peel the fruit actually helps me to eat more fruit. But I have to battle with myself sometimes, because there have been people in my childhood making me feel like a criminal for wanting to peel my fruit. “You should not do that! The vitamins are right under the skin and you will remove the vitamins too!” I don’t know if that was true. But I do know that pesticides are still being used and there is going to be a little residue left behind. Of course you can wash the fruit, but there is no guarantee that it will remove all the pesticides. And I don’t want to make anybody afraid of pesticides here. I know the concentration will be low. But my point is there are advantages and disadvantages to peeling your fruit. And I think people need the freedom to do what works for them. At least I need control of my own life. And I know there are more people like me. So follow this tip if you want to. Be empowered. Be free to make your own decisions. Have a good day.
I peel my cucumbers. I know eating the peel would have aditional benefits. But peeled cucumber is better than no cucumber.
I eat the skin with almost everything else though.
I peel my cucumbers, potatoes, apples and pears. I think those are the most controversial ones. Apples and pears are in the top 6 of highest pesticide residue measured as far as I know. And with my potatoes I find it convenient to check them for bad spots when I peel them. It’s how I prefer it but also what works for me. But I have a lot of hang ups around food and only recently connected that to experiences where people pressured me to eat things a certain way, often their way.
@@Merope4ever I live in Italy, I’m not too concerned about high amounts of pesticides. And both my parents work in the apple industy, I’ve grown up knowing how they are handled. My bigger concern is people touching fruits and veggies at the store…
My tip to increase fiber is pitted dates.
I have never seen someone eat a kiwi like that😂 🥝 but the peel/fiber info makes sense!
I’ve been eating kiwi with the skin for a few years now… I couldn’t believe I had been throwing it away thinking it wasn’t edible 🤣🥲
I get 20g of fibre at breakfast through a whole grain cereal, a banana and 20g of flax seed
or just go vegan and you can eat as much as 70g per day lol
I thought I was the only one, this was such random validation for the day thank you 😂
Is it the same for potatoes as well? I’m always too lazy to peel them 😭
I started eating the kiwi with the skin because I didn’t want to bother with washing a knife or vegetable peeler. After I googled whether it’s safe to eat – I’m not a savage. But now it’s a thing I do that regularly shocks people. It’s fun and it doesn’t actually taste bad, maybe a bit sour – which is the whole appeal of a kiwi.
What about pesticides?
This will be making my life so much easier 😃👍
I’m allergic to kiwi 🥝 😢
Yes you definitely triggered me with that kiwi! I eat the apple peel, but I prefer to cut up my apple and eat it out of a little bowl like I am 5. I usually add a bit of peanut butter OR cheese. My husband thinks I am nuts for eating cheese with apple.
Awe Twank
Pesticides tho
I always eat the kiwi peal. My friends in high school used think I was crazy 😂😂😂
say you’re Canadian without saying you’re Canadian — wearing spaghetti strap top while outside it’s snowing 😂
What about banana