Reddit threads exposing “Skinny People Habits”… Helpful or DANGEROUS?!

Hey everyone I’m Abbey Sharp welcome to Abbey’s Kitchen. In todays video, we will be talking about what the folks of Reddit are saying "skinny people habits" are.


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
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4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • I wish my name was Clementine says:

    I almost always take the leftovers home, most meals are too big for me (I’m 5’3). So I don’t have to cook and have something nice to eat later. I eat many mini meals throughout the day and that helps me eat enough calories without under eating 😊

    • Boberta says:

      I love doing this. Sometimes meals ARE too big and I love some nice leftovers that I didn’t even have to make. I’m pretty dang sure I’m dead on with my caloric needs.

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Leftovers are the best

    • justicedinosaur says:

      How does your height have anything to do with how big your appetite is?
      I have no idea it 5’3 is short or tall because I don’t speak American, but as a tall skinny female who struggles to find clothing that fits I am annoyed at the misconception that the taller you are the fatter you are

    • Ix May says:

      @justicedinosaurThat’s not what they were saying, just that if you’re short you may need fewer calories as your body is smaller

    • justicedinosaur says:

      @Ix May I don’t think that is necessarily true

  • Ana Arh says:

    There are a lot of reasons why people are skinny, healty and unhealty ones. From genetics, intuitive eating and hunger cues, age, health, ed, lifestyle, habits, stress, enviroment and more. Being skinny is not a moral imperative but feeling good in your skin and mind should be.

  • juliana8888 says:

    As a skinny person, my number one tip is to enjoy clean full fat dairy. It makes life enjoyable. I totally socialize around food. It’s all about enjoying food. If you eat until you’re super stuffed, that isn’t enjoyable. If you force yourself to eat tiny portions and go hungry for hours, that isn’t enjoyable. If you’re only eating to stop a nagging craving that stems from a nutritional deficiency, that isn’t enjoyable. I take my vitamins and minerals every day without fail so that I don’t have to calculate them into anything I eat. I focus on what I’m getting out of my food no matter what it is. Am I eating ice cream? Good. I got some nice, stable fats in. Am I eating broccoli and cauliflower with a cheesey pesto sauce? Holy eff, look at all those magical plant compounds! By stacking the deck in my favor nutritionally and emotionally, I am not enslaved by hatred or shame. I learned to listen to my body and nourish it every day instead of riding a rollercoaster of reward and negativity. If you take care of your body and learn to stop and listen, it will eventually tell you what it needs. Sometimes you just need carbs because you’re tired. So what? There’s no shame in that. You and your body are beautifully complex. Be gentle with yourself. Trust me, you deserve to be treated well. To eat well. To enjoy your life. ❤

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Love full fat dairy!

    • LolloRosso says:

      Great advice, although I’d leave out the word “clean”, as I feel like it implies that there are “dirty” foods and could be problematic.

    • Kelly Bridwell says:

      Yes. I actually find reduced fat (not non-fat) dairy very satisfying but either way, I find that including a lot of dairy helps me eat healthier. My healthiest times include dairy foods. I know they are demonized by a lot of people, but everyone is different, not everyone should be dairy free.

    • Priya Ravindran says:

      I’m one of the few people who finds full fat dairy disgusting( especially plain whole milk, though I don’t mind it in lattes). Thick yogurt grosses me out. I find skim or low fat dairy tastier, and thus far more enjoyable. I get my fats with oils, nuts, seeds, and sometimes, cheese.

  • Iggs10 says:

    Well,I don’t know about “skinny people” habits but I’ve got the slightly chubby and menopausal habits down pat. I’m happy to share my tips. 😂

  • Agustina Echegaray says:

    I’m one of those “skinny” girls that forget to eat and i can tell you first hand it is not fun. Thanks to Abby i got the courage to make an appointment with a dietician and i’m now trying to re introduce meals in my daily life ❤

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Proud of you for taking this step!!

    • Agustina Echegaray says:

      @Abbey Sharp omg you’re the Best! 💜

    • Blue Valley says:

      I’m trying to shed about 110lb of excess weight (10 down 100 to go lol), but sometimes being in a calorie deficit makes my ADHD go the other way and, instead of eating candy to get that sweet sweet dopamine, I’ll forget to eat, or forget to pack food for work. Can confirm that “forgetting” is not fun… whether it’s food or anything else 😩 If you remember something you forgot, it was at least important enough to remember, so I feel disappointment that I forgot it. (Plus, forgetting to pack food for work can get real expensive, real quick… nearest grocery store is 10 minutes away and I only have a 30 minute break! 😭)

      It takes a lot of work for some people to have that healthy relationship with food, and I too am proud of you for taking that step. I may be on the other side of the weight spectrum, but together we will fight for our health! 💪❤️

    • Agustina Echegaray says:

      @Blue Valley hope your journey goes better with each passing day! We got this ✌🏻

  • Sara Lockyear says:

    I actually eat so much more food now than when I was 60 pounds heavier but I’m much more active, am far more mindful about my food choices and always use Abbey’s trusted ‘hunger crushing combo’s’ when preparing meals. Plus I try to follow the 80/20 rule when it comes to ‘treats’ so I never feel deprived. 😊

  • No!!! says:

    I am still a thin woman, just an average and i would say healthy thin woman. A few years ago, I was underweight, and my main habit that resulted in being that thin was that I replaced meals with coffee. I craved coffee (specifically iced coffee) every moment of every day. Coffee suppressed my appetite, so that made it so I was only hungry for one meal a day. So glad I have placed limits on my coffee addiction lol

  • Sarah de Marrero says:

    So glad you touched on NEAT! I’m a postpartum fitness specialist, and this is my biggest tip for moms. Like lean innnn to the things we naturally have to do as moms. Rock the baby, pace the floors, pick up toys for the 500th time today, yes yes and yes! It might be annoying, but at least it’s a natural weight management strategy that’s also productive 🤷‍♀️

  • hey it's gabs says:

    doing chores/keeping your environment clean is actually one of the best things cause it works twice over, its that bit of movement and excerise for your physical self and creates a clean and calm environment for your mental self. such a simple little thing thats so beneficial.

  • Miss Knight says:

    I just want to flag that the friend who always leaves something on their plate may not have a healthy relationship with food. I always did this and couldn’t be more disordered. It is one of the anorexia habits I could never break even when I was in recovery

    • GioBruno97 says:

      In some cultures, it is rude NOT to leave food in your plate. So think about that before judging others.

    • celestialcircledance says:

      It’s true that you can’t always judge a book by its cover and what may look spontaneous could actually be premeditated .

    • Cool Beans Coffee Co. says:

      @GioBruno97 no one was judging here. Just observing and offering another perspective based on their own experience. I think *you’re* the one being rude…

    • Cool Beans Coffee Co. says:

      I’m glad you said this because I had the same concern. It is something I did when I was at my peak of disordered eating. Never finished anything. I couldn’t

  • Joe Gomez says:

    I’ve been on both sides. There are many reasons people gain, Lose, or manage weight imo. My genetics wouldnt let me get above 190 (I’m Only 5’7″ and my bones are petite, despite my shoulders being a normal range) so, 190 may not look like a loooot on me (with clothes on). But I promise you I felt it. I atually do believe all different bodies are great, I myself did not like how I looked or felt for myself when I was heavier, so I came back down. As a teen, I was only 135 Ish, and my current weight is 138-142 ish. Right now, I’m hungrier than I was when I was 190, but I also am far more active, though not as active as when I was a teen. I generally though, Encourage people to make sure they want to lose the weight for themselves, and not others before stepping in to that. The reality is, I don’t think I’m better now, than I was when I as heavier. I FEEL better, and I think I look better to myself PERSONALLY, even though now people tell me I’m too skinny lmao ( I used to hear it all back in the day, “youre too skinny, you need meat on your bones” “You’d look better if you were a bit bigger!” And whatnot)

    Society has a funny way of trying to bring us all down, despite what we are comfortable or happy with. If someone is happy being skinny, let them be. If someone is happy being heavier, let them live and let live imo. I couldnt Imagine say….Lizzo getting really skinny…(if she wanted to, cool I guess, But I just am not sure it would quite fit the same?)

    I’ve been mocked for being skinny, Mocked for being heavy. And at this point I just listen to no one, and do how I feel most comfortable lmao.
    Someone will always have something negative to say, and I feel that’s where a lot of this comes from, is the negatives.

  • Kendra Baldwin says:

    in regards to the finishing your plate thing, my mom’s favorite saying recently is “i’m not the trash can” and like period! it’s going to waste either way and i deserve to not feel like crap after eating

    • ccggddccdd says:

      my mom literally calls us trash cans and says better finish the food and throw it inside of us than outside lmao
      i gained 15kg

  • Jade93972 says:

    I moved to the US as a teenager. I was “clean plate club” and when I first moved I was ashamed that I couldn’t finish meals at restaurants… Eventually I guess I stretched my stomach enough and now I’m back to always finishing my food. I wish I hadn’t though, would be cool to get 2 meals when eating out rather than just one.

  • AJ 95 says:

    The last tip about drinking water ended up being backhanded helpful. I intentionally planned to drink instead of eat which is bad. I craved salty and saucy foods out of dehydration. I was effectively volume eating in the day and would “stress cook” full meals at night; which probably looked like binging. The weight loss didn’t come until I realized I was eating to not be thirsty. I set alarms to drink water which gave me room to have filling foods and snacks early.

  • AliasAlias says:

    I am no longer a “skinny” person (I am a healthy person with some fat, muscle who can walk all day during vacation in a city for culture tours), but I managed to lose a lot of weight and keep it off for over 10 years: mostly – I am more active, and I eat more variety of food that ends up being what you would call hunger crushing combos xD I try to get protein in, fat and carbs. — when I was extra skinny after losing the weight for fear of gaining it… I was just hungry all the time and dreaming about food all day

  • Jackie Hammerton says:

    I’ve lost all my excess weight moving to Spain. When I lived in the States I balanced around 140lbs (at 5’4”) but since moving to Spain I’m now around 125lbs. I contribute it to the lifestyle here. I’m walking (sometimes running) everywhere! To the bus, to the metro, to the train… constantly rushing up and down steps. Meals are also eaten together here, like a sacred social ritual. On top of that meals are slower as you’re talking with others and plates are often shared. I’m also spending a lot more time in the sun/outdoors which (call me crazy) I suspect affects my appetite because I don’t find myself craving food to appease an emotional response. Anyway, I was happy with my weight in the States, but I do feel a lot better here in Spain. Good thing I married a Spaniard and we’re here to stay ❤

  • Amy Hatch says:

    Yes to the food noise thing! The only time I’m not thinking about food all day is when I’m on liraglutide injections. It’s so nice to not feel hungry and constantly thinking about food all the time. I’ve just re-started liraglutide, this will be my third time on it, not because I’m gaining the weight back but for relief from the food noise in my head all day. It’s a bit like being on anti-anxiety medication.

  • Evoli Li says:

    Hi Abbey, would you consider making a video with cooking tips for people with ADHD (or similar difficulties)? I want to take good care of my body, but apart from the trouble of grocery shopping and following recipes, I tend to get overwhelmed when there is more than 3 ingredients in the fridge… so I end up either eating the same over and over again or ordering takeout😅

    • AJ 95 says:

      I would like to see that too! I love cooking but forget lunch exists. I started batch cooking beans and it’s helped a lot but it’s boring.

  • caughtupinthewaves | Lina Jasmin says:

    As a “skinny” person I sometimes forget meals, you can swap the word “skinny” for ADHDer, Chronically Ill, Depressed & the sentence would still imply to me. Skinny doesn’t nessesarily mean healthy ❤️ atleast not in my case. And there are by far more possible illnesses than EDs, when it comes to someone with a smaller body.💖

    • BelleTeteRouge says:

      Yeah… i feel this. Me, a small-boned 5’3″ shortie (lol) in the depths of severe anxiety and depression (see also: adhd. Weee!) last year having lost way way too much weight. My clothes were loose and I felt ill and in pain all the time. Took a while but have slowly managed to gain the needed weight back. And now I can weight lift again because I have enough fuel! Gone the other way of clothes being tight bc muscle gain (yay!!). I feel SO MUCH BETTER.

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