Benefits and Side Effects of the Shingles Vaccine

How does the new shingles vaccine compare to the previous one, and what age should you get it?

This is the last video in my series on vaccines. Be sure to watch the other two on the flu ( ) and pneumonia ( ) vaccines.

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @sheralschowe says:

    I respect your advice so much. Are the shingles vaccines all the same? Does it matter where or from whom you receive it? Dr. Vs pharmacy ?

  • @jedikfc says:

    Hope you cover the HPV vaccine next. I was told I was too old to get it. It’s too expensive to pay out of pocket.

  • @mchagawa1615 says:

    Thank you for sharing <3

  • @isewnow says:

    Would it matter if you had a bad reaction to the covid one?

  • @DougG3 says:

    I am curious. I heard that if a person got chicken pox as a child and never got the vaccine, they don’t get shingles. Is there any studies that back this up?

    • @teachertrx1204 says:

      Listen to the video again. He said if you ever had chickenpox that virus lays dormant in your spine and has a good chance of becoming shingles later in life

    • @gnite6 says:

      The opposite. You can only get shingles if you already went through chicken pox.

    • @DougG3 says:

      I am asking for studies. My older brother got the vaccine and I got chicken pox and no vaccine. He got shingles bad. I haven’t…yet. That is why I am asking about a study.

    • @byusaranicole says:

      I had chicken pox twice as a child. No vaccine. I got shingles last year.

    • @BowenUSA says:

      Shingles and chicken pox are different viruses. No studies have proven them to be the same. They have discovered that viruses reactivate but not one causing the other. Thus, the naming of shingles vaccine, not reactivated chicken pox (rcp) vaccine.

  • @AudianPaxson says:

    I’ve been on the fence, but now I’m going to get it this week. Thank you!

  • @gnite6 says:

    What if I already went through shingles once some three years back? Does this help not getting it again or should I still get the vaccine?

  • @suzanneadams1 says:

    I got the shindrix vaccine, the second one made me exhausted the second day. Well worth getting the vaccine. I had an uncle who never recovered from it and died and my son (then 32) got it. I got the shots as soon as I was able. I’m 64 and have never looked back

  • @HappyCat3096 says:

    I had the old shot Zostavax. Then I got the new shot Shingrix when it came out. I had a very severe reaction. Massive bruising on my arm for a month, my arm also turned bright red for a month. And I spent 5 days in bed sick as a dog. Not doing the 2nd one.

  • @DeepDrinks says:


  • @dottiieee says:

    I had shingles as a teen. It was awful.

  • @HappyComfort says:

    I also got mine ASAP! I have seen enough of my older friends suffer terrible pain from shingles who didn’t get the vaccine! 😳I would like to avoid that for myself if possible 😅👍

  • @janerkenbrack3373 says:

    I had chicken pox when I was about nine years old. When I turned 60 I went to the VA and got the shingles vaccine.

  • @thinkingman07 says:

    I think he forgot to say at the end “brought to you by Pfizer.”

  • @healthwealthhappinesswitho2958 says:

    97% efficiency! Now where have I heard that before?

  • @SkepticalCaveman says:

    Im not even 50 yet, and I’m already vaccinated since a year ago.

  • @amyhunt4883 says:

    I’m curious to see if anybody else has developed tinnitus after getting the shingles vaccine. Mine started two days after my second shot and hasn’t let up in almost two years. I’m habituated to it by now, and I’d rather have mild tinnitus than shingles, but I’d love to hear if anybody else has developed tinnitus after their second shot.

  • @roddyx3559 says:

    I’ve never had chickenpox. My physician recommended I get the shingles vaccine anyway. I wonder if Mr. Gregor would also recommend I get the shingles vaccine.

  • @stevet1578 says:

    Got mine…zero issues, thanks!

  • @joycemccloy says:

    I’ve never had shingles. Never getting the vac. Went 30 years without flu, got J&J vac and within a year had cancer of immune system. Lymphoma.
    No more of these shots for me.

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