Caffeine Shampoo and Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

I cover natural topical treatments for hair growth, including pumpkin seed oil, caffeine, green tea, pyrithione zinc, ginger, Chinese knotweed, and rosemary.

Here are the videos I’ve previously done on supplements ( ), pills ( ), and food ( ) for hair growth.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • Yogi Nasser says:

    You going to test this out on yourself for us Dr. G?

  • MAC says:

    SPOILER ALERT: It doesn’t work ‼️ To save yourself from the ‘slaphead’ curse, start taking Finasteride at 1mg/day and Minoxidil at 5%. #VeganLife 💚🍏

  • Apollo 440 says:

    Judging by the thumbnail alone:
    It didn’t work!

  • andrew pawley says:

    I love this channel!

  • R M says:

    Doesn’t work. Dutasteride, finasteride, topical minoxidil, oral minoxidil, bimatoprost / latanoprost are things that actually work

  • Jessica C. says:

    I’m getting good results from the irestore. I’m about 3 months in. Im looking forward to seeing how it looks a year from now.

  • Luke Weaver says:

    Yay for rosemay oil! Making tea from fresh rosemary, pine needles and licorice root is super healthy with lots of natural MSM in it for hair growth. Eating a healthy, nutient rich diet, proper sleep and low stress helps. During a very stressful time a few months back I was losing hair more than any other time in my life. After ending the stress and getting sleep my hair stopped falling out.

  • Solar Crystal says:

    Lots of the “for hair growth” episodes are proven false by the Dr’s shiny head

    • Overlord Bubbles says:

      These effects take months. Also it may take longer depending on how long someone has been bald. The good doctor here has been bald for decades.

  • li lo says:

    Is wheatgrass safe as a prenatal

  • li lo says:

    Is msm for sulphur safe for pregnancy

  • aceofwands says:

    Man on Moon 1969, nothing put hair on my bald head 2023. Science is a total failure.😢

  • V says:

    Anything for balding is either not gonna work or will work but cause mood and sexual issues (possibly permanently).

    The best thing is to let go of your ego and put up with it, just shave your hair short. If you eat healthily and do regular exercise then you will look fine anyway.

    People willing to take drugs for their hair just makes them seem insecure, which is more unattractive in men than actually being bald.

  • Bubbly Bull says:

    I read the papers and bought me some, now I’d like to use that marvelous rosmary oil !


    1) how does one uses it without having oily hair ?

    2) Do you you make a hair mask with it every morning and evening, then wash it?
    If so, isn’t so much washing bad for the hair ?
    Or do you sleep with the hair-mask on?

    3) Do you add the rosmary oil into your shampoo? Does that make your hair oily?

    4) Dr Greger says to add it to your “favourite lotion” : what type of lotion would that be ? And how to use it ?

    Would really appreciate some guidance from someone successfully using it…

    • Xperience Evolution says:

      I can tell you it doesn’t make your hair oily. You can put it in the shampoo.
      I don’t really know what he means by Lotion.
      You can just add a drop into Water and spray it on your wet hair after showering.
      Washing you hair with water multiple times a day does not harm your hair. Shampoo on the other hand can.

      Hope that helps a little

  • William Switzer says:

    Happy Birthday Dr Greger! Keep up the inspirational work!
    From a plant based heart attack/ cardiac arrest 12 year plant based survivor!

  • Meagan says:

    How do you apply Rosemary twice a day without having oily hair?

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