Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Reversed with a Plant Based Diet?

Dr. Dean Ornish publishes the first randomized controlled trial investigating whether a plant-based diet and lifestyle program may reverse the course of early-stage Alzheimer's disease.

For more on Alzheimer’s disease, see these videos:
• How Not to Age ( )
• Controversy Around FDA’s Approval of Biogen Alzheimer’s Drug, Aducanumab ( )
• Alzheimer’s and Atherosclerosis of the Brain ( )
• How to Prevent Alzheimer’s with Diet ( )

For more on Dr. Dean Ornish’s work, check out his book Undo It! ( ) And these videos ( ); for more on heart disease, see these videos ( ).

I have more than 500 videos on plant-based diets. You can check them out here ( ).

The best available balance of scientific evidence suggests that the healthiest way to eat is a vitamin B12-fortified ( ) diet centered around whole plant foods. I go into specifics of the Daily Dozen foods I recommend in Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen ( ). For a more thorough dive into the science on these foods, check out my New York Times bestselling book, How Not to Die ( ).

Join our Plant-Based Living Series. This resource is a weekly email series that gives you simplified takeaways and actionable tips on healthy eating. Whether you're new to a whole food, plant-based lifestyle or would benefit from reminders on some of the key aspects of healthy evidence-based nutrition, this series is for you. Expanding on our popular Evidence-Based Eating Guide, this free series features even more tips and information, and you’ll get it delivered straight to your inbox on a weekly basis. (Don't have your own copy of our Evidence-Based Eating Guide? You can download it as a digital and printable PDF ( ).)

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Stay up on the latest news by subscribing to’s free e-newsletter and receive our Daily Dozen Meal Planning Guide as a thank-you for subscribing. -NF Team

    • @LooseNut099 says:

      NF team, hello! I’ve signed up several times for the newsletter. But inevitably my email address is removed after two issues of the newsletter. What’s the secret to keeping my email address alive on your distribution list?

    • @Jeffs60 says:

      @@LooseNut099 I never got the recall notice for my car about the loose nut behind the wheel.

    • @LooseNut099 says:

      Finally, someone understands the implication of my screen name. Thank you, Jeff. And that recall notice you’ve been waiting for is in the mail.

    • @Jeffs60 says:

      @@LooseNut099 My Chinese eye doctor told me if I drove a Cataract instead of a Rincoln I would have had less problems.

    • @harvinderubhi5540 says:

      @@Jeffs60 but you did not habe a car

  • @moondovefoxglove5464 says:

    I love you, Dr. Greger.

  • @TheStewieGriffinShow says:

    2:39 Genes load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger.

  • @Aidan_Au says:

    This video can save many people’s lives

  • @pdblouin says:

    Compliance is the major factor here. There is no amount of evidence that will convince my parents/step-parents/in-laws to start eating from the How Not to Die cookbook.

    • @michaelchristensen2786 says:

      Check out zerocarbhealth&fitness. The streamer, Bruno Panucci (who actually seems like a pretty nice guy) has had a heart attack and, recently, open heart surgery, but is still a strict carnivore. What more does one need to make one rethink their diet choices!

    • @leftyfourguns says:

      And that unfortunately may be compounded even more by dementia and cognitive decline.

    • @edreeves6000 says:

      True. I teach about nutrition and I’ve come to realize that many people do not want to be told what to eat. It’s like the third rail that you don’t talk about you don’t talk about food, religion, or politics.

    • @user-245er4ud says:

      Had my parents watch “What the Health” documentary. It almost made them decide to change their diets.

    • @ChristiePriem says:

      In spite of many illnesses including cancer and high blood pressure, and in spite of watching friends get worse things (like dementia), the shift to a healthy plant-based diet is too insurmountable of a hurdle for my parents (and many others). I’m happy to see Dr Ornish’s studies, though, and I’m encouraged about my future!

  • @soilikasanen says:

    This is great news! Here in Finland – the Dairy Land – we have a high mortality rate of Alzheimer’s disease. All our deceased presidents since 1960’s have died on Alzheimer’s. But for government nothing is as important as keepin’ on consuming dairy, eggs and flesh…

    • @Mikathedog100 says:

      Now you’ve sparked my interest. I’ve always thought of Finland as mostly having it together. I’m intrigued now…

    • @soilikasanen says:

      @@Mikathedog100 Finland is backwards developing country. In the crisis of healthcare and Covid-19 + bird influenza spreading through furfarms, government took 100 million euros from social services and supported remaining 400 furfarms with over 50 million euros! Also, Finland wants to exceed the amount of chicklings /m2 which is allowed in EU + resists any laws which would limit destruction (called “taking care of”) of forests / nature. List is endless, including alcohol politics. It’s all about short term profit and greed.

    • @Mikathedog100 says:

      @@soilikasanen dude, you’re ruining any hope for the world I had!!

    • @soilikasanen says:

      @@Mikathedog100 I’m sorry! All we can do is do our best and restore our hope by knowing there exist like minded people who wish the best for all earthlings & Earth. 💚

  • @fareebug8439 says:

    I can’t thank you enough!! Thank you. Thank you for what you do!!! ❤🎉👏👏👏

  • @stavokg says:

    I love Dr Greger! And I love his humor. I said it before: he is a national treasure.

  • @fjalar4856 says:

    This is huge. Thank you for facilitating the healthiest path.

  • @Alexander-ok7fm says:

    Very important topic! Thank you 😊

  • @PlantChompers says:

    I talked to Dr. Ornish about this study months ago and HAVEN’T BEEN ABLE TO WAIT for it to be published! 🎉 Great video. 👏

    • @justwhistlinpixie says:

      Thank you Plant Chompers! Love your channel. <3

    • @CessnaPilot99 says:

      The early beaver gets the worm

    • @AndrewPawley11 says:

      I’m looking forward to your thoughts on his study Chris.

    • @TangoMasterclassCom says:

      I hope you make a video of this new study findings! Maybe even an interview with scientists who did the study. Your videos are awesome. And I have been waiting for the results of this study of Dr. Dean Ornish for years. So exciting!!! 🙂

    • @crystalwebb5725 says:

      Love your videos Chris. Looking forward to an in depth video on this Alzheimer’s study.

  • @Susanonwow says:

    This is super exciting! Can’t wait for more studies.

  • @allencrider says:

    Thank you, Dean Ornish!

  • @brianrcVids says:

    CNN just did a mini documentary on this. Check out The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper: The Last Alzheimer’s Patient.

  • @VeganLinked says:

    I was at ethos Farm event last year and when I went out to eat after the event I met somebody who had reversed their cognitive decline and presumed Alzheimer’s progression by employing what they learned from the Alzheimer’s solution book by Dr Dean and Ayesha Sherzai. I even went out to my car and grabbed my camera and interviewed him real quick in the restaurant! That interview is on my channel. He was going to ethos Farm to Dr Dean and Ayesha Sherzai do a talk there and I videoed that talk as well and it’s on my channel if anyone’s interested 🙂

    • @Vunderbread says:

      Wow, you have a LOT of great videos on your channel!

    • @VeganLinked says:

      @@Vunderbread some of my best work is yet to come! I’ve been on the road for 2 and 1/2 weeks doing interviews. About to wrap this run up. But I already had enough content to release for the rest of the year. And it’s stuff I’ve been holding on to from previous years in anticipation of building up momentum for very strategically specific content 💚

    • @kristinek7436 says:

      Saw the great video. Thanks for your great work!

    • @educational-101 says:

      Aren’t they just amazing people

  • @Vunderbread says:

    I’ve literally met a man who was well on the road to reversing his Parkinson’s on a raw fruit-based diet in combination with specific herbal tinctures. Went from wheelchair-bound, could barely speak, to walking around freely, and speaking with little trouble. That was just in the short time I saw him, a year ago. Amy Elise was the health coach helping him out. Wonderful woman

    • @YesPlease1 says:

      That’s amazing. Do you know if his tremors improved too? And do you remember any of the herbs he was taking? Thank you

  • @jefflebowski918 says:

    Eat walnuts and blueberries.

  • @earllemongrab7960 says:

    This is HUGE! Let’s hope this will trigger a wave of follow up studies to cement these findings and bring them to public and medical professional’s awareness. 🙏🏻 What great news 🎉

  • @surfdog51 says:

    I was convinced 50 years ago and went vege. Now at 70, normal BP, no prescriptions, active life. Glad you’re continuing to confirm my choice, I appreciate your efforts!

    • @edreeves6000 says:

      I’ve been doing the plant-based diet for six years now. I am 53 years old and I don’t take any medication’s and I have normal bodyweight. All my medical metrics are good and my doctor said my prostate is really small!

    • @blue-fj9ky says:

      Congrats! 71 here. Lacto-veg for 53 years, WFPB vegan for 11. BP and cholesterol of an exceptionally healthy teenager.

    • @blue-fj9ky says:

      @@edreeves6000 Same here on prostate, even with a strong family history BPH and prostate cancer.

    • @surfdog51 says:

      @@blue-fj9ky Great! Love it.

  • @kristinek7436 says:

    I impatiently have been waiting for this information to come out. Of course I am doing my happy dance.Thank you Dean Ornish. And, a special thanks to you Dr Greger who gave me the courage to go full vegan 10 years ago. Just went for my annual doctor visit. My labs keep getting better. I feel like I am getting younger every day. I am 73 years old but my results are more like someone 20 or 30 years younger. Can’t argue with that!. (Shout out to all the plant based Doctors including. Drs. Klapper, Khan, Fuhrman, Goldner and influencers like Chef AJ, Well Your World, Vegan Mic, Chris of Plant Chompers, etc. who all provide free information. Thank you, thank you thank you….:-)

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