Carnivore OREOS?! (This Influencer Food Trend is CRAZY)
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Xoxo Abbey
What’s wild is them not taking the opportunity to call them “Carnivoreos”.
ur absolutely hilarious for this
@@Daniimarshh Agreed lol
Just eat an Oreo already! Cauliflower will NEVER be rice or steak, steak will NEVER be Oreos and carrots will never be bacon. Carrots will however be cake (my favorite)
Cauliflower “rice” might need a new name. It’s delicious and a great sub when my body is through with grains for a while (quite often with my gut issues).
Otherwise, carry on, your points are valid!
@@cyn4476 I love cauliflower “riced” up but I have never been more disappointed in myself than when I had it in a sushi roll. Because I chose that disappointment.
@@polkadotteandglitterspots5367 oh no, I’m sorry to hear that! I save up for my real sushi fix, nothing but the best. No fake crab or soy paper.. or, ugh, fake rice!
I consider myself warned.. No cauliflower in my sushi
We called beef cookies cow patties
That poor kid. I was denied snack foods when I was a kid and it gave me an eating disorder that 40 yrs later I still struggle with binging on junk
I feel the same way about “cauliflower” mashed potatoes. Just because something is white, doesn’t mean I can trick myself about taste.
Agreed. Or the large amount of cauliflower it took to get one “tater”” tot”….. I’d rather eat nothing than fake potatoes lol
It’s also wild because potatoes are such a nutritious food. Low carb dieters have poisoned the minds of millions.
Okay, I do get this, especially having grown up with an almond mom, but I will say my mom’s cauliflower mashed potatoes were weirdly good, lmao.
cauliflower “mashed potatoes” gave me a tummy ache, and don’t even get me started at the texture
No can we stop making things out of vegetables?
How about both vegans and carnivores just stop and eat the food they are trying to restrict? You all seem to co exist as the same exact diet lol
@@plutotoad203 yes agree lol
@@plutotoad203Veganism is (typically) about environmental and ethical concerns, they’re not cutting out things for the supposed health factors, but because they feel its more environmentally friendly. While carnivores are promoting a fad, incredibly restrictive diet that has been scientifically disproved, and yet they say its what we’re “supposed” to eat. Not really the same thing
Vegans aren’t here trying to say protein is a lie the way they do fibre.
@@plutotoad203 100%. It’s not like carnivores even think veggies are bad for them, right?
@@DanielRM7717 They do and vegans think meat is bad for them. I see parallels between the two.
They’re kind of like vegans at this point. Trying to make food be like meat and then they say “it’s so easy to make, all you need is just 15 ingredients!” For real for real, just have the foods.
Thank you for the unsolicited advice
I love cheese and porridge (stuff tastes disgusting made with water…), but for health conditions can only have animal products rarely. I also love cake and waffles and pancakes. All of that I could only eat once in a blue moon, weren’t it for the vegan version of it.
I trust my doctors on this (and all the research supporting a WFPB diet like the Mediterranean one).
So no thank you, I’ll have the vegan cheese, milk and eggs most of the time
@@sini234 Honey, I didn’t give you unsolicited advice, you commented under my comment not the other way around.
And the Crete diet which is the original Mediterranean diet eats loads of meat along with vegetarian dishes so don’t know what to tell you there.
You buy fake meat products that are already made for you, you’re not taking twenty ingredients and making it. But some vegans and carnivores do.
I’m all for carnivore but just eat the meat as is. People have lost it to the point where they’re transitioning the food too.
Oreos are vegan… Well most are. So of course Carnivores take umbridge
I haven’t seen this but can I just ask… how is the meat slice turned into the fluffy looking chocolate cake thing at the end?
kinda sad that he’s making his daughter grow up with this imbalanced diet. wish it was fake lol
Not any different than vegans but you praised them when they were it
This is not real
Food videos are so oversaturated that it’s just become go big or go home to a lot of creators
Yeah it’s like vegans trying make everything look and feel like meat or fish… I’m over it
I’d honestly say that’s different, bc u can make a veggie burger that decently approximates the taste and/or texture of real meat but there’s no way in hell you can make freeze dried beef taste like a chocolate cookie