Do Potatoes Increase the Risk of Diabetes?
Does the link between white potatoes and diabetes extend to non-fried potatoes without butter or sour cream?
This is the first in a five-part series on potatoes. Stay tuned for:
• Do Potatoes Increase the Risk of High Blood Pressure and Death? ( )
• Glycemic Index of Potatoes: Why You Should Chill and Reheat Them ( )
• How to Reduce the Glycemic Impact of Potatoes ( )
• The Healthiest Type of Potato ( )
Interested in a sampling of diabetes videos? Check out:
• Diabetes as a Disease of Fat Toxicity ( )
• What Causes Diabetes? ( )
• Plant-Based Diets for Diabetes ( )
• Turmeric Curcumin for Prediabetes ( )
• Eggs and Diabetes ( )
• Fish and Diabetes ( )
• Diabetics Should Take Their Pulses ( )
• Can Vinegar Help with Blood Sugar Control? ( )
• When Drugs and Diets Don't Lower Diabetes Deaths ( )
• Reversing Diabetes with Food ( )
• Diabetes Reversal: Is It the Calories or the Food? ( )
• How Not to Die from Diabetes ( )
• Is Ginger Beneficial in a Diabetic Diet? ( )
• Benefits of a Macrobiotic Diet for Diabetes ( )
• Does a Ketogenic Diet Help Diabetes or Make It Worse? ( )
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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I love this channel!
Could you please give some explanation why you are reuploading 2 years old videos and also mark the videos as reuploads in some way?
We’ll find out in the fifth videos that potatoes have been found to be highly toxic and can kill you at any moment that’ll be in 6 weeks time 😃
Ungrateful, lazy and impatient!
Actually they are highly toxic, if you don’t cook them.
This felt incomplete. It felt like it went on a journey of answering the question that was never answered.
Four more vids coming. Hang in there. 😆
He’s going to tell you in a later video to boil your potatoes and then cool them. Then you can reheat if you want. The blanching changes the starches and lowers the glycemic index. He’s also going to tell you that purple potatoes and sweet potatoes are healthier than white/regular potatoes
@ ok, thank you. I was surprised because I usually love his videos.
Links to the remaining four videos are in the description box.
Thank you!
Does this mean we can count potatoes as servings of other vegetables on the daily dozen and feel good about it?
Reheat them after they have cooled or reheat to bring down glycemic index.
Find a way to make them healthy. Purple ones are hard to find.
I know that sweet potato is optimal, but I love baked and boiled white potatoes. My enjoyment of them helps me sustain being WFPB. Great source of calories if you are highly physically active, and has some vitamin c
A study should be done on baked potatoes with skin WITH butter..
When people talk about having eaten potatoes, they’re often only telling part of the story. What they are doing is eating potatoes + oil + dairy + sugar.
Are you sure OR=0.47 means half the odds because right after they say no significant association with fried potato and diabetes with OR=0.50 ? 4:22
Potatoes of all sorts cooked in my pressure cooker have been the major component of my diet for 14 years now and my pre-diabetes is long gone. None of the SOS stuff for me! Special tribute to Dr. John McDougall who got me started way back when! Great video!
French fries bad potatoes good. 10-4.
Mr Potatoe Dr John McDougall
I prefer sweet potatoes
As an Irish person, the ‘best’ potato is all of them.
I’m a McDougalite. Pass the potatoes please (but hold the butter, sugar, oil).