Does Coffee Affect Cholesterol?

New data suggests even paper filtered coffee may raise LDL bad cholesterol.

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In my chapters in How Not to Die ( ) on liver disease, depression, and Parkinson’s, I discussed the benefits of coffee for the liver, mind, and brain. Coffee drinkers do seem to live longer and have lower cancer rates overall, but coffee may worsen acid reflux disease, bone loss, glaucoma, and urinary incontinence. Bottom line I don’t recommend drinking coffee, but mainly that’s just because every cup of coffee is a lost opportunity to drink something even healthier—a cup of green tea, which wouldn’t have the adverse cholesterol consequences.

Here's some more coffee vids:
• Preventing Liver Cancer with Coffee ( )
• Coffee and Artery Function ( )
• Coffee and Mortality ( )

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Image credit: Karl Fredrickson / Unsplash

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Leroy Johnson

  • @Alexander-ok7fm says:

    Thank you!

  • @CARLiCON says:

    what about K-cups, is that considered paper filtered?

  • @sherriawilliams8617 says:

    This is eye opening… Interesting. Thank you!

  • @RyanRowntree-tf5st says:

    This is terrible news!

  • @S1LV3REYES says:

    Thank you for the valuable info ✨

  • @waveydavie says:

    I have one ground coffee a day using an AeroPress with paper filters so that’s okay.
    But does that go for instant coffee also?

  • @cyclist5000 says:

    Where would coffee pods fall on this spectrum?

    • @meganmanson6488 says:

      You’d have to deconstruct yours after it is used and cooled to find out what sort of filtration is involved.

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @lisengel2498 says:

    I use coffee capsules – and there is a small paper? And no particles in the cup 🙃

  • @danasekundiak2604 says:

    Unreal. U can’t eat or drink anything anymore. Discouraging.

  • @longevitycoach1573 says:

    This vegan is deteriorating evenly 😆 😂 😂

  • @Jeffs60 says:

    Cholesterol is C27H460, that’s all it is and you decide if it is good or bad.

  • @kumirei8715 says:

    Two videos in a day and this one wasn’t published to our subscription pages; I feel like something must have gone awry

  • @bryanleaman5942 says:

    I switched from metal to paper filters one year (and ever since) for French press, aeropress and espresso-my three primary preparations. As near as I can tell that’s the only change I made that year and my Ldlc dropped 26 pts.

  • @JoshBender1 says:

    I’ve never liked the taste of coffee so no loss here. But I know plenty of coffee drinkers that will claw my eyes out when I mention these studies to them. 😅

  • @catlyn777 says:

    I’m going to have to try this. I follow Dr. Greger’s app., eat a strict vegan WFPB diet and my BMI is 22, but I still struggle with cholesterol. I am going to stop all oil (I only use about 1-2 T) reduce nuts & seeds, and stop peanut butter. I am trying to get my LDL below 100. My hdl is also too high too at 90. I thought I was doing so well 😢

    • @alexvega7083 says:

      Dr Greger suggests eating Brazil nuts to lower cholesterol. The video is “Four Nuts Once a Month”

    • @catlyn777 says:

      @ thanks, I appreciate all tips I can try because I must be very sensitive, likely genetic I think

  • @geoff_onYT says:

    does the high pressure push the cholesterol raising compounds through an aeropress paper filter???

  • @JW4REnvironment says:

    How about the plastic cartridge coffees? Do they raise cholesterol as well?

  • @Tycrome says:

    Its probably also important to mention that drinking coffee in any preparation, I think actually even shockingly with milk and sugar, increases lifespan and decreases all cause mortality. So this is really specifically an issue with people who have high cholesterol and themselves are not consuming a WFPB diet.

  • @LiamNygaard-m7g says:

    So we shouldnt drink coffee???

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