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Dr. Chris Knobbe – ‘Diseases of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism?’

Dr. Chris Knobbe is an ophthalmologist and Associate Clinical Professor Emeritus, formerly of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, in Dallas, Texas. He is also the founder and president of Cure AMD Foundation, a nonprofit organisation dedicated to the prevention of vision loss from age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Dr. Knobbe has a deep interest in general nutrition, particularly as it relates to chronic degenerative disease, though his primary area of expertise is with the disorder AMD. AMD is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss and blindness in people over the age of 65, currently affecting approximately 196 million people worldwide.

Dr. Knobbe’s research efforts and revolutionary hypothesis for the nutritional basis of AMD have resulted in a published scientific paper, a book – Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration – a website, CureAMD.org, and a second book currently in the making. Knobbe’s current research focuses substantially on omega-6 seed oil consumption as a major unifying driver of the chronic degenerative diseases of civilization, including AMD.

Leroy Johnson

  • KenDBerryMD says:

    Excellent video doctor! Keep up the great work…

    • Zamira Paez Cure says:

      KenDBerryMD hi Dr Berry, nice to see you here. What is your opinion on CLA supplement? Not the beef source, but the pills that probably don’t come from animal source. If linoleic acid is so bad, why CLA is recommended? Thank you 😊

    • Jim Bo says:

      Dang, I use to eat those salad kits all the time. With tons of said dressing, thinking I was eating healthy.

    • Sassifrass7 says:

      Dr. Berry, what do you think? This is new information…..what are your thoughts?

    • in hoc signo vinces says:

      So how do you interpret the relatively lower impact of carbs/sugar on metabolic syndrome as postulated here? For me personally it doesn’t matter because I already have diabetes and there is no way around low carb, but for healthy-ish people? Is it because (most) of them are actually insulin resistant from PUFAs already that they need low carb?

    • Alejandro Escarcega says:

      Dr Berry please, comment on this subject on your YouTube channel ! I would love to hear your opinion. I find this fascinating.

  • Jeanne DiGennaro says:

    Dr. Knobbe has delivered the strongest indictment against seed oils and PUFAs that I have ever heard. Take that, American Heart Association!

    • Dan Bo says:

      He’s 100% wrong because he’s fixated on soybean poison oil! He’s a Pharma plant!

    • Patricia Walters says:

      @Dan Bo so, anyone who actually watches the video can see he is literally NOT 100% wrong. I suggest that this type of comment does nothing for your argument, in fact it undermines you by making you appear unreasonable. You might actually have some sort of reasonable argument, but you have presented yourself as an ignoramus, so why should anyone pay any attention?

    • Joe OMalley says:

      They aren’t Americans, but U. S. inc. and franchises.

    • Leonardo Oliveira says:

      Me too. I guess I’m cutting down even on Olive Oil. Oh tahini, you must go 😭

    • Mike Frame says:

      Raymond Peat has been researching this since the 60s. I don’t expect any main medical programs to change.

  • Человек Сталь says:

    4:57 – History
    6:05 – Timeline for Heart Disease
    7:42 – Timeline for Cancer Death
    8:36 – Timeline for type 2 Diabetes
    9:00 – Timeline for Obesity
    9:41 – Macular degeneration
    10:47 – Timeline for processed food

    12:17 – The Newer Knowledge of Nutrition
    12:39 – Rats
    15:39 – Hight pufa oils
    15:54 – Vegetable oil consumption

    19:00 – LA consumption from 1865 to 2008
    20:47 – Maasai Tribe
    22:52 – Tokelau Islands – 48 % saturated fat

    24:19 – Omega – 6 in Adipose Tissue US 1959 – 2008

    29:00 – Toxic
    33:47 – Type of Fats vs Weight Gain in Rats
    36:30 – Heart Failure Study
    40:52 – Vegetable oil and cancer

  • Mary says:

    Hi Chris. As a child and adolescent doctors force-fed me a concoction of sugar and refined vegetable oils through an NG tube, along with food fried in PUFAs for years, trying to “cure” me of anorexia. Then they wondered why my brain went haywire!! I am still not cured in my 40s But I am now a public health professional advocating for PROPER nutrition to be fed to people who are malnourished… You don’t solve malnutrition with JUNK… Yet they are STILL doing it!! It is cheap and profit driven, but amounts to malpractice in my opinion. Thanks for spreading the facts 👍 Kind regards; Mary from Australia

    • Camellia says:

      You must have felt violated having that approach taken with your care. I am sorry you went through that.

  • Mary Nordseth says:

    This presentation will save millions of lives. The doc is gifted at getting to the bottom of the problem. I’m so glad I got to see it!!

  • Ruouiji says:

    My friend from India was always warning me and others about seed oils. And as the cases of diabetes rose, his concerns became clearer! Great video Dr. Knobbe and keep up the great work!

    • Goorie Henkel says:

      That’s weird. My friend reversed his diabetes by cutting sugar out of his diet. So, who’s correct?

    • Tyler H says:

      @Goorie Henkel By him cutting sugar, he probably also cut alot of processed foods, processed foods made with seed oils. He could have unintentionally removed seed oils as well

  • Hector Fernandez says:

    I am 67 and improving my former Metabolic Syndrome through low carb, fasting and so on. Your approach is clear, scientific based, powerful and certainly help me to have a clearer health picture. Certainly aiming for a Massai warrior health and physique!! Hahaha. Very grateful Dr Knobbe for teaching me a powerful information.

  • Deedra Critch says:

    As a retired dietitian, I shutter to thing of the harm done by what we taught in good faith. Thank you. The video is so clear and I will be sharing it.

  • Polly Purree says:

    My father had 3 heart attacks in his late 40s. I pulled all seed oils away from him completely, replaced it with butter and animal fats and, guess what, he didn’t have any more heart attacks much to the utter amazement of the local medical community. He went 32 years that way.

    • Joseph Wanjiku says:

      Good you had him for 32 years extra..

    • Rolando Manuel says:

      If you father had already a heart atack for what ever reason my be is just a good idea to avoid this fats too there is also olive coconut oils and if hes tons of meat and sugar he will again have more heart attacks remember people not so long didnt eat so much meat like today no problem with eating animal protein but not like today.

    • TInyK12 says:

      Surprised you had the foresight to do that 32 years before all this buzz about seed oils. That’s a amazing.

    • blissrunner says:

      @TInyK12 Welp.. some people may have the luck of the draw. Anyways… I think the issue today perhaps is an overabundance of processed carbs & fats

      Sugar is the liquid candy… and processed seed oils/to some extent animal fats as the liquid fat.

      Most animals consume fat solid anyways/raw

  • BlindTriker says:

    Incredible presentation. I’m shocked by what I’ve learned in this video, and impressed with all the data that support this hypothesis.
    Dr. Knobbe has done the hard work of bringing all of this together for the layman in this very easy to understand, yet concise talk.
    The best 45 minutes I have ever spent!
    Thank you, George Collins!!!

  • Alan George Barstow says:

    Thank you, Dr Knobbe, for contributing to my continued education (I am 70 years old and never too old to learn). I have changed my diet over the past few years to one of more healthy eating and I intend to be around for a long time yet. Your presentation was an inspiration.

  • Milton Bates says:

    Eliminating seed oils from my diet has improved my health in so many ways. I now cook exclusively with butter, beef tallow, ghee/clarified butter, and duck fat and have noticed an improvment in every aspect of my health. Thank you to all those bold Dr.’s and researchers that stood up and challenged the Big Agriculture and Big Agri-chemical companies that are behind the pervasive health myths.

  • Scorpio girl says:

    I just.moved to Colorado and discovered Dr. Knobbe while researching macula degeneration. His presentation on diet and disease and processed oils is outstanding. I’ve been a health conscious person my whole life and still learned more from his speech. Incredible!!!

  • kathy berrier says:

    I’m in the process of convincing my Mayo Dr that I will reverse all the conditions I’m currently being medicated for. In 7 wks, near normal blood glucose level, high blood pressure normal, arthritis pain diminished, respectable wt loss. I’m actually looking forward to my next Dr visit in 4 months. All being accomplished with low carb, moderate protein, 7 cups leafy greens per day, high fat, 18/6 intermittent fasting. No seed oils, no processed food, no grains, cravings gone, brain fog gone, depression gone, energy back. I will not, cannot go back. If only I knew this 20-30 years ago. Even at 72 I don’t think it’s too late for me to be healthy and happy.

    • Martha Ray says:

      Kathy, I am happy for you and I pray for your mission…I believe you are right and that you are on the right path.
      Dr. Eric Berg and Dr. Ken Berry are great practitioners for people to begin learning from. — They both have short videos jam packed with information. I too wish I’d known 20-30 years ago…but exceedingly grateful God has been answering my prayers.

      Books and presentations from so very many have helped me other the past years but some of my favorites lately are Ken Berry MD, Eric Berg DC, Jack Kruse, MD (Epi-Paleo Rx), Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD (The End of Alzheimer’s), Benjamin Bikman PhD, (Why We get Sick.) and Peter Osborne DC (No grain No Pain), Joan Vernikos (Sitting Kills, Moving Heals: How Everyday Movement Will Prevent Pain, Illness, and Early Death — and Exercise Alone Won’t) and Chris Knobbe’s Book …Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration.

    • Cyrus Julian says:

      @Martha Ray don’t forget dr fung from Canada as well. He also has a network of doctors for which one of them my mother has been seeing for a few years, beat diabetes and lowered her blood pressure all through diet

    • Preeti Bandesha says:

      Leafy greens are anti nutrient and high in oxalates.

    • Free Indeed says:

      Congratulations! I am on a similar journey at 59! Feeling the best I have in many years! So much energy, less aches and pains, low percentage body fat and visceral fat! My brain is working fantastic! Great mood! Now I need to get all the hidden bad oils out of my diet! Eat gee and coconut oils with butter. Eat more quality beef. I mostly do 16/8 or 18/6 intermittent fasting. Yea

  • Francesco CAPORUSSO says:

    As a physician I’m ashamed this information isn’t more mainstream. I’m even more terrified the American Heart Association actually recommends these dangerous seed oils.

  • Monte Lang says:

    We are dying for the profit margins of food industries. The food industries and the “scientists” they employ are 100% responsible for the erroneous assumptions that people make about nutrition and health. I am sick and tired of corporate interests poisoning us!! Thank you Dr. Knobbe, you are doing essential science.

    • Bobby Sixkiller says:

      Well said. They should all be prosecuted.

    • Nadeem Ahmed says:

      The scientists are the one that invented this stuff but the good scientists have been warning about this stuff for over 100 years at this point but the majority of the population is deaf

  • Roger Reyes says:

    This man should be awarded a prize of some sort for his investigation. Well done!! Dr., you are a messenger of hope. Thank you for all your efforts, may God bless you.

  • Pues Bien says:

    S/o to my mother for keeping my family healthy with information like this! I knew there was a reason we didn’t eat McDonalds much when I was a kid. Love you Mom!

    • selective outrage says:

      We didn’t eat at McDonald’s unless it was a special treat because we were poor and my mom cooked everything. I learned to cook and never get fast food because it doesn’t taste as good. Much too salty usually.

  • Mike Sumner says:

    WHOA!!!!! Absolutely mind blowing. Everyone needs to watch this. I cut out PUFAs from my diet some time ago but was unaware of just how harmful they are. Thank you 🙏

  • Y says:

    Once I stopped eating at restaurants I felt so much better. I cook with olive oil & avocado oil. My stomach pain has gone. There’s so much truth to what this man is saying. Thank you!!!

    • john allen says:

      The doctor just demonstrated why animal fat is the healthier option by far, and you just celebrate cooking in olive oil?

    • solmn says:

      @john allen He’s going in the right direction and you are admonishing him for not being good enough. Why not advise him that he can keep using olive oils but try to also include virgin coconut oil and a lot more butter and lard?

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