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Dr. James Muecke – ‘Unblinding: Reversing the blinding risk of diabetes… naturally’

Dr James Muecke AM is a South Australian based ophthalmologist and visiting consultant at Royal Adelaide and Women’s and Children’s Hospitals. Dr. Muecke graduated with Honours from the University of Adelaide Medical School in 1987. Following his internship, James lived and worked as a doctor in Africa and subsequently as an eye surgeon in the Middle East, battling malaria, wild animals, and rebel soldiers. He founded 'Sight For All' in 2008, turning his boundless energy into a fight against blindness in the Aboriginal communities of Australia and some of the poorest countries of Asia and Africa.

Dr. Muecke's commitment to social impact and humanitarian endeavours has earned him a string of awards. He received an Outstanding Service to the Prevention of Blindness award by the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology in 2011, a Member of the Order of Australia in 2012, a South Australian Community Achievement Award in 2013, the Australian Medical Association’s President’s Leadership Award in 2013, Ernst & Young’s Social Entrepreneur for Australia in 2015 and The University of Adelaide’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 2019. In 2020, Dr. Muecke was named Australian of the Year and vowed to use his platform to advocate for measures to tackle preventable blindness caused by diabetes.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @TomSmith-cv8hk says:

    “Just Eat real Food” Actually came with a good picture of real food, a bit more fatty red meat would have been good, but everybody is still scared of Ruminants fat.
    Blood Glucose doesn’t drive insulin, Carb ingestion heavily drives blood glucose and more heavily drives insulin levels.

  • @jobrown8146 says:

    It was learning that diabetes can cause blindness and kidney damage that scared me into trying low carb. It worked to remit my diabetes and I’ve stuck with it since Oct 2021. I knew that diabetics could lose toes and limbs but I didn’t know about the other damage it can cause.

    My husband was on peritoneal dialysis. We looked into both types and they both have a large impact on your life.

  • @honeyclarke5337 says:

    This is astounding. Please spread the word. I shall certainly

  • @m-hadji says:

    i diagnosed as T2d in 1996 and finally at 2021 i went low carb. lost 50lbs and discontinued lots of meds including insulin. the only failure was my eyes issues. it made me happy to see this video and i am happy for people having the opportunity to heal. unfortunately it did not apply to me. i still see so well but low carb and injunctions did not work as good doc said in here.

  • @peterbougoure5356 says:

    Which is why I turned to a Carnivore diet approx 5 years ago and haven’t looked back. My doctor doesn’t agree, but I don’t give him the choice, as he can’t argue against the blood test results – he also no longer argues my cholesterol results. Whenever he does, I ask him what my HDL / Triglyceride ratio was? This is what is more important than LDL, especially as every cell in our bodies is made up of cholesterol – why would our bodies require the reduction of a substance that makes up and is required by our bodies? This is also why the levels of dementia are increasing due to the use of statins reducing the amount of LDL cholesterol ie starving our brains of the food required and replacing the food with sugar – what a joke! Man has lived for millions of years, and in the last 100 or so years, our health has declined dramatically by eating high carb and seed oils. I was diagnosed as T2D in 2002, and by following the standard guidelines only got fatter and more unhealthy, and the worse part was that according to my doctor, it was my fault. By 2020, I was 136kg, with a host of medical issues (all managed by drugs) and getting fatter all the time. While recovering from shoulder surgery, I started a keto diet, but after 3 months changed to a mostly carnivore diet and haven’t looked back. I do get a lot of ‘push back’ from other people when they learn of my diet, and have leant to not argue when they say that fruits, veges and fibre are essential for a healthy diet!

  • @Shiny54 says:

    Thank you

  • @nicolechalmer61 says:

    Why isn’t this knowledge widespread in conventional medicine?

  • @KB-jz2zn says:

    Amazing work. Well done Sir.

  • @jennyweyman3039 says:

    Spot on as always Dr Muecke. Thankyou for opening people’s 👀 to the hope that type 2 can be reversed. Most importantly, suffering eliminated.

  • @ogeoge6000 says:

    Fantastic, thank you.

  • @lschmidt2405 says:


  • @great-garden-watch says:

    It should be shouted from the highest mountain “you can stop your insulin injections” “you can get the same benefits as ozempic but for free and no side effects”

  • @great-garden-watch says:

    I am so sad watching dialysis centers popping up in strip malls all over.

  • @anthonychaffeemd says:

    What a great talk!

  • @Belynda-z5z says:

    Thank you so much for spreading this invaluable information. It’s wonderful to hear that TCR is finally being accepted by mainstream medicine, albeit slowly.

  • @billybobnz1 says:

    Awesome and have slowed stopped at present my issues through food change.

  • @karenohanlon4183 says:

    More people should be made aware of this. GP should be addressing groups in surgeries. It should be on posters on buses etc.
    Great info thanks.

  • @AnnabellaRedwood says:

    My Aunty is going blind from her type 2 diabetes. She keeps listening to the mainstream advice from dieticians. I’ve been able to reverse diabetes myself from going carnivore. Its been such a gift to be free from diabetes. I am hoping my example will help my family to make some dietary changes.

  • @athanmarkos3837 says:

    Well Done !!!!
    Let’s keep spreading the word!!!!
    Fantastic information that needs to be expressed not only to our medical personnel, but also to be intergrated permanently into the medical degrees, courses and studies in schools from primary through to high schools onto universities and beyond.
    Let’s get it out there!!!!!
    Let’s reduce people’s suffering, reduce the dependance on medicines and procedures,
    time and money spent, and ultimately, the burden on our medical system.

  • @tifqureshi3895 says:

    Great lecture

    The mechanism is basically the same issue as gum disease – and seemingly most other diseases caused by diet.

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