Dr. Max Gulhane – ‘Identifying & Eliminating Visceral Fat for Optimal Health’

Dr Max Gulhane is a practicing GP registrar, host of the Regenerative Health Podcast and advocate of circadian & nutritional approaches to optimising health and reversing metabolic diseases.

In this talk he explains why we should be worried about visceral fat as an optimal health 'biomarker' and the most effective strategies to eliminate it.


00:02:14 Types of fat and sites of ectopic fat,

00:06:30 Why ectopic and visceral fat is harmful,

00:10:00 The flaws of the BMI metric,

00:14:50 LDL cholesterol is a poor a biomarker for health optimisation,

00:17:00 Drivers of visceral fat accumulation,

00:22:40 Visceral fat accumulates in proportion to a lifestyle which is incompatible with your biology,

00:23:00 Strategies for visceral fat elimination,

00:29:25 Q&A,

REGENERATE is a holistic health movement based on three pillars – circadian health, ancestral diets and regenerative farming.


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Leroy Johnson

  • Marta Martins says:

    Very informative 👋

  • marion albergo says:

    Excellent presentation. Clear and concise. Thank you.

  • G K says:

    precise and to the point without much jargon. Thank you Dr Guhane!

  • Carol J. says:

    Thanks SO much. I was lean 55 yrs, then began packing on visceral fat. Because I’m still mostly lean all my Dr is concerned about is LDL. I knew it was a sign my health was slipping. Thanks again.

  • flyingrainbo says:

    Simple, succinct, up to date and well presented! Good reference for normies! Thanks!

  • Yvonne says:

    Is that exposure to light infrared or ultraviolet, what light is important. I ask because I’m made ill by UV light, SLE.

  • Marcus Diaz says:

    Does getting rid of visceral fat make you metabolically healthier or does getting metabolically healthier get rid of visceral fat? Chicken meet egg 🤔

    • Carol J. says:

      Have to get healthier to loose the viseral fat.

    • gammypage says:

      Both but focus on metabolic health first and foremost.

    • gammypage says:

      Calorie counting vs cutting seed oils and sugar flour carbs … you can be skinny and sick, tho more likely skinny fat with a loss of muscle
      Excess viscersl fat contributes to insulin resistance, but eating carbs directly tells your body to store fat and makes u hungry , whereas eating protein and fat does not give the hormone signal and instead satiates once your body has enough nutrition from it.

  • Kernsen says:

    puh picking up every little thing that contributes to a problem i find it so tiring. In the last 3 years i did 2,5 years of keto or at least low carb. My biggy is by a big distance carbs. If i manage to do keto i even loose the visceral fat, despite not having optimal sleeping, sometimes more wine than i like, not going outside sometimes, drinking from plastic bottles (oh my god) or even consuming seed oils cause my partner does not care at all. I wonder about motivation of people getting into low carb if all the concerns the weigh often much less than carbs are brought up. I could see people just giving up in front of the mountain. For me they hardly count.

    • Bobby Lee says:

      Fasting is the one aspect that people can’t handle. That’s when fat is utilized as fuel. That’s the steepest slope that people can’t climb.

  • chuckarock2 says:

    Very informative! ❤

  • Nicholas Canada says:

    You can get meat wrapped in paper before it’s wrapped in plastic they do that at Frankie’s free range meats

  • W.M. Fahmi says:

    Sean O Mara Aussie version 👍🏼

  • Carnivore Caveman says:

    I’ve been following the Carnivore diet for about 4 years now, and the RAW Carnivore diet for the last 3 years, that is, I eat raw meat and raw offal in 99 percent of the cases: for example, raw liver (that natural multivitamin!), raw brain marrow, raw bone marrow, raw kidney, etc., and I drink even fresh blood if I can, because it’s a “natural energy drink”!
    I’m a 58-year-old man, but since then I feel like I’ve “went back in time”, i.e. like I’m 30 years old again! Since I switched to this diet (lifestyle… because I want to follow this for as long as I live…), my deep depression has gone (and it was so severe that I constantly contemplated suicide, i.e. this diet probably saved my life!) , I lost about 15 kg, since then my skin doesn’t itch, my back doesn’t hurt, my bursts of fury are gone, my dreams are more beautiful when I sleep, and in general, my energy skyrocketed and my zest for life has returned!
    So, as I mentioned it above, I almost always eat raw meat, mostly lamb or cow. Especially the fattier bites from raw meat. I don’t use any spices. No salt either. I use (sea) salt only when I very rarely eat cooked meat, this is maybe once a month, not more often, then I cook a whole pig’s head, I like it very much. I don’t eat anything from the plant kingdom at all, except that sometimes I drink lemon juice, unsweetened, but I also squeeze it myself from fresh lemons, and I regularly drink apple cider vinegar. I also eat eggs, partly raw, partly as fried eggs (frying it in lard or tallow, not in plant or seed oils!). I don’t consume carbohydrates at all. BUT I DON’T EVEN WANT TO. I don’t crave carbohydrates, sugary food-like creations, artifical food-like concoctions, oversweetened industrial craps, I don’t have to resist the cravings with any “will power”, because I don’t have any cravings for them at all!
    I love this diet so much that I even wrote a book about it, although not in English, but in my native language, Hungarian. Although it is science fiction, the nutritional principles described in it are correct from the point of view of the carnivore diet.
    The essence of the story, in short, is that vegans have a planet, it’s called Vegania, and a young man who follows the same raw carnivore diet that I follow goes there… everything is set for conflict!
    The raw English translation of the book is ready, but someone who is a native English speaker should proofread it…
    Anyway, ever since I changed my eating habits, my slogan has been: “If man-made: DO NOT EAT!”
    Since then, my hobby is bushcrafting, in general, I have switched to an extreme minimalist lifestyle, I hardly have more stuff than can fit in a large military backpack, on the other hand, I feel much FREER and I am much HAPPIER in every way!

  • 555Trout says:

    Well presented!

  • Terry Ingram says:

    Fascinating. Thanks

  • Lee McDonald says:

    I can remember life before plastic wrapping.
    Butchers would cut meat to your order, then wrap it in paper. Grocery items came in tins, bottles, cardboard, and waxed or plain paper.
    Water bags were made from jute and hung in the shade.
    Cooking oils non-existent, we used butter or rendered animal fat for home cooking. Only fish and chip shops used oil, and families only had such a meal maximum once a week.

  • FasterBetterStronger says:

    I’m definitely watching too many carnivore videos when I can tell it’s Dr chaffees voice at the end lol

  • DS111 says:

    The carnivore-eating lifestyle completely alleviated hemorrhoids for me in about eight weeks because of fewer per week and smaller bowel movements — this is an incredible and unexpected benefit for me.

    I learned a lot about body fat in this talk by the doctor!

  • jonesr227 says:

    Excellent presentation. Very informative.

  • Roberto Peraza says:

    Sharp and to the point – Great talk

  • Inhale8Exhale8 says:

    I first heard of this topic from Sean O’Mara, MD. I am so glad other people are bringing his data to people in different countries.

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