Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Low Carb from a Doctor’s perspective’

Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature.

For the last two years, Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

Leroy Johnson

  • Damaris Rodriguez says:

    This is the most comprehensive presentation on the effects of sugar I have ever seen. Great job!

    • Solaris 32 says:

      If you want comprehensive watch “sugar the bitter truth”.

    • Daniel Pincus says:

      Damaris Rodriguez You may also want to take a look at the videos of Dr. Robert Lustig, a pioneer in this area. Also, anything by Gary Taubes.

    • OverlandTT says:

      Agreed, following low carb in the last few months I’ve gone from around 119kg to 102kg at 6’4.
      I’d previously peaked at 137kg
      I run with my greyhound (retired) and love never feeling cravings or even hungry 👍

    • Mike How says:

      What is the matter with me inbetween 6 to 8 cps a day i know veryo well not to have the2 2 to 3 spoond per cup of coffee been doing it for 30 to 40 years st 78 i am still exercising. What. Degenerizing ca i expect

  • Sherlock Hound says:

    Thank you for sharing. I’ll be sharing this with all my friends. I started the low-carb diet a year ago, and I’m down 75lbs. 💪 I’m very proud.

    • BritGirlJay says:

      You should be! And do you generally feel better in your health (ignoring the weightloss part I mean)? I know I do, I have more energy, sleep better (or at least, deeper) and I fidget a lot now (my body seems to want me to keep moving a lot more but I don’t exercise per se, other than some very irregular lifting of light weights)

    • Rasmus says:

      Even if you only lift once a day a few times a week, you will still be making some progress. Usually when i start up again, it will only be 2-3 times a week, while feeling out the diffrent muscle groups. If you haven’t done alot of moving around for a while, just lifting a weight 5-10 times once a day, is a huge diffrence from doing nothing.

    • Laetitia Logan says:

      Well done

  • Sarah Augustine says:

    This was an outstanding lecture Dr. Mason. Thank you so much for bucking the trend and trying to get the sugar/fat truth out there.

  • Prokoloco says:

    Wow. Just wow. I have done hundreds of research on insulin and the affiliation it has to weight gain and this guy explained it better than anyone I’ve seen before. Extraordinary work.

  • Brook Heimbaugh says:

    0:00 – Introduction (people following “healthy” diet & exercise still get obese)
    2:50 – Calories-in = Calories-out (thermodynamic) model ignores hormones (insulin)
    4:00 – Examples of how insulin causes weight gain
    5:00 – Insulin problems can be corrected with diet
    5:30 – Carbohydrates raise insulin much more than fat or protein
    6:20 – To lose weight you must lower your insulin, therefore you must restrict your carbs
    6:45 – Studies all show greater weight loss by limiting carbs vs fat
    7:45 – How does insulin increase body fat? (triglycerides, fatty acids, glycerol & glucose)
    10:10 – How insulin prevents weight loss (disables HSL)
    11:00 – Lipohypertrophy from insulin injection
    11:40 – Patient’s weight loss results
    12:20 – How do carbohydrates raise insulin?
    13:40 – Insulin resistance effects muscle & liver tissues, but NOT fat cells!
    14:40 – Insulin resistance develops over many years
    15:45 – Early signs of insulin resistance are ignored by doctors
    17:45 – Insulin resistance causes visible symptoms in the skin
    19:20 – Insulin resistance is reversible with diet (weight loss is side effect)
    —– Saturated fat is healthy!
    20:00 – Saturated fats increase longevity
    21:15 – Carbohydrates decrease longevity
    22:00 – Difference between low-carb vs ketogenic diets
    23:00 – Fat metabolism suppresses appetite IN ADDITION to reducing body fat!
    23:50 – Example of food diary tracking impact on ketone levels
    —– Fructose is deadly!
    24:40 – SUGAR = glucose + fructose
    25:26 – Fructose is more than twice as sweet as glucose
    26:45 – Fructose causes fatty liver disease
    27:45 – Fructose produces advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
    29:25 – Added sugar in processed foods (mango juice?)
    30:25 – Agave syrup is 75% fructose (worse than table sugar)
    30:45 – Food labelling hides sugar by many different names
    31:20 – Don’t drink fruit juice
    31:40 – Artificial sweeteners are not healthful
    —– Conclusion
    32:10 – It’s not your fault that low fat diets made you sick
    32:27 – Low carb diets works because they lower insulin
    32:35 – Low carb diets increase longevity

  • Makadidu says:

    This has to be one of the best and logically thought out explanations of the effects of carbs and insulin. Well done Dr Paul Mason!!

  • JAC says:

    Dr. Paul Mason, you have done an amazing job here by turning a very complex topic into a very simple topic that everyone can understand. Your style of presentation and speech is very clean and powerful. I commend your efforts and thank you for all the work you have done and continue to do. The world is a better place because of you and your continued work.

  • joe mcmillan says:

    “”You are not to blame for being overweight IF You Have Been Following Bad advice.”” – Outstanding
    Great lecture. Possibly the most comprehensive one I have listened to..
    Thank You Dr. Paul Mason.

  • David Jaime Gomez says:

    Thank you Dr. Mason for your constant and consistent dedication on this subject. A lecture such as this makes the low carb discussion much easier to understand

  • EFS says:

    med student here. this is by far the best lecture i have ever attended about metabolsim. it’s easy, simple, complete and engaging. well done, i loved it!! thank you

    • Buck Dezno says:

      Hope you’ve watched his “Are you smarter than a doctor?”

    • Marianne 1 says:

      Good for you!! We need more Drs who are learned outside the standard parameters of traditional medicine. We need HEALERS….not pill pushers

    • Sir Charles says:

      @Marianne 1 … so true what you say. I´m from Austria, so to say down “up” of Australia, but the doc. is the last one, you want to ask about diet!

    • walker2006au says:

      Hope it’s worked out for you. It must be hard knowing the truth only to be told your wrong by stubborn professors etc convinced fats are bad for you.

  • Birodalom1 says:

    My whole family was morbidly obese, EXCEPT my grandfather. He was never ate any flour or sugar, only in the World War II, when the quality food was scarce. And he was insanely strong, lifting 200 kgs of weight, and bending nails with his fingers. He was never got sick, not even a cold or flu. He passed away five years ago, aged 102. My family said: “he got good genes”! Yeah, the genes, of course. I try to live like him, he is my role model.

  • Kel H says:

    This very clearly answered several questions I had that I couldn’t get from other medical professionals or their books. In 30 minutes, I had all my questions answered and it totally makes sense. Excellent lecture in an easy to follow presentation.

    • Rabi Sengupta says:

      Extremely useful

    • CarboRaider Rush says:

      Nature/God wrapped carbs up in a colorful tasty wrapping that’s easy to pick off a tree.
      Nature/God wrapped fat up in a hard wodden shell, or legs that run away when it sees you.

      Now does it all totally make sense?

    • John Smith says:

      @CarboRaider Rush Yes, and with your comment it makes even more sense.

    • Andrew K says:

      @CarboRaider Rush These carbohydrates weren’t always a problem.Our changed lifestyle is as much to blame as anything.

    • Chris B says:

      @CarboRaider Rush the colorful tasty wrapping was full of fiber and antioxidants that reduce/negate some of the damage done by the sugar. But Man came along and extracted and refined the sugar without the other things that help Mans body deal with the sugar. So these processed food will slowly kill you and your much better off eating an animal instead.

  • Louis A says:

    I’ve been very interested in low-carb diets over the last 9 months. I’ve watched many excellent, excellent videos and read a few books. This is the best 30-minute presentation on the case for a low-carb diet I’ve had the pleasure of watching (no exaggeration). Well done, Dr. Mason!

    • Louis A says:

      @JLH Agreed.. I have watched many of them… Dr Lustig several times previously, and Dr Jason Fung more recently. I started with Gary Taubes a few years ago (Good Calorie, Bad Calorie) & just finished his most recent book, A Case For Keto. Thanks for the tips nonetheless.. Stay well. . 👍

    • Fire Power says:

      @Louis A If you haven’t already, check out Dr Berry’s YouTube channel (KenDBerryMD). He’s follows the carnivore diet now, but used to follow ketogenic diet and has a lot of information on both diets.

    • D.A. SANDS says:

      Dr. Berg has helped me, he is a good one.

    • Chris B says:

      The all cause mortality is the bottom line and is really an important part of this whole presentation.. So it was great to see he went into that. A meth diet will make you lose weight too, but is it really healthy?

  • Ms.Vicki_Aussie says:

    The best ever presentation. I’m living proof. The most liberating realisation after overcoming obesity since I was 8 years, ruined my life, it wasn’t my fault. I’m 58. At 56 I either had to find the truth myself or die. I had to throw away everything I was taught and seek the truth. Self educated myself. Key. Seeking truth and educating yourself. I went from 115kg to 62kg in 10 months. 18 months later I’m 65kg. Off all medication. Reversed diabete. Anaemia. I can’t list all healed medical conditions. Lot of challenges society doesn’t support this but don’t let that be an issue. You have control. No one else. Bless you all. Xox .

    • C. says:

      Wow. I’m in a similar age range, and your story is inspirational. TY 🙂

    • Onthehill says:

      Very happy for your success, thank you for sharing.

    • Starz 952 says:

      Hi sister vicky good advise ,wat can I used to get rid of Insulin Resistance plz advice

    • Susan Lynn says:


    • zebragiraffe1 says:

      So happy for you that you found the answers you needed, but what is so impressive is that your discipline and love for life gave you the motivation to correct your body chemstry through eating what your body needs for nourishment. Even at 58, you can still look forward to several decades of a healthier life, with more energy than most people.

  • Amanda Elaine says:

    I’ve done keto/low carb and lost 204 pounds going from 350 to 146. I reversed my diabetes going from an a1c of 7.7 to 4.2 and my high blood pressure that wasn’t even being controlled by medication after years is now perfect. High cholesterol is now perfect. Now that I’m at my goal weight I switched over to low carb, doing 50 net carbs a day. Still managed to lose 5 pounds.

  • Jazz K says:

    I also added a 48 hour fast once a week. The weight just keeps coming off. Thank you Dr Mason. That was an incredible lecture that explains what a low carb diet can achieve.

    • Niamh Butler says:

      I mean no wonder it’s coming off if you don’t eat two days a week 😭

    • Joseph Foto says:

      Missing a few meals can not hurt you. Your body was designed to get you through hard times Your body will simply burn off some of the extra weight on it!! Think about what people must of been eating over a hundred years ago. I am 70yrs old, I have more energy , no inflammation, eat all I want in 2 or 3 meals a day. It is called a Ketogenic way of eating ! It used to be called eating Whole Foods with an emphasis on meat and seafoods!! No processed food!!

    • galad riel says:

      @Niamh Butler if you are eating carbs and sugar and try it, you will be very uncomfortable, it’s really not that simple. On keto your body is already living on fats not glucose, but you have to make that transition before you start the fasting

    • Neville Goddard says:

      Geez yeah That’s a pretty disciplined regime. I think I could only manage a 1 day a week fast.

  • Tracie Claiborne says:

    I’ve lost 90 pounds in one year eating low carb and this was the best video out of hundreds that I’ve watched about low carb life! Thank you! I can’t wait to share this with everyone I know!

  • Struwwel2 says:

    At the beginning of this year (2023), I made a hard pivot on my dietary habits from low fat/high carb to high fat/low carb. I was at about 260 lbs, and a month and a half later am at 235 lbs. This is without any change in my daily physical activity.

  • jbean530 says:

    Wish I found this years ago. I’m 55. Very carb sensitive and addicted to carbs. So many symptoms, I finally stopped eating all carbs and then started watching all these sugar, fats, vegetable oil lectures. My joint pain is improving, I’m no longer sleepy all day, I can go all day without a nap, I’m not starving constantly. I was too addicted. I’m only 4 weeks since no carbs, but this is pretty mind boggling. I ate no fat everything and worked out all my life. Felt terrible with chronic pain. All better now. Eating everything we were taught would make you fat. Just remember, cream and butter and bacon and eggs really can make you forget sugar and carbs. It’s true.

  • Skeptic says:

    I’ve watched hundreds of videos on the case for a low carb diet. This is probably the BEST one which explains it so well in a 30 min presentation. Well done Dr Mason !! Absolutely fantastic preso.

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