Ep. 309: Should You CUT CARBS to Lose Weight?

Everywhere you turn, somebody is telling you to cut carbs to lose weight. But is that actually the most effective way? Does it really work? In this week’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m spilling the tea about cutting carbs, and showing you exactly what works for weight loss.

*Can* you cut carbs to lose weight over 50? Sure (sort of). But *should* you? Well, that’s a whole ‘nuther question with a (probably) different answer!

We’re diving deep into the mindset of eating for weight loss in this episode, and exploring the topic of low carb diets in a way you’ve never heard. Plus, I’m sharing a simple strategy to find your unique answer to this weight loss conundrum.

– Why cutting carbs doesn’t guarantee weight loss
– The foolproof formula for losing weight over 50
– How to tell the difference between what you should do and what you want to do

If you’re ready to break free from the rules and restrictions of outdated weight loss regimes, this episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast is for you!

Find the show notes for this episode at

Download The 5-0 Method, Weight Loss for Women over 50:
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Leroy Johnson

  • AaBaCaDaBa So says:

    ❤Love you so much Phala B😊🙏🏻always nice to hear from you !!

  • Mary Williams says:

    Haven’t gone through all your weight loss videos but do you have any for Menopause Fat and insulin resistance?

    • Ercokat says:

      I believe all her weight loss videos are for menopausal women. Insulin resistance is more of a medical issue. I’ve been going through this for a long time. Sadly you can’t just start eating right and it will go away. It’s a struggle. 😢

  • Diane English says:

    Wow! It’s been too long since I was eating things “I want to” as opposed to things “I should eat”. Need to listen to this again. Thanks.

  • Michelle Black says:

    Love this video!

  • Ellen Bryce says:

    Love this! I’ve lost 10 pounds now from following the 5-0 method and eating what I want in the right proportions for me. Love that your method is so easy and sustainable ❤

  • Karen Hilbert says:

    I grew up with a lot of shoulds on behavior as well. What I took from this is should is an outside force, and when we get pushed by this force (society family ourselves), it’s not part of the mindset but possibly part of the critic voice within us. Feed the mindset side with the want, and the shoulds are less judgemental. Feed the mindset with a goal- desire, and that’s the positive way. Should is outside us and want is on the inside.

  • Ercokat says:

    There are good carbs and bad carbs. I think more importantly we shouldn’t eat processed foods everyday. 😊

  • Doris Quinn says:

    Hi Pahla. I wonder if there is some way you can archive all your workouts in an accessible place, separate from your life/weight loss coaching?

  • Jackie O says:

    Cut sugar !

  • Akira M says:

    A caloric deficit will result in weight loss. How this will be achieved will depend on the individual. A good registered dietitian will help a lot. Not sure if this is covered by health insurance but it helps to ask. There is a world of difference between a so called nutritionist and a dietitian. Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist but a dietitian will have to be registered, an RD, Registered Dietitian is the way to go. They can work with you in making a meal plan that works for you and your likes/dislikes and your lifestyle. There is no one size fits all diet that works for everyone.

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