Excessive Gas & Bloating? (Avoiding fibre could make things a lot worse..)

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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸

Leroy Johnson

  • @BlahBlahBlah13623 says:

    About half of what I eat is vegetables😊

  • @Katastr0phic_Katicorn says:

    I hate beets, and a lot of veggies make me bloated or gassy, but I’ve literally never once considered NEVER EATING THEM. 😅

    • @plutotoad203 says:

      “They make me feel like crap but I eat them because I feel like I have to” translated, you’re welcome

    • @JesusChrist-sm4bm says:

      ​@@plutotoad203I feel like crap because I might have a medical condition or Just ancestors that survived the bubonic plague But I am aware there are vitamins we need as humans and so I eat it

    • @plutotoad203 says:

      @@JesusChrist-sm4bm Most veggies didn’t exist with our ancestors and have precursor vitamins with a conversion rate of between a really low 5 to really high 75%. Precursors have to be converted, most hospitals see vegans with anemia. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t eat veggies, it’s a preference, but there’s tons of other ways to get your vitamins in and plants don’t have great bioavailability. There’s also antioxidants in animal foods but most people don’t eat them, they eat veggies and highly processed by products and then complain of their health later.

    • @hannao139 says:

      @@plutotoad203 you really have gobbled up that Paul saladino pseudoscience

      Vegetables are good for you – if you have digestion issues you can try smoothies or other creative ways of getting them in

    • @Diana-qp2rw says:

      While it’s totally normal to be a bit bloated or gassy from time to time or due to certain foods, even ones that are beneficial to eat, you might want to find out if there’s an underlying issue if it’s severe or happens extremely often.
      There could be a health condition behind it, though I hope there isn’t. And I honestly think it’s very understandable to eat less of or even never eat food that makes you feel bad, depending on how bad it is, even if it’s healthy food, as long as there are alternatives.

  • @MirA12334 says:

    I have arfid. I am finally lucky enough to cook foods my way and it allows me to eat so many veggies etc that i would usually avoid.

  • @MarissaSmith20 says:

    I feel like unless you are actually allergic if you are blocking out an entire food group it’s worth exploring that further

  • @akpopfamily907 says:

    I have ARFID and until recently had undiagnosed IBS for over 30 years. It took a very long time to heal my relationship with vegetables, and find one’s that I can enjoy sensory wise…then comes the answer of ibs…now all my safe vegetables are one’s that I cannot eat. I would love to work with a dietitian, but my insurance does not cover it. So I am in a season of little to no vegetables and it’s so difficult, I never thought I would miss my vegetables.

    • @Diana-qp2rw says:

      Just an idea, I don’t know if it actually helps, but maybe you could start by blending some veggies that taste more “neutral” into sauces. I don’t know what vegetables you can eat, but you can’t really taste veggies like zucchini if you blend them with something that has a strong taste on its own. I’ve even put shredded zucchini in chocolate cake to make it more moist and you couldn’t tell. Might be worth giving it a shot 🙂

    • @HeidiSholl says:

      As someone with similar eating issues (my therapist does think it’s Arfid) Diana is right about Zucchini! It’s actually quite an easy one to hide in things, especially sponge like textures if it’s grated very very finely and small. Bacon helps too 😂 Also blending things to a pulp is useful to remove all texture and help disperse flavour so you don’t get a nasty hit of it all at once. Carrots are my number one enemy in most Bolognese sauces, but someone once made it with basically carrot sauce (i.e. blended to absolute death) and I didn’t even notice it behind the tomato flavour. I’ve basically given up on eating any veg unmashed/ unblended/ unhidden 😂

    • @jcopp5123 says:

      I’ve lived with IBS for many years. More than anything that helped me was adding probiotics and prebiotics. I think my gut bacteria was so off and low and bad that it just had a hard time digesting anything since your stomach microbiome does play a part in that. Adding those in really helped and when I discontinue them I can really tell the difference and it’s not good.

  • @amanka0 says:

    I eat plenty of veggies, but beets actually do taste like dirt. I can’t eat them, and I think it’s a genetic response to geosmin

    • @elisebaum238 says:

      I also hated beetroot when i was younger but my mom once made a yummy beetroot salad, and since them i love it.
      Recipe for the Beetroot salad:
      Put some Beetroot and Apples into a blender and mix them until you get small pieces that are easy to eat. Then you can add whatever you like: some oil, a pinch of salt or even some sweetener of choice like honey or maple sirup or even some cream.

      Or try some beetroot carpaccio (Recipes on the internet) 🙂

    • @codename495 says:

      I have heard this! I think it might be similar to the cilantro gene. I have several friends that loathe Cilantro and say it types like soap. I love it, I put it in wraps like lettuce. I like beets as well though haha

    • @clarab6092 says:

      God, YES! They’re the most disgusting vegetable ever. It’s literally like eating solidified, water-enriched, sweetened soil. 🤮
      I really like veggies. But not them. What’s weird, though, is that I kinda liked them when I was a kid and I also still like Polish instant-soup with beetroot flavor (barszcz czerwony).

    • @breensprout says:

      @@codename495 this is interesting bc i have the cilantro gene but i can eat beet without issue!

  • @ohimdying says:

    Love your shorts and videos but maaan does the youtube algorithm always recommend me the most insane dieting videos after watching you

  • @Tinkerbird says:

    SIBO is soooo horrid. I looked 9 months preggo after eating ANYTHING! My dr. gave me an antibiotic that only works in the gut. I got so much better after that~

  • @Lunalavender83 says:

    I have to eat low fibre due to having ulcerative colitis. I still eat veggies but it was trial and error. Cooking them helped lower the fibre. I’m grateful that I can still eat broccoli with no issues. I love it!

  • @kellywidemire8574 says:

    I am in recovery from an restrictive ED and have Gastroparesis and all veggies and fruit do this to me. So I definitely relate. Luckily I have a supportive team who can manage it. I wish everyone was as lucky as me. Makes me very sad. 😢 sending love and light to anyone struggling with eating disorders or disordered eating ❤

  • @CosmicGardener says:

    Im really aware of textures and that can make me picky but ive found things i can enjoy. I really love raw brussel sprouts, they taste better than cooked i promise. I recently found some pickles i like and ive tried sandwiches that i wouldve hated growing up but i enjoy now.

  • @kristin7665 says:

    I have Crohn’s and there are very limited number of fruits and veggies I can tolerate. It is definitely a struggle.

    • @amongamingxd says:

      I just got diagnosed last month. I can do bananas, boiled carrots and potatoes so far only these don’t cause me issues. Wishing you and your baby good health x

    • @kristin7665 says:

      @@amongamingxd thank you! You too! I find most foods I can tolerate in moderation, most of the time it’s a combination of foods. For example, 1 salad will not bother me, but if I eat a salad 2 days in a row, I’ll have an issue. Same with most red meat. I find eggs don’t bother me, or grilled chicken. Zucchini and peppers seems to be ok too

  • @SuperBoopeep says:

    When I did carnivore, I craved veggies and fruit so much. But, I did have no gas whatsoever so that was really nice. Hopefully, it’s just not a good diet. I didn’t have any energy. Once I switched to high protein, whole food carbs I immediately got more energy.

    • @StardustandMadness says:

      I can only go without vegetables for a few days before I crave them. The hardest part about going on a cruise was little to no fresh vegetables. Same in Greece where their main choices are the ones I don’t eat 😂

  • @Corinne-xt5dp says:

    I definitely have something going on with my gut but I LOVE my veggies and I’m not mentally prepared for that journey (though I definitely am physically) 😅

  • @blondy415 says:

    I never hear anyone talk about ARFID thanks for bringing it up. Even if just for a second

  • @SashaSRenee says:

    Im actually planning on asking for a referral to a dietitian. I’ve gained a bunch of food allergies, and still have some mystery ones. Just the known ones cut out a lot of fruits, including all citrus that I’ve tried, or have potential dangerous cross reactivity with multiple veggies and substitutes for my other allergies. I want to eat a healthier diet but im just afraid to try “new” things now

  • @ggfr6489 says:

    I think cooking the veggies help as well, I think it lessens the fiber or smt? 🧐 either way idk if we should be eating RAW veggies 24/7 but 🤷‍♀️

  • @StardustandMadness says:

    I really only get stinky gas from broccoli (sorry for the overshare lol). But I still eat it because I loathe kale and can barely stand spinach.

  • @mayawatkins6073 says:

    This is the first time I’ve actually seen someone mention SIBO! I had it when I was around 9 and it was terrible. I remember, pretty much the trigger to get my mom to look into it was we had fried rice one night, and the next morning when I woke up, I was so bloated I basically looked pregnant. Thankfully it’s been over a decade, and I haven’t had issues again!

  • @elysiagileza2994 says:

    There’s a lot of veggies (and fruits) I don’t eat because I can’t tolerate them. But that’s because I have gastroparesis. It’s been really hard cutting so much out. Sometimes I just want a salad, but actually eating one makes me feel horrible.

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