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Fall Prevention Is the Most Important Thing for Preventing Osteoporosis Bone Fractures

Only 15 percent of fractures among older adults may be due to having low bone density. Without a fall, even fragile hips don’t fracture. A combination of resistance exercise to improve lower limb muscle strength and balance training can beat out drugs for preventing osteoporotic bone fractures.

What about calcium supplements? See my videos Are Calcium Supplements Safe? ( ) and Are Calcium Supplements Effective? ( ).

What about drinking milk? See my video Is Milk Good for Our Bones? ( ).

For more on how to live your longest, healthiest life, preorder my new book How Not to Age ( ). (As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books ( ) are donated to charity.)

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • andrew pawley says:

    I love this channel!

  • patrizia ascani says:

    Grazie, cosa ne pensa dei bifosfonati per curare l’osteoporosi. La segua sempre con fiducia.

  • NutritionFacts.org says:

    Dr. Greger’s next webinar, How Not to Age, is coming up on October 6. For more information and to register, go to: https://nutritionfacts.org/webinar/how-not-to-age-webinar/

  • Ivy Clara says:

    I exercised all my life, yet slipped on ice and broke a hip at 59. I totally recovered, however now I educated myself on different cleats for footwear. I highly recommend stabilicers maxx. Had I known, I never would have fallen.

  • Warren Redlich says:

    Publish your videos on X also

  • Rez Logan says:

    The wisdom of the meditating warrior monk living on a vegetarian diet and practicing high kicks (balance training) all day is once again validated by science.

  • Igor Zivanovic says:

    As a fitness trainer I put strong emphasize on excercise – especially on older clients.

  • sudd says:

    this is common sense, when you fall you do not solve it by making your bones strong enough to not break, but stop falling, much better approach and healthier, solving the root cause.

  • ExtraSubtle says:

    “Most Important Thing for Preventing Osteoporosis Bone Fractures” is to not be a vegan. 😂

  • Lorie Vilbert says:

    Wearing non-skid footwear is vital to preventing falls. Lots of women’s shoes have slick soles. Guaranteed fall risk!

  • aroundandround says:

    The qualifier “osteoporosis” can just be removed from the title.

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