Follow THIS Diet to Age Backwards
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The Supplements That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:
The Diet & Routine That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:
Believe it or not, it's true! A study in March proved it: Six women took charge of their diet, sleep, exercise, and supplements for 8 weeks, and the result? A five-year reduction in biological age!
The diet secret: Load up on veggies, seeds, and whole foods. Think 2 cups of dark leafy greens, 2 cups of cruciferous veggies, 3 cups of colorful ones, and 1-2 beets. Don't forget a quarter cup each of pumpkin and sunflower seeds!
Supplements: Liver support, greens powder, and probiotics sealed the deal.
But you can do it too! Start with 8 cups of water daily, 7-8 hours of sleep each night, 30 minutes of exercise daily, and consider 12-hour time-restricted eating.
With this diet and lifestyle, you've got the power to turn back the clock on your biological age!
#AntiAgingSecrets #StayYouthful #healthyfacts #healthythoughts #healthyfoodadvice
6 people study and where’s the protein
Idk what this study is but I bet almost any trendy diet would have gotten these women in better shape.
He said ADDING. It doesn’t mean stop eating proteins!
Yea ill get right on that…. Oh wait…. YOU NEED ALOT OF $$$ TO EAT HEALTHY. Dont believe me, check the price of carrots! $6!!!!!! Potatoes, $3 FOR 2!!!!! and you want us to eat 3 CUPS daily!!!??!! Ha, ill stick with my coco puffs, pop corn and soda thx
Frozen fruits/ vegetables are cheaper & still have the same benefit
buy sprouting seeds and grow them in your kitchen for pennies . Wake up .
Lol, tell me you’re lazy without telling me you’re lazy
Did they eat their veggies raw
nah I’ll stick to meat and fruit
That’s good fundamentals.
Why cant people use volumes or grams.. this “cup” thing drives me mad
you can be happy they don’t use bald eagles beaks to measure volume …
For the Algorithm
I’m fortunate if I get 6 hours of sleep per night. I’d like to get more but I wake up after 6 hours & can’t go back to sleep