Friday Favorite: How to Treat Periodontitis with Diet

Plant-based diets are put to the test in the treatment of periodontal disease.

Check out Best Foods for Halitosis and Gingivitis ( )
For more on diet and oral health, see:
• Don’t Use Antiseptic Mouthwash ( )
• Plant-Based Diets: Oral Health ( )
• Plant-Based Diets: Dental Health ( )
• What’s the Best Mouthwash? ( )
• Protecting Teeth From Hibiscus Tea ( )
• Antibacterial Toothpaste: Harmful, Helpful, or Harmless? ( )
• Do Raisins Cause Cavities? ( )
• Is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Safe? ( )
• The Risks of Oil Pulling ( )
• The Role of Dairy and Gluten in Canker Sores ( )
• Topical Honey for Canker Sores ( )
• Aloe Vera Gel: Best Treatment for Lichen Planus? ( )
• Best Food for Periodontal Disease and Gingivitis ( )
• Should You Floss Before or After Your Brush? ( )

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @CliffLashley-g8m says:

    Your videos are always so entertaining and informative! Thank you for this! 🍭💝

  • @RandySchingeckck says:

    Very interesting topic! I look forward to new videos from you! 🍓🌺

  • @Nadja-q5f5f says:

    Very interesting approach to the topic! Thank you for such an informative video! 💞✨

  • @FlossieDagnerer says:

    Really enjoyed it! Looking forward to more videos from you! 💞✨

  • @k.h.6991 says:

    First real comment 😂

  • @jeremywvarietyofviewpoints3104 says:

    I’m a vegan with some periodontal disease. I’m healthier as a vegan but I’ve still got some major health issues that started much earlier and are very hard to solve.

    • @naomibrandt3260 says:

      @@jeremywvarietyofviewpoints3104 just out of curiosity would you consider you diet to be more whole food or processed food based? I too have some dental issues and switched to a vegan, more whole food diet about six months ago. I’m hoping diet and enhanced in-office and home care will help my mouth heal.

    • @jeremywvarietyofviewpoints3104 says:

      @@naomibrandt3260 I do drink a lot of soy milk which is processed. I try to get the least processed brand. I try to have less processed food but sometimes I fail.

    • @PlantbasedSilvi says:

      Unfortunately I can’t name a company, but there is a really good company in Canada that makes toothpaste with essential oils (LL). These are quite expensive, so if you find them too expensive, you can make them yourself. But I have to say that if you use it over a long period of time as recommended, you get amazing results. However, your diet should not contain any ready-made products; it is best to cook according to Dr. Greger’s recipes. Rinse your teeth with tea such as chamomile tea or mix it with essential oils and coconut water. All the best for you❤❤❤

    • @l.w.paradis2108 says:

      Have you tried eliminating all added sugars and severely limiting dried fruit and juice, even orange juice and beet juice? You (well, your bacteria) may have a strong reaction to sugars.

  • @cristianerehem13 says:

    I lost a tooth after 3 years of non treated periodontal disease that started when I was on a very bad health condition.

    São Paulo, Brazil, 23/August/2024 – 10h21 (-3GMT).

  • @thebrinksf69 says:

    Stay away from flouride

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @ellen3093 says:

    I developed periodontal disease while on a vegan diet but I had a few factors that led to that result: depression (because of other pain condition), bad advice from dental hygienist, and too many sweets. I’m managing it now but the damage is done and I don’t know that gum grafts are even available in my country. I have some aches in front teeth because of it, but it is on and off. Cold weather makes it worse, and I also get a runny nose much more often.
    I also had braces as a kid and think that the metal retainer was part of the cause as the recession is much worse on those teeth.

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