Friday Favorites: Can Cholesterol Get Too Low?
Why might healthy lifestyle choices wipe out 90 percent of our risk for having a heart attack, whereas drugs may only reduce risk by 20 to 30 percent?
Check out Are PCSK9 Inhibitors for LDL Cholesterol Safe and Effective? ( ) next.
Didn’t know atherosclerosis could start at such a young age? See Heart Disease Starts in Childhood ( ) for more information.
For more on drugs versus lifestyle, check out The Actual Benefit of Diet vs. Drugs ( ).
Want to learn more about so-called primordial prevention? See When Low Risk Means High Risk ( ).
Does Cholesterol Size Matter? ( ) Watch the video to find out.
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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Taurine is an important non-essential amino acid that’s often added to energy drinks. Our body can make it, but as we age, our production drops and taurine blood levels fall as much as 80 percent. A landmark study showing that taurine supplementation can improve the healthspan and lifespan of animals was released after I had already submitted my How Not to Age manuscript to the publisher. Now that I’ve had time to do a deep dive into the important paper, let’s discuss the best sources, risks, and benefits of adding taurine to our diet. Register for my upcoming webinar here:
Oy vey lol
Spoiler: the answer to the question in the video title is: we’ll find out in the next video! 😂 Oy vey
I love Dr Greger and this channel but I hate clickbaits.
@@Sergio2006A Same. Especially when 2 days ago my doctor told me that I needed to “heat more healthy fats because my cholesterol is too low” which I know is for the most part bullshit but I’m trying to know if there’s any downsides at all of having an HDL of 26 (LDL 45, total 81), I suspect no, but this video didn’t help.
Eggs in general arent Bad for your ldl Cholesterol Level
You are recommended to avoid them if you look at the research on ldl.
What does “in general” mean? Do you have any links to any studies to back up your claim?
idk if you know this but, high blood cholesterol comes from high consumption of cholesterol (who would’ve thought!) and eggs have a lot and I mean a LOT of cholesterol in them.
There is no need and therefore no reason to consume avian menstrual cycle anal secretions. Just consume seeds and nuts. Eggs are gross, spread deadly pathogens, not only do they contain cholesterol but they also contain saturated fat, they’re just not necessary and there’s healthier plant options. Make a tofu scramble instead. It’s less expensive, you can make it taste however you want cuz it’s a neutral starting point, if you want that sulfur vibe at black salt.
Compared to eating bacon and sausages, eggs may not be bad for your ldl cholesterol level. Compared to eating whole grains and legumes they are.
This channel has already covered how studies can be conducted to produce the headline of “Eggs in general arent Bad for your ldl Cholesterol Level”. It’s very simple. Compare them to something just as bad or even worse.
This should have been called “atherosclerosis starts in childhood” and the next one should be titled the way this one is.
Doctors recommend these low levels cholesterol should be in jail
What do you mean? Do you think people suffer from too low cholesterol?
It’s just like the blood pressure numbers. They recommend it low you’re so they can prescribe drugs if you’re over and most people will be over the limit
@ Too low cholesterol effects the mental health
I followed the McDougall diet in my early early thirties and my cholesterol went to 99. I asked Dr. McDougall if that could be too low for hormonal health and he said no. However, I did not feel good at all and went back to eating eggs, cheese, etc. now that I’m older and my body naturally makes more cholesterol I am eating whole food plant-based to bring my cholesterol down.
Should’ve listened to McDougall all along but it’s never too late. Never eat eggs or cheese.
This was the same thing I encountered when I tried cutting out meat, cheese, etc. Doesn’t work. I was too tired and exhausted to function, my muscles started breaking down, exercise was exhausting to me— defeating the whole purpose that I was supposed to be eating a “healthier” diet and exercising daily.
What’s the sense in that? Like I’m not eating meat and cheese every single day, but something’s got to change if the supposedly healthy diet makes me feel like a spaced out, weak zombie of a person lmao.
What about hemorrhagic stroke?