Friday Favorites: Cannabis for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Even though using cannabis may help with IBD symptoms in the short-term, it may make the long-term prognosis worse.
I have many other videos on cannabis, including:
• The Institute of Medicine Report on the Health Effects of Marijuana ( )
• Researching the Health Effects of Marijuana ( )
• Is Marijuana Addictive? ( )
• Does Marijuana Cause Health Problems? ( )
• Does Marijuana Cause Permanent Brain Damage in Teens? ( )
• Does Marijuana Cause Permanent Brain Damage in Adults? ( )
• Will Cannabis Turn into Big Tobacco? ( )
• Marijuana Legalization and the Opioid Epidemic ( )
• Effects of Smoking Marijuana on the Lungs ( )
• Smoking Marijuana vs. Using a Cannabis Vaporizer ( )
• Does Marijuana Cause Lung Cancer? ( )
• Can Cannabis Cure Cancer? ( )
• Are Cannabis Edibles Safe? ( )
• Pesticides in Marijuana ( )
• The Effects of Marijuana on Fertility and Pregnancy ( )
• Does Marijuana Cause Schizophrenia? ( )
• Effects of Marijuana on Weight Gain and Bone Density ( )
• Does Marijuana Cause Strokes and Heart Attacks? ( )
These videos were first released in one of my webinars, and you can find them all on a digital download here ( ).
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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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Very useful tips! How do you rate the effectiveness of using keywords in your video description? 🧡💖
Thank you!
First view from india
Old india or american india?
I would not recommend.
Combusting anything.
Even if it’s cannabis.A non combustion method is far more preferable.
Did you even watch or listen to the video? The study had NOTHING to do with that. TRY to stay on the topic of the video!
It dont matter
Cannabis unfortunately tends to have a lot of pesticides in it. Between this and the oxidative stress from smoking the question is whether it’s the cannabis itself which leads to worse outcomes or the pesticides and oxidative stress.
Unless you grow your own as my husband does for his stage 4 cancer pain.
As a teenager and young adult I smoked weed frequently with my friends. I ended up in the hospital and needed two surgeries for my Crohn’s. (I learned I had Crohn’s after the first emergency surgery.) It changed my life. As in, I started reading up on the subject and what I could do. Dr. G basically helped me get better. I eat whole food plant based and don’t use any drugs and I’m symptom free since I do so (6 years ago). Thank you Dr. Greger and everyone at nutritionfacts, your work saves lives! <3
I love this channel!
Interesting, but there’s still a lot that’s unanswered and lots of we can learn from. For example, does the amount of THC to CBD, or other compounds in cannabis affect health outcomes? What’s the difference in high THC vs high CBD strains on health? How does combustion affect effect vs using a vaporizer or taking it orally as an edible.
Dr you tell two smoke but you forget to tell how much quantity of ganja the king of all herbs
As a victim of Crohn’s I have learned a great many thing about my condition .
Among other things smoking anything isn’t good so i switched to oral CBD.
You once posted a vid about commercially gown medical cannabis in the US as having traces of pesticides . That is bad voodoo.
@@titanlurch «victim»
My husband has medical Marijuana for stage 4 cancer pain and nausea. He feels so much better than he did on Rx pills. He doesn’t smoke it. He grows his own as allowed by law so no additives. He doesn’t smoke it. The Rx pills for pain have extremely scary side effects.
Dope helped me diagnose diverticulitus. All gut issues is usually bad diet related. Processed foods kill
You’re harshing my buzz bro.
Or: people who have symptom relief from the cannabis do less other things to improve their condition. They could be more likely to eat things that make their IBD worse (munchies?). I find it interesting nobody seems to consider that.
This is very much what I thought during this video. If the symptoms are relieved but the condition remains the same, people might be making bad decision after bad decision when it comes to their diet. Even without symptoms relief, many people break their strict dietary rules because they just crave certain foods.
cannabis works well for me with the plant based diet i use nicotine and cannabis but use the vape for nicotine i know its probably not good but i dont really feel worse using it if anything it helps me breathe more coughing out pollen allergies and im allergic to tobacco and i live next to a cigar shop so i know i cant even try to quit while at this location
Did they consider that cannabis users are more paranoid and in tune with their body because they’re more aware of what’s going on? It seems odd that it stops inflammatory things for other stuff, but not for this and how could it make it worse like what function would cause it to be worse?