Friday Favorites: Should You Floss Before or After You Brush?

How good is the evidence that flossing is effective, and what have randomized controlled trials shown to be the optimal toothbrushing and flossing sequence?

What about oil pulling? Short answer: Don’t do it. Long answer: See my four-part video series!
• Does Oil Pulling Help with Cancer? ( )
• Oil Pulling Benefits for Plaque and Gingivitis ( )
• Oil Pulling for Teeth Whitening and Bad Breath Tested ( )
• The Risks of Oil Pulling ( )

The most important thing you can do to protect your teeth is treat the cause of cavities by reducing added sugar intake. Is there anything else we can do to improve our oral health? Check out:
• Don’t Use Antiseptic Mouthwash ( )
• Plant-Based Diets: Oral Health ( )
• Plant-Based Diets: Dental Health ( )
• What’s the Best Mouthwash? ( )
• Antibacterial Toothpaste: Harmful, Helpful, or Harmless? ( )
• Do Raisins Cause Cavities? ( )
• Is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Safe? ( )
• Is CABP in SLS-Free Toothpaste Any Better? ( )
• Is Aloe Vera Gel the Best Treatment for Lichen Planus? ( )
• Best Supplement for Canker Sores ( )
• Best Food for Periodontal Disease and Gingivitis ( )
• How to Treat Periodontitis with Diet ( )
• Best Foods for Halitosis and Gingivitis ( )
• The Worst Food for Tooth Decay ( )

What about bad breath? See:
• How to Naturally Treat Tongue Coating-Associated Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( )
• Foods That Cause and Help Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( )
• Effects of Tongue Scraping on Plaque, Gingivitis, and Cavities ( )
• Tongue Scraping vs. Tongue Brushing for Treating Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( )
• Does Tongue Scraping Cause Cancer? ( )
• How Tongue Scraping Can Affect Heart Health ( )
• How to Clean Your Tongue ( )
• Can Stress Cause Halitosis (Bad Breath)? ( )
• The Benefits of Gum Chewing for Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( )
• Dental Implant Overdentures and Cognitive Function ( )

Is Your Toothpaste Safe? ( ). Check out my podcast.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Leroy Johnson

  • @pfrydog says:

    Floss first of course.

  • @pluribus_unum says:

    The upshot: 4:02

  • @nessieness5433 says:

    Floss first, brush next is the message.

  • @mchagawa1615 says:

    This has really been so helpful for me since the original video <3 thank you <3

  • @redhen689 says:

    I used to only floss sporadically, because I hated it. My teeth are tightly spaced, and the floss would break as I tried to work it in or out. A couple of years ago, I started flossing regularly, at least 6 nights a week. I didn’t say anything to the hygienist. After finishing her work, she asked me if I was doing anything differently because my gum health was much improved. 😊

    • @Atomicfog says:

      I never flossed before using a waterpik because it sucks, I agree, but did realize it was more important than I thought. So yeah, just use a well-reviewed waterpik — it’s simple and so much better. I don’t know why Dr. Greger didn’t mention it.

    • @redhen689 says:

      @@Atomicfog When I was a teenager, back in the mid 70s the orthodontist I went to insisted that we use a waterpick.

    • @Atomicfog says:

      @@redhen689 Hah, they knew what was up back then. Yeah, it’s too bad and peculiar that waterpiking as an option isn’t mentioned enough. Not to mention that most flosses have teflon, which contains pfas that are toxic — even if it’s not that much — its still a bit concerning. But yeah, having a waterpik actually makes flossing a pretty decent experience.

    • @JMo268 says:

      Yes growing up floss was that string that would get jammed between teeth, snap, and get stuck. I hated it and never flossed. Always had cavities. Finally after getting a crown around age 40 I became worried enough to try again. Now floss is that thin plastic and is so easy! If only we’d had it back in the 80s.

  • @notthere83 says:

    As someone who used to get the occasional cavity and suffered from minor gingivitis for years, I’m pretty confident that flossing works.

  • @joe-edward says:

    MORE DENTAL STUDIES, PLEASE!!! Is there solid evidence to support tooth regeneration (cavity self-healing)? If so, HOW??

    • @DoubtingThomas333 says:

      Early stages only. Before the bacteria eats its way through your enamel.

    • @cainen6355 says:

      A developed visible cavity can not heal itself based on all evidence I have seen nor is it ever reported. Only the very surface of the teeth when slightly demineralized can remineralize through the saliva over time if further damage is avoided.

      However there is research going on in the field of regenerative medicine that could one day make it possible to stimulate the tissues and stemcells in the jaw to produce a whole new tooth, which would make severely damaged teeth not a problem anymore because they could be replaced by a stemcell based implant that matures into a full tooth or with advances in bioelectric signaling even the possibility of stimulating the tissues below a damaged or removed tooth to generate a new tooth from the ground up, as happens in children twice.

    • @erimcfadden3 says:

      Matcha remineralizes

    • @Hypnodog_ says:

      Demineralization (white spots) and very early cavities can potentially be repaired. The vast majority of cavities cannot be repaired and need a filling though. My exp. is anecdotal but I had pretty severe demineralization & sensitivity and Novamin has given me the best results. It’s the only toothpaste that has visibly reduced white spots and translucency. It forms a bioactive glass (hydroxyapatite) layer over the enamel. Tricalcium phosphate toothpastes did do better than regular toothpaste, but Novamin is much more effective. There really should be more studies on it.

  • @jencollier8306 says:

    16 year hygienist that’s seen some gingival nightmares… please, floss whatever way keeps you in the habit. Do what works for you and don’t stop! Cheer yourself on for flossing daily!!🎉😊

  • @MattieIris says:

    So I was doing it the recommended way. Good.

  • @spandel100 says:

    If I miss even one day of flossing I get a muffy taste in my mouth,and a couple of days later,when I do floss,I get bleeding.Flossed everyday for more that 10 years,and brush after with a natural organic,xylitol containing,fluoride free toothpaste,and the softest toothbrush I can find.No cavities and a fresh mouth as a result.

  • @pps374 says:

    Thank you. I’ve been asking myself this question every morning for a week

  • @damequish says:

    Given the use of Teflon and more plastic waste with floss I prefer toothpicks on the occasion a raspberry seed gets wedged otherwise I stick to Dr. Elllies protocols where rinsing and brushing twice a day after meals seems more efficacious

    • @ginac7235 says:

      Do you use her Zellies xylitol mints, too? I’ve ordered some but am also hesitant while wondering how it’ll really affect our gut microbiota.

    • @annwhite3235 says:

      Dr Tung’s Smart Floss is amazing!!

    • @damequish says:

      @@ginac7235 Indeed most definitely!that’s a concern that I’ve noticed especially with gas but the science is clear xylitol keeps teeth slippery and stops the plaque from sticking in the first place so I’ve been resigned to swishing and spitting with straight xylitol which is a damn site less expensive😎

    • @JulesCreativityPersonified says:

      I follow her method too. Amazing results in a month with whitening teeth. Got used to a squeaky clean mouth now and nothing else will do.

    • @damequish says:

      @@JulesCreativityPersonified 💥😎🤙🏼

  • @manumaster1990 says:

    top video!

  • @ginac7235 says:

    Request: An updated video about xylitol mint use after eating a meal to prevent bacterial growth and plaque buildup …thus eliminating the need for routine flossing and preserving gum tissue.

  • @tamcon72 says:

    This was shocking to me. My dentist always stressed flossing–she didn’t care when–in addition to brushing twice daily and thoroughly; she had patients who gently swept their teeth with a toothbrush for 10-15 seconds and thought that was brushing the teeth. The brushing was the important part. Thanks for posting!

  • @jakubchrobry3701 says:

    My sequence: _1) water floss, 2) anti-plaque mouthwash, 3) brush, 4) string floss._

    Note: You can have issues with pushing food particles beneath the gums if you string floss first. Or at least it seems I do.

  • @delirium9 says:

    Here’s my sequence, and it’s just once per day, first thing in the morning, before breakfast: 1. Pre-rinse swished around mouth for about 15 seconds (brand: Essential Oxygen). 2. Brush w/manual brush toothbrush and toothpaste (Brands: Coco floss, Essential Oxygen), 3. Floss upper teeth (Brand: Coco floss). 4. Floss bottom teeth (Brand: EcoDent). Note: reason I cant use the woven Cocofloss on bottom is that it seems to get caught in certain areas and just gets shredded. EcoDent is more of a string and doesn’t have that problem, but doesn’t feel as effective. 5. Floss furthest back teeth with unflavored Listerine dental stick. 6. Finally, brush all teeth with Philips SonicCare “diamond ” clean model electric toothbrush.

    In regards to the pre-rinse solution. Lately I’ve made my own: 10 ounces Fiji water, 3 ounces hydrogen peroxide, 3 ounces Perio-Brite by Nature’s Answer. Measurements are approximate.

    So how are my checkups? Stellar, most years. No root canals ever in my life. I wish I’d learned all this in my teenage years – I could have avoided the 4 crowns and onlay that I have…but better late than never.

  • @oliver-leung says:

    Ok, so evidence suggests we should floss BEFORE brushing.
    But when should we use mouthwash?! Before (as a rinse)? In between flossing and brushing? Or after (would it rinse the floride away)?

  • @colindeer9657 says:

    Great to see the research. Thanks

  • @danfg7215 says:

    The method I use is brush first, then floss, but I hold mouthwash in my mouth while flossing.

    The mouthwash takes away the unpleasant smell of flossing, the dental floss imbibed with mouthwash helps it reach and sanitize areas between the teeth, and the mouthwash washes away any debris when I’m done.

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