Friday Favorites: The Optimal Vitamin B12 Dosage and Type

At age 50, everyone should start supplementing with B12-fortified foods or supplements regardless of the type of diet they follow. Over age 65, only high-dose daily supplements may suffice. For prevention and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency, cyanocobalamin in chewable, sublingual, or liquid forms (rather than in a multivitamin) is best under most circumstances.

What about concerns regarding B12 and acne, bone fractures, and cancer? I addressed those in my B12 webinar, and the videos are available for download here or on ( ). I covered a lot: the dosage needed to treat B12 deficiency, how oral is better than injectable, why the cheaper form (cyanocobalamin) is superior to the more expensive form (methylcobalamin), why you can’t just take it in a multivitamin, and why you shouldn’t take it as a pill you swallow (because it needs to mix with that saliva protein).

I mentioned my book, How Not to Diet, which you can find out more about here ( ). You may also be interested in my next book, How to Survive a Pandemic ( ), available in softcover, audiobook (read by me), and e-book form.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @markjones2453 says:

    I take b12 complex 50 once at lunch then after dinner along with nutritional yeast at breakfast probably way to much my hair skin and nails have never looked so good lol and my urine is SUPER EXPENSIVE lol

  • @bonniepoole1095 says:

    I’m so glad that Dr. Greger addressed the dose of B12. I was taking 1000 but then thought it might be too much so I cut dowm to 500. I’m 72 years old, so back to 1000!! Thanks!

  • @andanssas says:

    5:37 I heard or read somewhere a while ago that over dosage, besides being discharged in urine, could affect acne production, is this true?
    Thank you for all the detailed information on dosages 🙏

  • @andanssas says:

    9:16 I had no idea about the *potential harmful B12 alteration* when mixed with food, vitamin or mineral supplements.
    This means AG1 is doing it wrong! Thank you for this precious fact gem 🙏

  • @saraa4559 says:

    Great information and insight. Those of us with genetically induced methylation issues ( MTHFR being just one of them), the methylated form is a must!

  • @JuliaJulia007 says:

    Age 63. Had B12 checked 3mos ago. Taking 1200mcg cyno per day. No deficiency at the start. All is well 😊 I will, however, chew them from now on. Thx Dr G

  • @KerriEverlasting says:

    1 of 3 vegans they tested it on? And we are supposed to think thats a study? Really? 🙄

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Subscribe to’s free newsletter! As a thank you for subscribing, receive a handbook on the Anti-Aging Eight, the specific foods or actions that may best help to slow aging or improve longevity, from Dr. Greger’s new book, How Not to Age.

    • @nikjovicic says:

      One thing I do not understand.
      There is passive and active intake which translate to: either take 1000micrograms once a week or 20 times less (50mcrg) once a day or 500 times less (2mcrg) at every meal. How does that mechanism work?
      Do we have some receptors that become saturated for active intake ?
      How often do those receptors (or whatever mechanism) can get saturated?
      Lets say someone is deficient and wants to improve and fill up the liver reserves as fast as possible with oral supplementation how many times per day could B12 be supplemented for fastest results?

  • @amyb9556 says:

    Thank you so much. You answered the questions I have had for a while with B12. I appreciate all you do.

  • @stephaddiction says:

    I worry about breaking out with b12, how do I know what to do 😢 I’m worried

  • @shellym79 says:

    Meat eaters please get your levels checked if you are having any symptoms of anemia no matter your age. I was deficient when I was eating meat at least twice a day, taking a multivitamin and eating fortified cereals often. I was 28 when diagnosed but I had been deficient for a very long time and had no idea. I was so tired. I couldn’t breath going up a flight of stairs. I was told I was depressed given antipsychotics and told to exercise more. I couldn’t exercise more because I could not breathe. Anyway I also had cracks in the corners of my lips, spooning nails, and bright pink blood if I was cut or on my period. 3 days of taking supplements and I could not believe the difference. Please please listen to your body and get help. If your doctor ignores you get a new one. 💚

    • @veganchiefwarrior6444 says:

      Strange to think you would have died young living off the land in nature back in the day, you aren’t supposed to be alive but science and supplements saved you haha lucky you were born in the age of b12 supplements as they’ve only been around for 100 years max

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