Glycine Longevity Benefits are Amazing – New Study Confirms

OMAD 6 years:
The Collagen Cure:
00:20 New Glycine Longevity Study
01:50 Glycine and Methionine Restriction
04:30 Glycine Human Studies
07:35 Glycine and Collagen Synthesis
08:30 How Much Glycine You Need
10:23 Glycine and Diabetes
12:30 How to Get Enough Glycine

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Leroy Johnson

  • Siim Land says:

    OMAD 6 years:
    The Collagen Cure:
    00:20 New Glycine Longevity Study
    01:50 Glycine and Methionine Restriction
    04:30 Glycine Human Studies
    07:35 Glycine and Collagen Synthesis
    08:30 How Much Glycine You Need
    10:23 Glycine and Diabetes
    12:30 How to Get Enough Glycine

    Metabolic Autophagy:
    Stronger by Stress:
    The Immunity Fix:
    The Mineral Fix:
    The Obesity Fix:

    Get Creatine 10% OFF with code SIIM:
    Get Vitamin D +10% K2 OFF with code SIIM

    Intermittent Fasting Video Course:
    Metabolic Autophagy Master Class:
    Metabolic Autophagy 4 Week Meal Plan:

    Circadian NAD Activation System:
    My Supplement List:
    Code SIIM for 10% OFF:
    David Sinclair Supplement Stack Review:

  • Karl says:

    My understanding was that glycine and NAC (called GlyNAC when taken together) was something that increased Glutathione (GsH) levels, especially as people got older.

    • Kee Love says:

      How does this increase longevity when glutathione binds to melanin preventing it from producing and melanin is known for longevity 🤔

    • Karl says:

      @Kee Love so are you saying glutathione levels being lower is better? Note young people naturally have higher glutathione than aged people.

    • Kee Love says:

      @Karl not at all. All great info, as always. just curious how it would affect different ethnicities.

  • William Wallarab says:

    Been taking glycine for some time. When I added NAC my alkaline phosphatase levels rose to just outside normal levels. I stopped worried about how high they would continue. Love your videos. Thank you much.

  • LL1986 says:

    Hey Siim 👍 Thanks to you I’m now currently taking 10-15g of Glycine per day. Let’s see how it goes 😁

    Siim ok to ask a question? I’m currently also doing OMAD. I personally love this way of eating. My issue is the hunger/fatigue that features about 16 hours into the fast. I feel a very tired feeling/Brain fog and constant Urges to eat (Almost binge Urges. I had a binge issue prior). I’m eating around 3000 calories in this meal. I eat a balanced Macro/Micro based meal.

    Any tips how I can blunt that hunger/fatigue?


  • Tom says:

    I take glycine, but not at such a high rate. I will try to up my intake. I have been taking it before working out because I read where it has a great effect on performance and muscle. Is there a more optimal time to take it? Thanks for any additional information. Great video.

  • A says:

    Query: have you always had such great skin even before you became health focused? Or is it from taking large amounts of collagen and glycine? You should do another skincare video.

  • Christian Aroumougam says:

    Thank you for this great video, very informative and interesting ! Are TMG and glycine the same or do they have the same benefits ? If not can we combine the 2?

    • jack buaer says:

      I have the same question. Does TMG also mimic methionine restriction?

    • Jiří Hutečka says:

      @jack buaer no TMG has nothing to do with glycine. It has everything to do with betaine and choline.

    • jack buaer says:

      @Jiří Hutečka  Trimethyl glycine has nothing to do with glycine? Betaine /TMG is Glycine with 3 methyl groups attached

    • Christian Aroumougam says:

      Yes indeed! Once TMG has given its methyl groups, there should logically remain glycine. But maybe I’m wrong…?

    • Libra B says:

      This is akin to asking how much hydrogen is in a water molecule. While the molecules are related and one is part of the other, the substances function differently in the body and aren’t interchangeable.

  • Moover says:

    Nailed it again. very good Siim. You’ve been telling us about glycine for ages.
    I’m going out and getting some today
    I’ve got NAC I’m going to take them both… glynac what a awesome name and amino acid.
    Cheers from Sydney Australia 🇦🇺

  • Battery9876 says:

    One think I wonder about is that glycine might increase collagen in the endothelial wall, which might increase its thickness and cause artery narrowing. I reduced my intake after reading this study:

    “Collagen synthesis in atherosclerosis: too much and not enough “

  • Steven Oostdijk says:

    From scientific studies it is known that our current diets are deficient in Taurine and Glycine. Pottengers Human channel advises to supplement 3 and 10 grams daily respectively. It has done amazing things for my thinning hair🙂

  • Anthony Blowick says:

    Thanks Siim – great content as always – Glycine, NAC, Taurine , AKG , Inositol , MSM are amazing supplements . Its just the studies havent fully caught on yet

    • Smebbo says:

      @Paul Barclay why nac with glycine?

    • Kee Love says:

      Any idea how to get around the nausea that inositol brings ? It says take it 20 minutes before eating and I can’t get food in me fast enough before feeling sick

    • Anthony Blowick says:

      @Kee Love  truthfully never had nausea. I take about 1 tsp before bedtime ,theory being that it helps get your blood sugar levels down thus allowing you a deep sleep. Only issue really is you could feel drowsy on waking . So you’ll have to play around with dosage. You’ll also be zen like the next day …i.e. its quite calming

    • Kee Love says:

      @Anthony Blowick totally felt the zen if I ate fast enough. Didn’t think about before bed, thank you for that! Great list !

    • Kee Love says:

      @Paul Barclay food based multivitamin yes! magnesium on bottom of feet before sleep is a game changer for sure, thanks for the “taken together” list!

  • Moron Intolerant says:

    Just started taking glycine! Glad to hear these benefits! ❤

  • Mick Mack says:

    hi Sim, can u also discuss the Interventions Testing Program where Glycine did not lead to lifespan increase?

  • Stranded 360 says:

    I get weird side effects from glycine but since you explain how important it is- I am going to get the powder and try to micro dose it.

    • Yogi Master 1 says:

      I would make sure your glycine supplement is pharmaceutical grade. I just bought the NOW brand of glycine powder on Amazon because it’s pharmaceutical grade.

  • John Swain says:

    Slim…It was my understanding amino acid supplements like Glycine & NAC are supposed to be taken on an empty stomach away from meals to avoid competing with protein during meals….? Your advice would be appreciated

  • Mag says:

    Hello Siim Land,
    please allow me a few Questions.
    Which Fasting Method do you use?
    What kind of Improvements did you notice both physically and mentally when you started using Glycine?
    Do you also take NMN or Quercetin?

  • Deb M says:

    On the topic of Glycine being a great sweetener, has there been a look at whether it impacts glucose/insulin levels (as I understand some artificial sweeteners do even though they don’t have calories)? I have been taking 1 gram of Carlson brand powdered glycine which is a lot of sweetness just at that amount.

  • Ian Rushton Music says:

    One question I would like answered is if someone is already supplementing with creatine and collagen, both of which contain glycine, does that negate the need for glycine supplementation? Or would it be better in fact to take glycine instead and drop the creatine and collagen?

  • M G says:

    I´m on 15 g of Glycin per day (plus 3 g NAC) and I can already notice an immense improvement of my skin around the eyes. Wrinkles start to vanish. No kidding.

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