Herbalife Supplements and Liver Toxicity

The side effects of Herbalife supplements. They are considered to be a well-established cause of serious liver injury.

This video was scripted by our new Senior Research Scientist, Dr. Kristine Dennis. In the future, she may even start narrating some of her videos!

For more on the sad state of supplement regulation, check out:
• Some Dietary Supplements May Be More Than a Waste of Money ( )
• Dangers of Dietary Supplement Deregulation ( )
• Supplement Regulation and Side Effects: Efforts to Suppress the Truth ( )

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @askdrmalik says:

    This is sad and scary.

    Be careful out there, guys!

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    Very important information. Thank you.

  • @PChuu22 says:

    Yikes! Those are some dirty supplements.

  • @amitpadgaonkar8830 says:

    I am getting hit by Grunes commercials

  • @weirdunclebob says:

    I was getting smoothies from a local smoothie and herbal tea shop near me for the last year or so when I read something about them being a front for people to sell Herbalife supps. I looked into their website and there wasn’t any mention of Herbalife upfront but when I looked at the products for sale page, they had loads of Herbalife stuff. That explains why they couldn’t swap ingredients like I asked once. It’s all a packet plus some ice in a blender. Darn, tasted pretty good and was convenient for me. I’m better off making my own, anyway! 🙂

    • @manga4774 says:

      i really wantd to support my local smoothie place but same thing happened. they couldnt do the simplest swaps for dietary needs so i could only have one of the smoothies anyway 😞

  • @michaelmackey754 says:

    Back in the late 80s or early 90s my dad was a big Herbalife person and probably took 25 or more pills a day… Totally crazy

  • @moutinexeidwkei says:

    Damn scary!

  • @thomastoadally says:

    Can’t trust all the brands out there. Best to eat what you know is safe. You are what you eat!

  • @Cheezwizzz says:

    Can we trust any of these companies??

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