What Is Essential Hand Tremor and How to Prevent and Treat It
what I eat in a day | high protein, healthy meals
My 80/20 lifestyle | how I eat burgers, drink wine & *LOSE* weight
What WE Eat In A Day | couples edition
Zero Carb Crust Pizza! The Secret to the Crispiest Low Carb Pizza
Full Guide to Increase VO2 Max (Science Based)
My Supplement Stack vs My Wife’s – Which One Is Better
2 Ingredient Fluffy Bagels! Gluten Free and Clean
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Why are you lost in the numbers? You know you’re a human right? Not a number.
Why are you a grinch? Just move on. 😵💫
Why are you so lost over two numbers? you know there’s some math classes you can take right? She’s talking about percentages of what kind of food she eats to lose weight.
@@Beyonkaaa I’m not lost over any numbers myself, what are you reading? Why are you telling me to ‘take some math classes’?
@@ScaredOfPlasticBags Why are you calling me, a person you don’t know, a ‘grinch’? I didn’t steal Christmas. I wouldn’t call you, a person I don’t know the same.
This is a valid opinion especially for those with an ED and/or OCD with food restrictions/scale/weight/etc. Tone policing aside in the replies, everyone is on their own journey so if something irks me personally I will scroll past it or block the channel if needed for my own mental health. ❤
That food looks so good! Yum! 😋
Thank you for this
You go girl! 💪
I’ve heard of the 80/20 but no one has ever showed what it meant, thank you so much for sharing this valuable information❤