How I lost postpartum baby weight
This is how I lost my postpartum baby weight in 6 months. I followed my MOVE app workouts and Hot Body Meal Plan with modifications and it worked. There's no magic trick. It's not luck or even genetics here… It's HARD work, dedication, discipline and prioritizing what matters. For me, being healthy so I could show up as the best ,most energized version of myself for my son was the priority.
We have been taught that we are “eating for two”. To just relax. Take the time because when baby comes it’s over. Don’t do more than walking. Working out, lifting weights etc is dangerous pregnant and so on.
When in fact working out is great, the fitter you are the easier your labor, the faster your recovery and faster you lose the baby weight. Also we are not eating for two. Eating for 1 and later into the pregnancy only need about 300-500 extra calories not enough for a whole second adult.
Also the whole eat whatever you want pass given to pregnant women is terrible advice. You are eating for your baby’s health as well as yours. Nutrients for your baby’s health. Not a bunch of junk food. That’s terrible for your child’s prenatal development. Nutrients for you and not putting on more weight than necessary.
Absolutely spot on! 👏🏻
đź©·Great job, mama! Not luck, HARD WORK!!!
Did you start before the baby was born? I think i’m pregnant and want to lose 10 before I put 20 on