How Many Walnuts Should You Eat a Day?

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Eat smart, stay healthy!

Walnuts are a powerhouse for your brain and heart, loaded with polyphenols, nutrients, fiber, protein, and those precious omega-3 fatty acids.

But don't go overboard – a handful of walnuts (7 to 14 nuts) is the sweet spot (150-180 calories).

Just be cautious of moldy ones – those webs, dots, and stains can lead to inflammation and other health issues. Keep 'em fresh by storing in a dry, airtight, and cool container. Nut up, but stay mold-free!

#healthyfoodadvice #healthlyliving #foodhealth #healthyfacts

Leroy Johnson

  • Mike Davidson says:

    I keep mine in the freezer. I have also made a tincture from the hull,s

  • Mary Joseph says:

    Honourable Sir, God Bless you abundantly.

  • Atkins Paints The World! says:

    why not put grams? 7-14 is a ridiculous way of measuring.

  • HH HH says:

    My Nuts also moldy is it on if I wash em

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