How to BANISH Menopausal BELLY FAT Forever!

Wanna know how to get rid of MENOPAUSAL BELLY FAT and keep it off forever? I’ve got four practical tips for addressing this common issue, and they're things you can start doing RIGHT NOW!

Get FLAT ABS without crunches! ❌ Beginner-Friendly, Standing CORE STRENGTH

Everything You NEED TO KNOW about WEIGHT LOSS at 50 and Beyond:

How Doing CARDIO Made Me GAIN WEIGHT (story time!):

30 Minute STRESS RELIEF Stretching + Mobility Workout for Women over 50:

❤ Pahla B

Leroy Johnson

  • Nathalie Dupere says:

    Thank you for repeating your information in many places so that I finally get it 🙂 Journaling definitely is an eye opener for me about my stress. Many things stress me which I had NO idea that they did. I appreciate having you as a friend for this journey I have started alomost 20 months ago now. Many people have noticed changes in me both physically and mentally.

  • Tracy Bakkelokken says:

    Thank you, Pahla! This was sooo good! 💗 The stress/mental stuff is the hardest for me—the hardest to unpack and get rid of, bur gotta keep chipping away at it. I feel I’m doing all the rest “right”, but the stress/mind management is the toughest piece of the puzzle! 😕

  • Threnody25 says:

    Bless you, Pahla. I’m just shy of 48 but have been in early menopause since 35!! The belly happened this year along with a bunch of other stress weight gain and I feel like you and your videos are my new best friend. Thank you x 100!

    • Dana S says:

      Same same … Except I am 48 and have been going crazy for over 6 yrs. The past year and a half I packed on 30+ pounds. Lovely flappy belly muffin top that won’t stay in my underwear. It has to flop over the waist band and let me know it’s still very much there.

    • Their Mom says:

      Your timeline mirrors mine. I am now 57, and 6 months ago, couldn’t figure out where all this belly fat came from plus 30lb weight gain. Pahla has given me a lot of insight and help.

  • Beth Mastroianni says:

    This was an eye opener for me! Like you mentioned, I was wondering where this all-of-a-sudden belly fat came from. Actually, I really didn’t think it was belly fat (not sure what I thought it was…) but I am now facing reality that it is. After watching this very helpful video, I feel the cause is stress. Definitely something I need to work on, more than I have been. Thanks Pahla!

  • Badgers and Packers says:

    Pahla is so amazing! It’s great how she can give it to us straight but also can be encouraging.

  • Virginia Garza says:

    Thank you ! I started incorporating yoga and wow!! It has really made a difference in my mid section and mindset:)

  • Katie Howard says:

    Going through menopause at 41. I’m over the extra pounds! The belly fat just appeared one day. I love that more are talking about menopause and how to combat over it!

  • Terry Leahy says:

    Thanks pahla that was not what I was expecting but it was brilliant. It made so much sense , I feel more confident about my exercising routine now and less stressed already . I look forward to trying your exercise class.😊

  • Sheree Birkhead says:

    This is so validating for me as I was always thin and trim until menopause hit at 49 and then the weight gain came in the midsection. I agree about the stress levels. I truly believe that mental health is health.

  • Kim From Arkansas says:

    Thank you. I have a lot of stress and all belly fat. 124 lbs but a fat gut. I’ve gone from a size 4 to a 7-8 in two yrs. I’m 57 and hate sitting at a desk all day. Thank you for sharing this info. I’ll continue watching 💕

  • Beverly Simple says:

    I think you might have just identified my cause of belly fat: STRESS. I eat well and exercise regularly, and I am overall happy with my weight and proportion, except my belly. Listening to you makes me realize that chronic stress might be what is sabotaging my waist line.
    Tip to self, work on ya mental-stress level.

    • Siren says:

      Also lipo . Many women just gain weight there and the only solution is to get lipo so it’s permanently gone

  • @HeatherJane says:

    Pahla, your thoughts about stress really resonated with me. When I left a toxic relationship, I dropped 25+ pounds without even realizing it. Looking back, the stress packed on the pounds.

  • Erna Cooper says:

    I’m sure you’re right. What a relief to hear what you said about stress. No one can speak honestly about what postmenopausal women REALLY experience who are not postmenopausal women, themselves. Thank you so much. 💕

  • Dana Ward says:

    This is excellent. My spouse and I have been using your 20 minute seated cardio (degenerative discs) for two weeks and love it. Suddenly today, I said, I’m really anxious for some reason. I’m going to look for a seated cardio video that emphasizes mindfulness (lol – Google search results weren’t quite that specific) and this is the video I ended up watching.

    It is inspirational. You have genuine empathy and warmth and are clearly very intelligent & knowledgeable. You are an excellent educator, too. I am also an educator, and I’m so impressed with those who can make me excited about what they’re teaching me. You have accomplished that. You are also very likeable.

    I feel positive and hopeful that I can lose stress then weight by following these simple and obviously valid steps. Thank you!

  • Astrid Lewis says:

    Oh how true! My menopause started just as COVID lockdown started…. My belly fat was instant sour dough bread dough. 😜😝 I used a lot of positive affirmations to get through the worst part of menopause and I notice when things are going well I loose the belly but when things are stressful it’s back. One has to keep the mind in a positive place. May all women out there who are having this issue be filled will Joy Love Peace and Harmony 🤩😍

  • Pahla B, Weight Loss Coach for Women over 50 says:

    Everything you need to know about weight loss for women over 50 is in my FREE program, The 5-0 Method. Download it here:

  • lim siew ping says:

    Your point in over-exercising is an eye opener for me. I’ve always enjoyed sports and exercising but never thought about the stress it is causing my body as I age. My focus on stress has always been mental stress. Thanks for the info!

  • Paula Kotula says:

    Just recently found you and wow this has really hit home for me! I am in the throws of almost everything you mentioned and I am having a heck of a time losing belly fat. Last year was a stress year and it has continued into this year however exercise and journaling have helped me to sleep so much better. Still waking up with hot flushes but I can fall back to sleep now pretty easily and I swear it’s from journaling. When I write I mostly focus on things that I am grateful for from that day and usually I just write 3-4 things because I am so tired lol. But it like helped overnight -literally. Now I have to figure out the exercise part. I will be digging into your exercise videos. Thank you for the content!

  • Anna Yates says:

    This has become my favorite channel to browse through during my down time before bed! Love doing your new video posted and I can already feel my pelvic floor getting stronger! Thank you for all you do!

  • Corinne Ryan says:

    Thank you for keeping it real and honest. The answers we want aren’t always going to be the answers we need. After a year of research into this topic/issue… your advice and perspective on this is the reality.
    Much appreciated 🥰✨

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