how we REALLY lost 80 pounds – our true weight loss story

Ryan and I lost 80 pounds by ditching diets and this is how we did it. In this video, we’re sharing the biggest mistakes we made, what finally worked, and how we broke through plateaus to transform our bodies for good. 💪 Follow Ryan on Instagram and me


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Leroy Johnson

  • @tabithajadehamilton810 says:

    Another great video! ✨️

  • @cindybolt9716 says:

    Yay we get both of y’all !!! What a treat I love your story !!

  • @elliewitt says:

    Love the honesty of this and sharing of experiences! CI/CO is incredibly important and the ‘you can eat too much of a good thing’ is so true. The male perspective is actually very helpful to compare with all the amazing tips and knowledge you share all the time!

  • @christinamendez2696 says:

    Yay! 🎉 I love y’all ! Trying to get inspo. Been following you for years but I’ve decided this year is the year! ❤Looking forward to all your videos.

  • @cindybolt9716 says:

    Yes part 2 maybe a deeper dive !!!

  • @SkinnyMinnie377 says:

    I really enjoyed seeing you guys speak like this. Very useful. Think I prefer it to the usual content even. It was great, thanks

  • @tonidurivou1327 says:

    I would love for you both to do a podcast together. It was so great to hear both of your perspectives.

  • @gabvel says:

    That was SO nice to hear the honesty we all have been thinking, but nobody says out loud.

  • @beckr2866 says:

    Great video! Good to hear from both sides 🙂

  • @JessicaHayes-q6p says:

    My husband just had to get sick and tired of being so worn out after work and being so unmotivated here around the house for him to get more serious about his weight. Having a 15-year-old daughter who is thriving and who is active in different things helped as well bc he didn’t want to miss out on anything she’s doing.

  • @KateCasey18 says:

    It was so lovely to just listen to you both spill knowledge and experience! I would love if you made this a monthly/bi monthly occurrence. It really felt like a podcast.

  • @heatherbronson3705 says:

    One of my favorite videos you’ve done! Great insights and honesty. ❤

  • @AdessaDiMarzio says:

    Your stories resonate so much with my husband and I. I’ve always been fit until I turned 48 when I got breast cancer, my Dad died, and a few other set backs. I tried Optavia last year but could not stick with it. Then my husband tried it and dropped 30 pounds which totally irritated me. So I self sabotaged which is totally stupid. So in January I hired a trainer … week 11 and I am definitely gaining muscle however I’m not losing fat. I’m doing macro goals and calorie deficit but like your last video, I’m not making weekends count. So this weekend I’ve started. I’m also trying to get my steps back in and cutting back on wine. Ugh… I’m a very social person and love going out to restaurants but I have that up for lent. SO! Wish me luck! It’s just a short period out time to be disciplined for my goals!!!

    • @emmadunning8275 says:

      Great plan me too unfortunately alcohol stops fat burning so giving it up for 6bweeks of lent you shoukd see results with also a daily calorie defecit too 😊

  • @mandylee504 says:

    I enjoyed this so much! So happy for you guys! Been watching your videos for a long time and to see that you can lead a healthy life and with Ryan taking it to the next level really shows you how to push yourself and know that you can see more muscle. I am that person that thinks that my body just isn’t going to do that but we can. Thank you and I hope there is a part 2.❤

  • @AbigailRuthMay says:

    You guys are so cute 🥰 I love to see that just because you didn’t start off super healthy and fit together doesn’t mean you can’t get there together! Very good example to set for your son 😊

  • @natn.2041 says:

    Loved hearing the honest!! Kudos
    To you Both!

  • @KarlaE111 says:

    Yes! Please do a part 2! I loved this video! It was so inspiring! I’m so motivated to start eating better and moving more!

  • @shelbiarnold2828 says:

    Love hearing from both of you! Definitely helps both my husband and I.

  • @mollys302 says:

    Very good video. Really liked hearing Ryan’s journey.

  • @KSid210 says:

    So happy to hear about Ryan’s fitness timeline. Sometimes we think men have a much easier time than women do but its refreshing to hear that he played the long game. So proud of him, looking amazing

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