I Have A HUGE Problem With The Sk*nny Movement…
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸
Early! And this is so true
I have 3 active teenage daughters. The problem I see is not with themselves needing to be thin, but the nasty looks from the middle-aged women who shoot dirty looks because of their envy towards the young and fit. Now THAT is a twisted issue! 😮 It truly disturbs me. 😢
I dealt with so much of that as a teenager. It’s an issue. Many women older than 25 need their teen selves healed. Edit: Many women older than 19 need their teen selves healed.
@jillianwickham31 Yes! I also went through this similar discomfort. Seeing it through my childrens’ eyes makes it disturbing to me. There was a mother just the other day that was giving my teenage daughter dirty looks for no other apparent reason than her beauty and youth! 💔
I teach my daughters that our minds and bodies change throughout our lives. Be the best you at the present moment. 💜
I can’t imagine a world where I woke up in the morning and my weight has not been one of the first things in my mind. I can’t imagine going about my day not worrying about my size and my caloric intake. I cannot fight the constant thought that everything in my life would be better if I were thin. I’ve been aware of my weight/size since I was a pre-teen. I’ve spent the last 26 years worrying about my weight. In my life, I’ve been anorexic, compulsive over eater, bulimic with some regular diets sprinkled in between and I really am quite tired. (Sorry, /rant. Thanks if you read the whole thing)
I think your brave, because you share your story and that you keep trying.
I recovered from an eating disorder, I can say that while the thoughts are still there even though I’ve been recovered for three years, they do start to fade. Sometimes they pop in my head and I get a little self conscious or start to worry about what I’m eating, and I haven’t been perfect and occasionally catch myself intentionally avoiding eating. I remember dealing with disordered eating thoughts and actions as young as age 5. And I genuinely thought I would always be stuck living in constant fear and anxiety over food but recovery is possible. And I pray that for you, you will be able to recover not just from the actions but the emotional turmoil and distress I know it causes.
@@RonnieDC01 thanks. I eat pretty normally now but I still have those intrusive thoughts. I have a little girl and I want to show her a healthy relationship with food, not what my body dysmorphic/ED brain says is right. Although she is lucky and seems to be taking after her dad in terms of weight.
I’ve had an eating disorder since I was 12 and as far as I remember, I’ve always been worried about my appearance. I am 26 now and it’s a sad thing to realize I’ve spent more than half of my life having these thoughts and being obsessed with weight and calories…
Yep. I think like her. Grew up in the, ‘lowfat era”
I imagine ❤❤
I’m tired of thinking about my weight, my body and the none stop food noise. It’s there all day ever day. I’m just so tired from it 😢
Here’s a sobering thought for you all. My mother is 97 years old. I watched my Mom diet throughout my childhood, adolescence, teenage, and adult years. I watched her eat only grapes at the dinner table, after she had prepared a square meal for our family. I watched her eat only grapefruit for a time. I watched her going to weight loss meetings every week, etc, etc, etc, and on and on. One crazy weight loss scheme after another. Decades. I watched her as a senior, eating only toast with the tiniest bit of peanut butter, and tea. God knows how she survived to 97. She was a smoker. She said she couldn’t stop smoking because quitting would increase her appetite.
She now has interstitial lung disease, likely from smoking. One symptom, besides struggling to breathe, is a drastic decrease in appetite. She now weighs less than 100 pounds.
Her doctors want her to eat. Her response? “Well, I don’t want to put weight on.”
This is where it can lead. This is what you are teaching your children, especially daughters.
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I want to give your mum, and you, a big hug ❤️
Beautifully said and a great perspective.
Listen: I work at a retail store. I’ve noticed that within the past few months, I’ve picked up items that I assumed had been incorrectly put in the women’s section instead of the girls section. And I’ve been horrified to see that the clothing is indeed made for women. It’s not that they are smaller cut, but the sizes themselves are so much smaller when compared to the stock from six months ago. These are the same brands in the same popular Canadian retail chain. Skinny is unfortunately back in a big way.
I wish to be normal healthy weight again !! #Grave’s disease
I’m sad to say that many of my days are truly focused only on being as thin as I can. I’m not thin, 5’1” and 130 lbs but look in the mirror and see a buffalo. I have terribly disordered eating but I never diet. I just NEVER eat pasta or any other carbs
I will forever be an orex ic and I have society to thank.. very sad
Great vid ❤❤❤
As a woman in recovery from anorexia, I can absolutely confirm that I have a lot more space and energy to do other things, whether it’s things I love, things I’m passionate about, work, hobbies etc…
Now that my existence is not being consumed by the thought of being skinny.
SO well said
You are NOT an empath. I’ve seen many women say that they are happy be plus sized/fat and want to remain that way. You are not standing up for “other women”. Let women do what they want with their bodies without judgement. Skinny doesn’t equal unhealthy just like chubby doesn’t automatically equal unhealthy. She is just talking about herself and doesn’t need to make a different choice.
I’d like to think that I’ve slowly healed my disordered thoughts on diet, exercise, and my body. However, it’s sometimes inevitable. Just last week, I went to buy some jeans bc my favorite pair was fitting a little tight on me. I went to Zara and tried on 8 different pairs. None of the jeans fit me. I tried on size 6 and 8 (I’m usually a 4 or 6). Then I went to H&M, ended up buying one pair in size 4 and another in size 8. Wtf is going on?!