Leroy Johnson

  • @Shelleyb4028 says:

    Looks delicious!!

  • @NikkaG says:

    Yummm! I add strawberries to everything, this will make a great addition ☺️

  • @PsychoEkan says:

    And unlike regular jam its not going to last more than a few day in the fridge so eat it quickly before it grows a beard

  • @alejandrarivera1087 says:

    Yes ! I have been doing this for a while is delicious !!

  • @cherileerogers1650 says:


  • @pamspeptalks says:

    I have never acted so fast. I literally watched the video one time, pulled frozen strawberries out of the freezer, and threw them in a pan! I can’t wait for guilt-free strawberry jam on my toast in the morning to go with my tofu scramble!!! Thank you! ❤

  • @LDKirk says:

    I do this with raspberries.

  • @Demilade42 says:

    I wonder if flaxseeds instead of chia seeds could work here…too slimy?

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