Is It Possible to Reverse Aging and Live Forever?

Some animals, like the immortal jellyfish, can effectively live forever, so why can’t we?

A few weeks ago, I released the book trailer for How Not to Age ( ), which comes out on December 5. Check out the video if you missed it!

Whether you’re striving to live long enough to live forever or just trying to die still feeling young, as old as possible, preorder How Not to Age here ( ). (All proceeds I receive from the sales of all of my books are donated to charity.)

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • says:

    Sign up for our free new email series, How to Live Longer, which includes simple takeaways and actionable tips on better living for longevity, links to helpful downloadable materials, and even a sneak peek into How Not to Age itself.

  • u-dont-exist dotcom says:

    A better question is how can we avoid the transhumanist immortality program that’s being implemented by the world economic forum ? Anyone who wants to live forever must have no spiritual path or religion.

    • Seals are Good says:

      Hi, I’m a representative of the transhumanist immortality programme currently being implemented by the World Economic Forum and I just wanted to say that words like yours are hurtful.

      Our vague, confusing, and often contradictory agenda is hard enough to implement without people claiming we’re godless or have no spirituality. Our members run the spectrum between deeply religious, atheist, spiritual, and everything in between, and our members worship a broad range of deities from Lord Baphomet to C’thuhlu to Yaldabaoth and beyond.

      Please consider the humans behind the World Economic Forum before you say such hurtful things in future.

    • u-dont-exist dotcom says:

      @Seals are Good i apologize 😁

  • Ella L. says:

    Honestly, looking at the state of our world (wars, climate crisis, inflation, mental health crisis, etc.), who in their right mind would wanna live forever? That’s certainly not something I wanna strive for… I just wanna be as healthy and happy as possible.

    • GrummanPilot99 says:

      Are you depressed? You might need do digital detox and tune out from all the news and bad stuff going on. There’s a lot to live for buddy. Stay strong

    • Ella L. says:

      @GrummanPilot99 What are you talking about? 😂 I just said I wanna be as healthy and happy as possible – that’s all I want/need. I think it’s sad that there are people out there who crave to be young forever and are looking for ways to be immortal – THAT is depressing!

    • Ella L. says:

      ​@Joelle AittamaWhat indoctrination??? No one’s denying that there are different climate cycles/ages, but us humans definitely accelarate that process so fast that our enviroment (us included!) simply can’t keep up! Listen to the science and not some weird politicians who don’t give a f.

    • GrummanPilot99 says:

      @Ella L. fair enough. I don’t think anyone realistically thinks they’re going to live forever. If we could live healthily up to 110 or 120 and then drop dead during the middle of the night that would be great

  • Tony Nesta says:

    Why would you want to? If you go on to another life, and leave this one, you will have a new identity, a rebirth in spirit and a new body. Makes sense. I take a low, weekly dose of Rapamycin and I actually feel more energetic even though i eat everything in moderation.😮

  • Ty Brady says:

    Yes! Just eat more kale and walk on your treadmill!

  • Hari Tanone says:

    Do you recommend glycine supplementation? And why do we need to balance methionine with glycine and what is the ideal ratio to have between these two amino acids?

    • GrummanPilot99 says:

      I’ve seen great things about GlyNac. The combination of glycine and n-acetylcysteine. Physionic is a great channel, a PhD guy in autophagy . Good videos on glycine

  • Rui Nunes says:

    From my layman perspective it looks to be all about accrued cell damage. It’s like we benefit from a natural spike until you are adult, where your cells get replaced and vices/habits can be tolerated, until hitting the peak where they are not and they begin accrue damage or less efficiency. So, it sort of looks that what was once on auto-pilot, now needs to be actively maintained by the person. Most people are not sufficiently educated to do that, so the damage just accelerates without the active maintenance. But that is treatment, I’d say. A different programming in our cells might be needed to keep us young, or maybe that programming decays as we pass the peak.

  • Steve T says:

    The curious thing about us humans is we see something that has not been done before and we say it’s impossible. But then if someone comes along and does it, all of a sudden more people can do it! Case in point Sir Edmund Hillary was the first to climb Mt. Everest in 1953. After that, so many people have climbed it there is actually a litter problem!

  • Lo Rah says:

    👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!

  • Ruben Weijers says:

    Love the content

  • KY LE says:

    living forever is too painful i just wanna try to age so i don’t have chronic illness in old age and suffer even more than i have too

  • Barbara Saunders says:

    The first promise is “You shall surely die”. We might be able to live longer, but not forever at least not here.

    • AlboPepper - Drought Proof Urban Gardening says:

      There are other promises too: Rom 6: 23, Isa 25: 8, Isa 65: 22, Ps 37: 9 and Ps 37: 29 –Those paint a less bleak picture.

  • GreenSmoothieParty says:

    My mother eats her own version of the nutritarian diet style and has experienced amazing results. I plugged her bloodwork test values into the Levine Biological Age Calculator (Yale) and she has aged minus 18 years during the last 4 years. I joke with her that she may be required to give up her Social Security benefits if she keeps going like that. Her recent hs-CRP test which measures inflammation was 0.4 mg/L which is half the test result of a typical 18 year old.

  • Rubytuby says:

    Everyone will be made immortal in the end. God is a savior of ,,,Everyone,,, especially believers.
    1 Corinthians 15: 51 Listen , I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53For the perishable must be clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.
    54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality,g then the saying that is written will come to pass: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
    55“Where, O Death, is your victory?
    Where, O Death, is your sting?”i
    56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

  • Mitesh Patel says:

    If it became possible to live forever, the battle between good and evil will be truly epic. And all gods, though imaginary, and their followers will be on the evil side.

  • ExtraSubtle says:

    Our ancient ancestors lived to 150 following the migrating herds of Kale across the savannah.

  • MAC says:

    Dr. Greger always brings state-of-the-art nutrition to the table. 💚

  • r b says:

    Now we have to worry about Apeel being put on our produce also know as edipeel and organapeel

  • DRETUBE9 says:

    From personal experience yes it is possible. I have lived forever.

  • Erwin Privatt says:

    You can and will live forever if you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.

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