I’ve stayed silent on this for years…. Eugenia Cooney Part 1


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Tina Thompson says:

    Agreed that’s why I deleted her. I hope she gets the help she needs. For a while it seemed like she was and it just stopped. People in her comments always comment or try to get her to comment about her body but I read from experts you shouldn’t do that with an eating disorder so I just deleted her. She needs to focus on getting better not her channel.

    • Miss Jo says:

      She has to want the help.

    • Haley Nichole says:

      When shane did his video on her I was so happy that she was getting better and made a comment about how pretty she looked and how fuller her face was getting. I know now that I should not have said that about someone who has a ED so I hope that she never read that comment.

    • Leia says:

      she never really got better. She was just forced into Rehab by her friends (like literally forced, she had no say in it) and when she got out she went right back to her old “lifestyle”

  • Jamie Landis says:

    People are waiting for her to die on camera. Cruel. I do not watch such negative body “trends”. Is that the right word?

  • Unfiltered_me says:

    The worst thing is as an X Eugenia fan, we tried to do what we can to stop promoting her content but the platforms, none of them ever did anything to try and stop her content it’s literally awful to watch but as a fan in a literal other country I have no idea what else to do

  • Lillie Arizona says:

    I do not engage, do not follow. Will not follow. Hoping she seeks medical attention for whatever her issue may be. I can make assumptions about her medical issues. But i will not

    • Johanna S. L. Brushane says:

      I have not watched EC’s content directly but just reactions at others’ channels. What strikes me is that she seems diminutive mentally as well, she does things and talks like an 11 year old. And her mom is if not supportive of it then at least passive. She was on vacation with her mom and did things that would be fun for a little kid.

  • Sparrow says:

    I just couldn’t watch someone slowly kill themselves. She also body checks constantly. As someone who goes between binge eating and starving way too often, it’s so triggering. She’s dying. It’s sad and terrifying.

    • Jess Melgar says:

      Don’t watch then. Unsubscribe. Comments even like this about “watching someone slowly kill themselves” is thrown in both weight directions, and it’s inappropriate. Mind your business and others should mind theirs. No one needs to comment on anyone’s body in a critical way, and no one deserves the pressure of being told things like this. I struggle with an eating disorder, and it’s from being told these exact things and was never overweight. I was threshold underweight at 130, now I weigh 100lbs. Because all people do is tell me to eat and how concerned they are for me. And you know what that did? I wanted to eat less and less, and now I have no relationship with food because all I had was a negative relationship with food from hearing how much my mom hated her body and how diet obsessed she was. At the same time, I STILL get comments about how people wish they were as thin as me, or how they wish they had my struggles instead. So kindly take your unwarranted concerns about people you don’t even know, and kindly mind your business. I’m sorry to be so pointed, but your triggers are not her problem and in fact your triggers are adding to others.

    • Wrangle Wolfe says:

      ​@Jess Melgarso basically, just let only the people who have positive things to say reinforce that behavior? The point of bringing up this concern on public platforms is to discourage these things from being promoted within the social media cycle. Your individual experience in your own life doesn’t reflect how behaviors on social media works.

    • Iconoclassed says:

      ⁠@Wrangle Wolfe That is the exact opposite of what they said, stop being disingenuous. They’re directly advocating for the one thing that will actually do what you pretend to and claim you want done: Disengaging.

    • Wrangle Wolfe says:

      @Iconoclassed they said “comments even like this”, when this comment is literally not even on Eugena’s page or videos. When concerned people don’t say anything, the only people who will comment are those who like the triggering content. She’ll be surrounded only by validation, and nobody, not even on the outside, will be putting any pressure on the platform(s) to do something about it. I’m not saying give her views or yell at her in her comment section. But advocating for her deplatforming in a.way that does not directly engage with her content is much better than staying silent, smart one.

    • Iconoclassed says:

      @Wrangle Wolfe Either you’re a child, or reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit.

  • victoria76116 says:

    It’s so disturbing every time it pops on my feed. I wish YouTube would shut down her account.

    • Nina says:

      As much as I understand where you are coming from when saying that, keep in mind this is her livelihood. This is not a solution. A solution for her would be to address her health issues to her audience and say that she’s getting help. Nobody should lose their livelihood because they’re ill.

  • RS says:

    It’s like watching a train wreck or car accident, it’s awful but you can’t look away and there’s nothing you can do so you just stare in disbelief and curiosity. I can’t even believe she’s still alive at this point

  • Our High Street Home says:

    This girl is agonizing for me to look at. I feel physical pain when I see her. All these views that she gets, from my point of you, are similar to when people would go to the circus for lack of a better term for the freak shows and because of that sick interest, she’s always going to have an audience. I know YouTube regulates certain language and of course inappropriate content so it’s surprising to me that they let this go on. Especially with the vileness that goes back-and-forth in the comments sections. I never understood it. It was very jarring. The first time I saw her and her in a video clip.

  • Vabou TSR says:

    I didn’t know her but i think it was better. Having a 18 years-old daughter, it scares me that someone could think this is normal.

  • Catherine Kennedy says:

    I’ve gone out of my way to not watch her content. My heart just breaks for her. The only way I think I can help is by not watching her videos, not sharing, not commenting etc.

  • Garlicbread says:

    I’ve never avidly watched her. But there’s no real solution to her channel except for her to get deplatformed. She needs real life help. She needs to leave her family and go find treatment. I can’t watch her.

    • John Titor says:

      The only solution is for her to make her mind up and seek medical treatment. Holding her hand hasn’t worked before.

  • Mad Miracles says:

    To be honest Abbey, having another person commenting on her may not be helpful. It’s beyond sad to see the direction things are going with EC. But at this time it’s just best to let her live what’s left of her life and let things run their course. I just don’t think it’s wise to spread more about her (since there is not much we can do for her from afar) to fans of yours that may not even know who she is, and will likely look her up after this, whixh could be potentially triggering to new people.

  • Jane Gotshalk says:

    Here’s the thing. I’m a licensed mental health clinician and I think we need to think about this statistically. How many people with diagnosed eating disorders from around the world watch and like her content. 2M likes sounds like a lot. But, she has extensive reach and influence. What I’m saying is that I think it’s mostly the people who have an eating disorder who view her content. She validates them.

    • Gee says:

      I feel kind of weird singling her out, there are so many people on social media with mental health problems, yet everyone piles on her eating disorder because of obvious physical cues.

    • Esse A Em says:

      This is a poor take. 2 million is 2 million too many and it has actively led to this woman’s demise.

  • Polina M says:

    Being online is fueling her ED. At this point I don’t believe she could be healthy and be present on the internet at the same time. She gets so much validation here why would she want to change? Not to mention how uncomfortable it is for her body to go through the changes and bowel issues. The people that raised her and the world has failed her and she’s at a point of no return, she’s almost 30 and is still so dependent on others

    • Julia's Hair Journey says:

      Not necessarily. I grew up before the Internet, and there were plenty of people I knew who had eating disorders and just refused to get help, or believed being extremely thin was healthy. I have a family member with a mental health condition that I have taken to the doctor numerous times to seek help. She is not online, but just like Eugenia, she believes she is fine. She refuses to seek longer term treatment that could help her. Eugenia’s family should help her, but ultimately, her getting help is up to her. Many people have reached out to her. I do not understand why she does not get help. Eugenia being in or offline will not change this. Deplatforming people is wrong and not the answer

    • Gabrijela Mikulić says:

      ​@Julia’s Hair Journey I think you missed the point.

    • Julia's Hair Journey says:

      @Gabrijela Mikulić No, this is my point and my view. I think there is no good resolution to this issue. I am explaining my thoughts regarding the people who want her offline.

  • Nina says:

    I remember when she first blew up on YouTube. I couldn’t watch her stuff. I see why you’re struggling with this topic. She’s at a place in her life where only close family and friend (with help from doctors) intervention can help.

  • Lily says:

    YouTube had promoted her content to me for a couple days. I never clicked on it. But sure enough, it was there. I just click on the report button. Fortunately it’s stopped now. I hope she gets help irl, but she absolutely needs to get deplatformed first.

    • EvanneOfficial says:

      Same!! I didn’t click on any of them, but I also didn’t report it. It’s been 2 weeks or so, and I’m still getting her videos in my recommendation feed

  • Emma Kha says:

    I don’t intend to shame anyone, I just genuinely am trying to understand: when an obese person who likely does or will have serious health issues associated with their weight celebrates their body on social media it’s body positivity. When someone like Eugenia does it, she’s spreading toxic messaging and promoting eating disorders. I think both are (somewhat indirectly) promoting unhealthy bodies and normalising two different eating disorders. Why is there such a big double standard???

  • pinkcatminht says:

    my heart breaks every time i hear about her. i only hope one day she’s able to really get the help she clearly needs.

    • 600FGR2 says:

      That’s a bit dramatic. Your heart breaks for a rich woman who intentionally uses shock tactics for views? How about the actually abused women of the world, the children being exploited, the abused animals.. etc.. there are much worse things going on in this world than Eugenia’s narcissistic behaviour.

  • Courtney Long says:

    Thank you for addressing this ❤

  • Kittster27 says:

    I suggest you continue to stay silent if this is your take. It is not the viewers’ responsibility to help Eugenia. If she suddenly stopped getting engagement on her content she wouldn’t be cured of her ED. The content she makes is a symptom of her disease. People have tried to intervene in the past and she was involuntarily committed to inpatient treatment but she wasn’t ready to recover.

    I also find it interesting that you haven’t made a similar video about Amberlynn Reid (as an example) who displays problematic ED behaviour on the other end of the scale. Why is one allowed but not the other? I suggest you reflect on this a bit more before you put out more content.

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