My Top 10 Supplements, How Much Glycine and Aging Test Update – Q&A

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00:18 Updates to My Trudiagnostics Aging Test
01:44 My Skincare Alitura Naturals Sponsorship
02:28 How Much Glycine You Need Per KG of Weight
09:29 How to Lower IGF-1 Levels
17:40 How to Lower AGEs
22:39 My Top 10 Supplements
27:16 How I Started This Channel
29:45 Best Fasting for Losing Weight and Gaining Muscle
31:18 Weight Gain From Creatine
32:53 When to Take Melatonin

The Supplements That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:
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Leroy Johnson

  • Siim Land says:

    Use code SIIM for 20% OFF Alitura Naturals:
    00:18 Updates to My Trudiagnostics Aging Test
    01:44 My Skincare Alitura Naturals Sponsorship
    02:28 How Much Glycine You Need Per KG of Weight
    09:29 How to Lower IGF-1 Levels
    17:40 How to Lower AGEs
    22:39 My Top 10 Supplements
    27:16 How I Started This Channel
    29:45 Best Fasting for Losing Weight and Gaining Muscle
    31:18 Weight Gain From Creatine
    32:53 When to Take Melatonin

    The Supplements That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:
    The Diet & Routine That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:
    The Workout Plan That Lowered My Age by 12 Years:

    Get GLYNAC with the code SIIM for a 10% discount:
    NEW Shop:
    NEW Merch:
    Metabolic Autophagy Book:
    Stronger by Stress Book:
    The Mineral Fix Book:
    The Immunity Fix Book:
    Metabolic Autophagy Master Class:
    Total Sleep Optimization Video Course:
    Metabolic Autophagy 4 Week Meal Plan:
    Intermittent Fasting Video Course:
    Check Out My Coaching:

  • Diksha Edythe says:

    Any changes or new findings on the reverse bio age by 10 years.

  • Adrian Pansky says:

    Don’t we get glycine from red meat?

  • Hoyt_twd says:

    From elite athlete to dying of obesity BACK to real health. Below is my life’s work distilled. 🎉

    Inclined Sleep Therapy is free & an ancient practice

    *Rebounder* proven in the 1970s as the most efficient exercise still. Unique health benefits.

    Lean poultry, onions, & sweet potatoes replace unhealthy calories

    Dentist gum cleaning

    Threonate magnesium, NAC, vit.D, creatine, taurine, *methylene blue-not with antidepressants*

    TENS for soreness & vagus nerve

    Their’s more but this’s most of it.

  • tsx3214 says:

    Thanks, Siim. Respect!

  • bendtrucker says:

    I wonder if sublingual glutathione would be good for the elderly as they become less efficient at producing it from glycine and NAC when they get older?

  • trench says:

    does anyone else have more tips on health?
    Has anyone tried that health things he says?

  • Liv Dahlberg says:

    Omg that amount of NAC and glutation 😅… sounds kind of undoable and unaffordable… hmm… anyone reaching that kind of levels??

  • trench says:

    I dont understand how you got a cold when you are healthy since it should have taken it down quickly.
    Also to not speak with an accent one trick is to overemphasize the accent you want to speak. 😉

    I dont think people that are overweigh are over nourished as you say at 13:13 but more like they have more toxins since plenty of overweight have less nutrients that you I am sure of that and they over stress their body.

    I think overweight people are overrepresented on more serious issues compared to undernourished in the world.
    Good video but too much info to remember 😉

  • Thomas Keets says:

    Collagen supplements significantly changed my life for the better

  • John Savage says:

    What does TMG do for you?

  • Droid Z says:

    101👍 – great presentation – thanks @SiimLand

  • Eric Biller says:

    Does sauna improve your aging rate

  • Vish says:

    Your videos are one of the most informative on the subject of longevity. You deserve way more subscribers, keep up the good work.

  • Kaye Szymanski says:

    I am in my 50’s and take 16g glycine and 1-2 g NAC. Also voracious appetite for chicken bone cartilage, lamb bone cartilage tendons, etc.

  • cooluser23 says:

    Looks like you beat Bryan Johnson on that score.

  • Giancarlo In Panama says:

    Is C60 the magic potion some people claim¿

  • Eugene Lynch says:

    Siim, Thanks. You make me think about the old adage “There is nothing new under the sun.” It could be counterintuitive, yet if we think about the way our great grandparents ate, then it applies. Nose to tail, beak to bum, whole animal, stewed with some root veggies. I just stayed in Cambodia for a week and it was very easy to eat beak to bum, nose to tail by eating on the street. Chicken livers, chicken legs butchered in the old fashion way, meaning lots of skin and tendons and small bones still attached. Then pork belly grilled with skin on, not crispy but still providing the chew to build strong jaw muscles.

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