Naturally Boosting AMPK with Caloric Restriction for Life Extension

Amping AMP-activated protein kinase is one of the anti-aging pathways I cover in my longevity book, How Not to Age.

This is the first video in a five-part series on AMPK. Stay tuned for:
• Naturally Boosting AMPK with Exercise for Life Extension ( )
• Does Metformin Work as a Life-Extension Drug? ( )
• Side Effects of Metformin as a Life-Extension Drug ( )
• The TAME Trial: Targeting Aging with Metformin ( )

For more on anti-aging and longevity, check out:
• Life Extension with FGF21 ( )
• The Best Diet for Healthy Aging ( )
• What to Eat to Prevent Telomere Shortening ( )
• Dietary Sources of the “Longevity Vitamin” Ergothioneine ( )

I cover AMPK in my books How Not to Diet ( ) and How Not to Age ( ). Check them out at your local public library, or listen to me read them on audiobook. (All proceeds I receive from the sales of all my books go to charity.)

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Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at . You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @sillyhead5 says:

    Production quality on this video is insane. Great work.

  • @dpwright32 says:

    Love his books!

  • @yoginasser305 says:

    Can’t wait to make an ampk all you can eat buffet!

  • @sherri. says:

    Wondering if intermittent fasting is the answer to assist AMPK.

  • @Danuxsy says:

    thank you for the work you do !!

  • @fatcat220 says:

    Love you Cliff hangers 😂

  • @paulcohen6727 says:

    I recently heard that glycogen prevents AMPK activation, so the solution suggested was to not eat carbs after 4 PM- a modified time-restricted eating.

    • @astonuk9403 says:

      The new diet in town is not raw till 4 it’s carbs till 4!

      On a serious note, can you send some sources or papers on this statement of glycogen preventing AMPK. Do you know if there is a specific carbohydrate cut-off in terms of how much or are we just suggestion zero carbs or as close to 0.

  • @IRosamelia says:

    Cliffhanger alert! 😅

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @Alexander-ok7fm says:

    Thank you 😊

  • @hctim96 says:

    YOu bum… I can’t wait for the next episode of “AMPK this is your Life”

  • @suburbohemian says:

    Oh man, another cliffhanger!

  • @Albopepper says:

    😲 Wow! This was some A+ quality content here!!! Finally some good old bio-chemistry lessons to the tune of Nutrition Facts. Been waiting to see stuff like this for quite a while. Thanks!!!

  • @Joseph1NJ says:

    Another cliffhanger!

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    NAD+ is an essential cofactor for hundreds of enzymes, including the purported anti-aging activities of sirtuins. Raising levels can extend lifespan and rejuvenate health in many animals. What about humans? Join me for a 2-hour webinar on July 18 as I’ll cover the pros and cons of NR, NMN, NA, NAM, NAD, NADH, NMNH, NRH, and tryptophan––and discuss three ways to naturally boost NAD levels without supplements. Register here:

  • @redguru1 says:

    We’re cheating by re-reading that section in the new book! 😅

  • @markdavid7013 says:

    Doesn’t Metforim activate the AMPK pathway? What about rapamyicin?🤔

  • @lorah3005 says:

    👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!

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