Nutritionist vs. Husband | What We Eat In A Day [High Protein Meal Ideas]

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Today I'm sharing what I eat in a day vs. what Trevor eats in a day. We both have different goals at the moment so our meals will differ a bit as well.

My Chocolate Protein Powder 😋








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Disclaimer: This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a nutritionist-client relationship between Autumn Bates and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician, Nutritionist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Autumn Elle Nutrition Inc. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

Leroy Johnson

  • @hello9945 says:

    Autumn, stop speaking so fast in your videos SLOW DOWN!

  • @ervinsmoviecorner8748 says:

    11 days to go before Christmas!🎄

  • @EmilyBGates says:


  • @guylainelamoureux says:

    Real life fast paced video! Woohoo! Trevor is the waffles Master! I’ll give roasting cauliflower rice a shot, looks delicious. Thank you Autumn, Trevor and Sage! 👍❤️🇨🇦

  • @gman77gas says:

    Bro wants to get big!😅

  • @suzanneschulz1905 says:

    Slow down trying to take notes!

  • @scotthermon2783 says:

    The last meal looks sooooo nice, I might have to try that 1!😋👍🏼👌🏽

  • @CTX50 says:

    I’ve tried to order your protein but after I have put my info it says ‘technical issue’

  • @stasiababy1023 says:

    Thank you for the motivation Autumn! 🎉💜

  • @brookeflood5683 says:

    What would you recommend for a protein smoothie as a substitute for Greek yogurt? (I haven’t been able to handle the yogurt lately due to the lactose) Looking for a protein source that also possibly makes the smoothie “smooth” and thicker. Thanks! 😊

  • @anitacooke3069 says:

    She talks fast but it’s quick and to the point 👍

  • @MsHarasan says:

    Have you done a video on your muscle building workout?😊

  • @janetthompson1372 says:

    Looking for nutpods w/out almond milk. Do they make this?

  • @irinasialini2906 says:

    Too many interruption for the adds and promotions…. Such a pity ..

  • @lisapolanski9379 says:

    Thanks for all the great meal ideas and for showing how you make them. You’re both good cooks and I need this!

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