Only Eating 1500 Calories A Day…(this is extreme…)

What a dietitian think about this extremely low calorie what I eat in a day. I have a lot to say about diet culture, healthy eating and weight loss!

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1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸

Leroy Johnson

  • @Xturnia says:

    The title should be 1500 cals with 200g of protien😂 1500 cals isn’t extreme by itself

    • @abbyguuuurl says:

      Yea I feel like people are missing the point that at 1500 calories her nutrients/macros should be a little more diverse than that.

    • @renew4425 says:

      Yes! A bunch of people commenting obviously didn’t watch the whole thing, or are ignoring the end explanation. Because they are totally missing the point of calories/amount of protein and getting so defensive about the 1500 calories.

  • @jesssealey6552 says:

    In the past you have been an advocate for Hemp Hearts, what are some similar alternatives? I only ask because they aren’t available in my region, there are Hemp husks and seeds though, are they suitable? Would Chia Seeds suffice? Whats the difference between white and black?
    Cheers Abbeys Kitchen team!

  • @Serein88 says:

    How is 1500 calories extremely low ?! That’s normal amount…

    • @fashionista444 says:

      For an adult woman or man that’s on the low side

    • @Serein88 says:

      @ for a man yes but for an adult woman who is less than 170cm it’s enough when sedentary or not moving a lot.

    • @wuzittooya says:

      @@fashionista444 Uhm, 1500 is a healthy amount for average sized women n shorter men

    • @Updog89 says:

      @@fashionista444 It’s objectively not, though? Not for most women. Roughly half of women worldwide have a TDEE of about 1500 or below on a sedentary day. On a more active day, or for a taller woman, eating 1500 means being at a mild to moderate calorie deficit, which isn’t intrinsically dangerous (especially not if you eat high protein) unless it’s for a prolonged time enough to become underweight, or a result/driver of emotional distress or mental illness (which you absolutely cannot diagnose or ethically speculate about solely based on a descriptive WIEIAD video).

      Please stop propagating alarmist misinformation. There are enough ignorant and/or orthorexic people out there with food-related anxieties. You really don’t need to fuel those fires with alarmist misinformation or act like a woman eating 1500 calories with lots of protein in a day is intrinsically dangerous… that’s not how malnutrition works and it’s also not how eating disorders work. Please educate yourself from an expert who isn’t financially incentivized to produce alarmist clickbait on the internet.

    • @renew4425 says:

      She never said 1500 was low. Do people not watch the whole video? She said 200g of protien on 1500 calories a day is extreme because you are using so much of your daily calories on protein that you are missing out on other needed nutrients.

  • @KR-mx4nt says:

    @abbeyskitchen 1500 calories a day is not extreme on it’s own. guidelines say not to go below 1200 and a lot of people are short and not very active on a workday where as long as they have enough macro and micro nutrients vitamins and minerals then it’s not extreme just talking about the calories especially for a short person who works at a desk.

    • @Updog89 says:

      Exactly. Thank you. I swear that for someone who is “no BS” and claims to want to empower people with unhealthy relationships with food, Abbey makes content perfectly suited to trigger alarmism and orthorexia!

      As a 5’2 woman, 1500 calorie is almost exactly what my body needs to maintain on a rest day (I literally participated in a calorimetry research study in a medical school so that’s just straight-up cold hard scientific facts). For a woman a bit taller or a bit more active than me, 1509 calories can represent a slight calorie deficit, which is not an intrinsically unsafe or inappropriate thing despite all the alarmist undertones being implied in her videos.

      This kind of content is like a recipe for only reinforcing people’s anxiety about food and calories, but pretending it’s the achieving the opposite. She has a long history of making really problematic content fussing about calories (one video she actually had to delete because it was full of dangerous misinformation) and I can’t help but conclude that she is projecting her own anxieties and disordered feelings about calories onto her viewers rather than actually discussing the matter in a neutral, matter-of-fact, and potentially empowering way. Especially when she so clearly focuses most harshly on nitpicking other women of her own demographic— thin, white, ostensibly interested in health, and often blonde. It’s way too loaded a topic for her to handle responsibly and with sensible nuance, and I feel bad for the impressionable viewers who are so poorly served by this content.

    • @KR-mx4nt says:

      @@Updog89 Yes: i think Abbey is selling out too much and is becoming inaccurate in a lot of ways. if she only meant the extreme part is stuff lacking in the girl’s diet, not the calories for the day, then the title is clickbait

    • @KR-mx4nt says:

      @@Updog89 And yes exactly! ive thought the same words you’ve just said Re–I think she doesn’t take her personal history out of her advice and it is enormously problematic as her advice end up not being objective or considering other and many situations like obese people, short inactive people, etc, so like especially for people on the opposite end of her personal area on the spectrum.

    • @annawitter5161 says:

      For elderly people also. We don’t burn as much anymore

    • @Updog89 says:

      @@annawitter5161 So true. No one ever seems to talk about nutrition for seniors and menopausal women as much as they focus on people with EDs, even though almost everyone will one day age, whereas EDs don’t affect everyone.

      It probably speaks to what is driving clicks and advertising on YouTube and which populations are easier to get into a grip of reliable viewership with clickbait.

  • @BirdLisa says:

    I eat 1600 to lose weight. 1500 wouldn’t be crazy but I don’t usually go lower than that. And I’m not really small lol

    • @moringsdaughter says:

      Yeah, I feel best at 1500-1600 a day. Maybe I measure my food wrong, but I do my best and consistently end up with the same numbers. I don’t feel like I’m starving or have less energy and I lose weight at a healthy pace.

  • @Winterliebende says:

    Is it bad for me to think this looks better than the standard western diet does

  • @Updog89 says:

    For a “no BS dietitian” you sure forgot to mention that 1500 calories isn’t necessarily a low amount for a woman— in fact for many of us that’s almost exactly what our bodies need in a day, because like 50% of the population we are below-average in height.

    And it certainly isn’t that concerning in terms of macronutrient intake if this woman is getting that much protein plus fiber. You claim to want to educate and empower to heal people’s relationships with food, and then go nitpicking what people (usually women) eat by pointing out that they aren’t perfectly optimizing their intake of fiber, nuts, etc. You won’t convince me this content doesn’t serve as fuel for people’s orthorexia.

    So messed up that your business model involves flirting with being alarmist about calories and to bait and triggering people who have an overly emotional or disordered relationship with food and then misinforming them. I’m sure that’s super helpful to get clicks rolling, even if it isn’t a particularly educational or responsible use of your platform.

    • @samanthaarmstrong4722 says:

      She’s really irresponsible. She’s a naturally thin woman who eats very little, but shames any content involving women who work to be thin or fit. She then praises morbidly obese women for eating excessive amounts of junk food. It’s a mess

    • @pspspspspspspspsps says:

      ur comments have been very entertaining but please get help

    • @renew4425 says:

      Omg she never once said 1500 was too low. Are people not watching to the end? She literally explains its a matter of the protien being so far above reccomend, that she is missing out on other nutrients. Because on 1500 a day, 200g of protein is what’s extreme because then the day isn’t well balanced.

  • @ElizabethGomez-qb3ft says:

    I don’t even pay attention to calories. I just listen to my body, what it needs and makes it feel its best, I eat when I’m hungry, and when I’m not I don’t. It’s that simple.

    • @moringsdaughter says:

      It’s good that works for you, but that method does not work for all people. I ate like that for years and am now overweight and uncomfortable at the size I’m at. I successfully hit my health goals by tracking calories.

    • @ElizabethGomez-qb3ft says:

      @moringsdaughter  Well, I posted the PC version. I really eat keto (at the moment) because carbs upset my gut and make me feel like crap. When I’m not eating keto to be in ketosis, I still plan on eating low carb because that’s what makes me feel my best. But. I eat fats and protein and I’ve lost weight.

  • @ImJustRandom-z says:

    I’m currently in the gym working out weight lifting and I’m not even eating 140g protein. Who tf needs 200g protein if he isn’t a bodybuilder that weighs ALOT, wth???

  • @mazemary8360 says:

    I appreciate the trigger warning. I always liked that you started your videos with “if it’s not supportive to your journey” instead of “if you can’t handle xyz”. It felt more… sensitive than a regular trigger warning.

  • @aliluck3903 says:

    Ok, when someone says 1500 calories is low(unsafe) are they considering the individual; their goals or their muscle mass? Because yes it’s low for a 200lb person or an athlete but could be high for a women in menopause or one who is quite petite.

    • @grandmasophiependragon says:

      I am petite and perimenopausal. My RD told me I shouldn’t be eating less than 1700 calories, even on a weight loss journey. And yes I am losing weight for the first time in years now that I’ve upped my calories.

    • @aliluck3903 says:

      that’s awesome that you were able to meet with an RD personally

    • @julias5270 says:

      Could you tell me the name of this influencer that Abby analysed in this video?

    • @Updog89 says:

      @@aliluck3903 It can be very normal and healthy for a lot of women to eat 1500 and for very short and sedentary older women it may even be more than needed. And for others it may be a safe and sensible deficit for sustainable healthy weight loss, but for others it may be chronic underfueling or unhealthy restriction. The problem with making that “1500 calorie” number so central to this discussion, especially when tinged with clickbait critical or alarmist undertones, is that everyone is just so different.

      Ideally, you could see an RD who can meet with you and offer individualized advice to figure out what is safe and nutritionally sound for you. Because at the end of the day the person you need to learn how to nourish is you, so focusing on what suits you is much more productive than trying to figure it out based on what works for others.

    • @renew4425 says:

      She never said 1500 is too low. She explained that while eating 1500 that 200g of protien is too high and is pushing out other needed nutrients, because so much of her calories for the day are going towards only protien.

  • @Jonstermom02 says:

    I’m more upset by the lack of seasoning than anything else. Food needs flavor, and those clearly didn’t have any.

  • @spunkydragonfruit says:

    Can you do a nutrition and Ramadan video? Or like prolonged dry fasting. Would love to see something on that.

  • @ababy6074 says:

    Abbey, I have been on only a couple of hundred calories for a very long time, like 29 years. I have had anorexia. I am trying to do a slow reverse diet now, but metabolic adaptation is very real, and it is very real it can easily get down to just a couple of hundred calories a person can live on quite easily. As far as this person, that much protein is ridiculous!

  • @GD-us1rk says:

    This hair is sooo cute

  • @elizabethrose3452 says:

    Also, gauging what she is showing…I think the protein estimate is actually way too high. Okay 30g at breakfast, what looks like a single chicken breast chopped up is more around 45g, the fish is no way 70g…more like another 40g, and her protein dessert, with protein powder is probably about 30g. So, topping out at about 150g for the day…imo. Still high, but not 200g.

  • @JasonMemeoa says:

    Looking unbelievably good here Abbey

  • @Simp4DemonSlayerCharacters says:

    I eat a lot of protein too lol

  • @savstrange says:

    My tummy would be destroyed with all the fiber omg

  • @BEACHDUDE71 says:

    I lost 65 pounds in 4 months

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